git ssb

alanz alanz@ZcjYF92reFjUtEYdoJ8ulOI6N6klwAAaIkghEEHdvSE=.ed25519

alanz pushed to patchbay 7 years ago
alanz pushed to patchbay 7 years ago
alanz commented on pull request **Nomic Nomic hear me please! A new proposal I give to thee!** 7 years ago

Aye. And then 301 should go next, rolled into an amendment to 306 bringing over the time period for voting only.

alanz commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points. 7 years ago

@nanomonkey, every player gets to vote, including the proposer.

alanz pushed to patchwork 7 years ago
alanz forked patchwork to patchwork 7 years ago
alanz commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points. 7 years ago


alanz commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. In the interest of creating a temporary period where there isn't incentive to vote against a proposal to gain points. 7 years ago

By 204 and 205 it could be argued that voting against this particular rule could still be worth 10 points, it if actually passes.

Or it could be argued that it takes immediate effect and does not allow the prior scoring method to apply to it.

And I suspect only a judge will be able to rule on this.

alanz commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. 7 years ago


alanz commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. 7 years ago


alanz commented on pull request Proposal for rule 302. 7 years ago

You could just make a new vote type JOIN, that has no effect on the outcome but makes the person eligible to participate from then on.

alanz commented on pull request Proposed rule 301 to be voted upon. Voting begins at 15:10 GMT, August 10. 7 years ago


alanz commented on pull request { 7 years ago

I think the original rules were formulated for paper, where append-only made sense. This is no longer the case.

And I guess via git you can see the history. But how would it work if we have rule 309 that says "repeal rule 301", would 301 be removed as part of that commit, or as a separate one?

alanz commented on pull request { 7 years ago

"participate" could be defined as casting a vote within the voting period.

Given players can come and go, this is a way of finding out who the players are at the same time.

alanz commented on pull request { 7 years ago

To me is seems quadratic voting is something that needs to come in as a rule amendment. i.e. part of the game. So is not relevant right now.

I believe some nomic games end up with all sorts of economies, I can see how that can come about if you need to accumulate and manage resources to maximise voting effectiveness.

alanz commented on pull request { 7 years ago

Given that discussion is to and fro, and the players are dispersed across multiple timezones, perhaps the discussion period should be longer?

alanz commented on pull request { 7 years ago

@ktorn I agree. And I think we should allow FOR / AGAINST / ABSTAIN to count for total players, and ignore any player who does not provide input during the voting period.

i.e. allow a player to actively ABSTAIN

alanz commented on pull request { 7 years ago

Given the potentially fluid concept of "players", perhaps we should first make a roster of players before each vote, and require an acknowledgement from each that they will participate.

Then base the vote percentage on that opted in set.

Which I guess in the limit comes down to percentage of votes actually cast.

alanz pushed to alanz-ssb-test 7 years ago
alanz created repo alanz-ssb-test 7 years ago

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