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nanomonkey nanomonkey@+D0ku/LReK6kqd3PSrcVCfbLYbDtTmS4Bd21rqhpYNA=.ed25519

nanomonkey commented on pull request **Nomic Nomic hear me please! A new proposal I give to thee!** 7 years ago


nanomonkey commented on pull request **Nomic Nomic hear me please! A new proposal I give to thee!** 7 years ago

@Soggypretzels Is that an imaginary aye?

nanomonkey commented on pull request THE HASH OF FATE 7 years ago

Nay, as the rule is too ambiguous and undefined.

nanomonkey commented on pull request THE HASH OF FATE 7 years ago

What does blessed mean?

nanomonkey commented on pull request # Rule 304 7 years ago

I really don't understand this rule as stated. Is the rule that you still need 80% of active voters, but all votes will be counted, thus if half of the active voters vote aye, and half vote nay, but an additional non-active voter votes aye, it will pass (hence the confusing reference to 40%). Or is it stating that the amendment is to the 80% rule, changing it to a majority vote and that all votes count (a slight difference).

I believe it is the former. I vote 'aye' as an inactive voter.

nanomonkey commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points. 7 years ago

Wait, should I have voted on my own rule?!

nanomonkey commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points. 7 years ago

Uh oh Scooby.

nanomonkey commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points. 7 years ago

I'm going to call the vote. Voting ends at 21:00 UTC Aug. 16th. Cheers!

nanomonkey commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points. 7 years ago

I've made an update to be a complete cycle of player's turns by @dominic's request. Anyone find fault with this or unlikely to vote in favor?

nanomonkey pushed to nomic 7 years ago
nanomonkey commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points. 7 years ago

Yes, it is questionable that this rule could effect this turns scoring, although by rule 202, it could be construed that the scoring part of the turn comes after the voting/rule-change part of the turn.

If I'm not wrong, there are only 8 voters, so only one person could vote against it and allow it to pass, thus we could give the nay vote to @ktorn since he has already gone negative, as long as he waits to put in his vote at the end.

nanomonkey pushed to nomic 7 years ago
nanomonkey commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points. 7 years ago

@Soggypretzels, Ah, yes I was uncertain on what number to use. Those are all good suggestion and things I had questions about. I'll modify the Pull Request.

nanomonkey opened pull request Proposal for rule 302. In the interest … on nomic 7 years ago
nanomonkey pushed to nomic 7 years ago
nanomonkey pushed to nomic 7 years ago
nanomonkey commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. 7 years ago

Ahem, also I think rule 204 encouraged @nanomonkey to vote against.

Yes, I gambled that this early in the game everyone would vote and that a few of us were waiting to vote against it after it had passed. I didn't really count on anyone not voting. It's too bad, it was a good rule.

nanomonkey commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. 7 years ago

Is @mix's vote really a nay, or it a non-vote? It appears that by rule 301, there were 8 voters, 7 ayes and 1 nay which means that the vote passed (7/8 > .8). @mix and @Zach! are now now inactive players and won't be able to vote in the next round.

Any objections to this?

nanomonkey commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. 7 years ago


nanomonkey commented on pull request Proposed rule 301 to be voted upon. Voting begins at 15:10 GMT, August 10. 7 years ago


nanomonkey commented on pull request { 7 years ago

So, I opened up chapter 4 in Metamagical Themas where Hofstadter describes and writes about Nomic, it is interesting to me that so many of the rules were later changed for playing the game by mail or computer. Rule 210 explicitly states that players cannot conspire or consult on the making of future rules, and ends there. So originally all of this conversation would not have been allowed. Simple changes like this change the gameplay so much. I can't imagine playing this by mail, it must have taken ages.

nanomonkey commented on pull request { 7 years ago

How long do you feel players should be given from the point the debate ends and the final form of the proposal is submitted (given that this can end at any time) to when they must cast their vote?

My problem isn't so much with a 24 hour voting window, it was with the idea that wording could change or amendments could be implied during the 24 hours while players were offline. Rereading the discussion, I see that this may have already been part of the suggestion. Is there a finalized wording that you have in mind?

nanomonkey commented on pull request { 7 years ago

@kas, I'm unsure what the cost is that is incurred with quadratic voting. Would we be putting up points to vote?

In my opinion 24 hours appears to be too short of a timespan. Specially if the wording of the rule can change at the last minute while people are offline (asleep). I'm also unsure how one leave a vote in our current setup. The gameplay at this point is still a little unclear to me.


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