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Dominic / nomic

Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points.

Open nanomonkey wants to merge commits into master from r302
nanomonkey · 8/14/2017, 6:15:00 AM

Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points.

%KcJoxEYPaCCEaXssz8lB6JGJMjP/fR1TMQnKNwtdABk=.sha256 Soggypretzels · 8/14/2017, 3:32:19 PM

I think according to rule 108, your proposed rule should be number 303. Maybe You can clarify the rule number that must be reached before your rule loses power as well as dictating that the rule be removed at that time so the proposal is self-cleaning.

%da2mHiByEiMlmKh8Wm1y+LSK6mrRiYBqleVKeYAGcec=.sha256 nanomonkey · 8/14/2017, 7:23:05 PM

@Soggypretzels, Ah, yes I was uncertain on what number to use. Those are all good suggestion and things I had questions about. I'll modify the Pull Request.

nanomonkey updated the branch to 567b304b · 8/14/2017, 7:23:37 PM
%mKcItGEY4hvaoUd564ApDeZ+w8p5DxvOMOJdNeoKT58=.sha256 Dominic · 8/14/2017, 8:37:02 PM

I agree with @soggypretzels about the rule number, failed proposals will form gaps in the rules, but it will make it easy to refer to everything.

%cqp0U5ing1VZHiJj5QhvhQ7EF4RK/9/Rg/IsrXdTImY=.sha256 alanz · 8/14/2017, 9:14:26 PM

By 204 and 205 it could be argued that voting against this particular rule could still be worth 10 points, it if actually passes.

Or it could be argued that it takes immediate effect and does not allow the prior scoring method to apply to it.

And I suspect only a judge will be able to rule on this.

%qB5WqeTs7DSV5xGp5ZZRVGgCbWYf+iNu+2lwDjexANY=.sha256 Dominic · 8/14/2017, 10:07:37 PM

@alanz interesting, yes my interpretation is that a vote against would get the 10 points on this turn, but if it passes, not the next turn.

%CXEQMQ7cB5Odp2nfAlLUQa1zWwkvGe1EESGmebrpNcQ=.sha256 nanomonkey · 8/14/2017, 10:34:18 PM

Yes, it is questionable that this rule could effect this turns scoring, although by rule 202, it could be construed that the scoring part of the turn comes after the voting/rule-change part of the turn.

If I'm not wrong, there are only 8 voters, so only one person could vote against it and allow it to pass, thus we could give the nay vote to @ktorn since he has already gone negative, as long as he waits to put in his vote at the end.

nanomonkey updated the branch to 881ceaa0 · 8/15/2017, 4:27:40 AM
%w/C+zFWUMB5188QJZlFIeAkJmwxvMIkvoiPoe1z9SLs=.sha256 nanomonkey · 8/15/2017, 4:30:30 AM

I've made an update to be a complete cycle of player's turns by @dominic's request. Anyone find fault with this or unlikely to vote in favor?

%49E/T0cAnn0rdt8zYLI7mvTDYznyo7olNmmUbyS6Y4U=.sha256 Zach! · 8/15/2017, 4:57:38 AM

I like it. And will vote aye for it!

%gdr6Ob3OynMaCmgeM4Qirf/Dr00NRFGrhy27Cj5/saI=.sha256 Soggypretzels · 8/15/2017, 12:11:32 PM

@nanomonkey you have my support.

%2HU7uvQSmwYLvPjuDlF8TMFpjSP+9SLwlzOhHWUWwp8=.sha256 ktorn · 8/15/2017, 2:17:27 PM

Just checked the revision and it looks good to me.

%Q/RZqS3yJkiYXIV8OiReNTy14vIW3FJ4H9cDTOmHMWw=.sha256 nanomonkey · 8/15/2017, 8:47:20 PM

I'm going to call the vote. Voting ends at 21:00 UTC Aug. 16th. Cheers!

%OJtBsWI/JMILaGdoSNrVhkq2JIPdU1yPU+21/nkCfl0=.sha256 alanz · 8/15/2017, 9:37:02 PM


%MT56JLc2sGHiZb1QmcEEMpEyzJyCew80QULco83yNp0=.sha256 dinoworm ๐Ÿ› · 8/15/2017, 9:43:53 PM


%BTo61OEC3gpmQ1Ln79mVtYNLadOhCGwRHl0uZzvxQQ4=.sha256 ktorn · 8/16/2017, 12:57:46 AM


%RIF0KKz9g5/WDSlivLfPZEyf1+ZeDp9G8m8xtw7BD2E=.sha256 Dominic · 8/16/2017, 1:12:38 AM


%bdcvvUpcwnSYkFLgsQxQcA/DCLafPPdbxSAum8yiX24=.sha256 Soggypretzels · 8/16/2017, 12:35:46 PM


%nDeszDfm2Mg/c6Gn2R9v06mAMh8nqaAbwTFtxngntws=.sha256 Zach! · 8/16/2017, 1:27:17 PM


%pK0utA9PpFN0hYSTz9w77JAor4xBnZoyIXMHtowFrzc=.sha256 Soggypretzels · 8/16/2017, 9:41:10 PM

If I understand correctly, the motion fails and we only have 6 remaining active players.

%9El91myR3+Unmlfq8S+WqkBHliZ01CiUzVyajFTlRRY=.sha256 nanomonkey · 8/17/2017, 12:38:14 AM

Uh oh Scooby.

%Y3CmR0FapWPusJfQoOMIx7yMxyjyguJIgDkbD41fA0o=.sha256 ktorn · 8/17/2017, 1:40:33 AM

@nanomonkey, don't worry. If we carry on like this we will soon only have 4 or less active players which, if you do the math, means that votes will require unanimity again and this rule would be obsolete anyway!

It's my turn to be Judge, so let me ask @mix if he wants to carry on playing before proceeding.

%+XHjL5QeDedwaL50BTlHk9Bx67L7HdZPzUCLW/ZJULo=.sha256 mixmix · 8/17/2017, 2:39:15 AM

:thumbsup: - I'm happy with this rule to pass.

I've not tracked time-window of the rule-proposal. Feel free to disregard if I'm outside and the propsal already auto-failed. I'm happy to defer to Ktorn's judgement

%IcRdIQIPEXszzF1GxFseIZZcEQuh+IMrvIq9zt963pQ=.sha256 ktorn · 8/17/2017, 3:54:20 AM

@mix's thanks for your response. As Judge for this turn, I will make the necessary end-of-turn formalities.

The votes for this turn, within the allowed time, were as follows:

active players:

  • @soggypretzels (aye)
  • @ktorn (aye)
  • @dominic (aye)
  • @dinosaur (aye)
  • @alanz (aye)
  • @nanomonkey
  • @dangerousbeans
  • @happy0

Non active players. Their votes only count as a signal to become active player in the next turn:

  • @mix
  • @zach! (signaled)

The vote required at least 80% of the 8 active players to vote favorably. 80 * 8 / 100 = 6.4. Since we currently don't have fractional votes, the proposal required at least 7 favorable votes.

With 5 favorable votes the proposal is defeated.

@nanomonkey's score: round((303-291)*(5/8))-10 = round(7.5)-10 = 8-10 = -2
(rule 202 states "round to nearest integer", in the case of 7.5 I rounded up)

In order to complete the current turn, I hereby rule that the following players be momentarily stripped of their status as player, in order to work around rule 105:

  • @nanomonkey
  • @dangerousbeans
  • @happy0
  • @mix

As per rule 301, these players will not be active players in the next turn and their vote will not count, but should they vote it will signal their intention to become active for the subsequent turn.

In summary, for the next turn:

active players:

  • @soggypretzels
  • @ktorn
  • @dominic
  • @dinosaur
  • @alanz
  • @zach!

Non active players:

  • @mix
  • @nanomonkey
  • @dangerousbeans
  • @happy0

Even though @mix is not an active player, he is still a player and can initiate his turn as soon as we receive a majority of votes from all other players, as per rule 212.

ktorn mentioned this pull request in All players, please check the [judgement on proposal 303](%AA6bZUFyEhRkjlYUpwr1APBqzAl5Egll1Cz7topy/7I=.sha256) and vote your agreement to p
%mBvZ2PdoDV3qAOlpwRj2cs2QvqyO0pIVePsPnIfyAYk=.sha256 nanomonkey · 8/17/2017, 4:06:19 AM

Wait, should I have voted on my own rule?!

%V/r53cnS3Od0XIR5AsflbU0UXwpP2FavbNnysXvK0GU=.sha256 alanz · 8/17/2017, 6:39:38 AM

@nanomonkey, every player gets to vote, including the proposer.

%thMvhuiKKCJJebsrDJIpBFtW6UpooAIQXX+u7m1jwyE=.sha256 ktorn · 8/17/2017, 6:57:13 AM

@nanomonkey, yup. I assumed that, since I voted early, you were waiting to take advantage of rule 204 and vote 'nay' towards the end of the voting period, like you did in the previous turn. Was surprised to see that you didn't vote at all within that period. Anyway, it was 2 votes short of the required amount, so even if you had voted it would not have passed.

%5eHXCzt86SENu3jn6kto7AuIsyRtIjrGSyC1qS/BUeQ=.sha256 ktorn · 8/17/2017, 7:00:56 AM

Anyway, to proceed to the next round please vote 'aye'. @dominic already voted in the other thread, so we need 4 more.

%nilsLfJYSk+EbpjjT7J61hJBMbS1I6vt0ESFZFkmLRU=.sha256 ktorn · 8/17/2017, 7:01:03 AM


%xaQOnkNv7ASAfXkIMJRDR3aZaG7y0QlbR7hsfTaDOFY=.sha256 dinoworm ๐Ÿ› · 8/17/2017, 9:20:41 AM


%SkD19RcfX+Ld9jczsiVUfKLnyQAR5EfqtSbWpIH8BmI=.sha256 Soggypretzels · 8/17/2017, 12:24:55 PM


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