git ssb


Dominic / patchbay

Commit 55c50c08f47ee3fafa299acdf1e07ea2102b0e87

working electron setup

mix irving committed on 9/1/2017, 4:51:01 AM
Parent: 8e75010c68d2c079e58d57c19ae1919e2b878d31

Files changed

@@ -20,9 +20,16 @@
2020 exports.create = function (api) {
2121 return nest('', app)
2323 function app () {
24 + console.log("STARTING app")
25 +
2426 window =
27 + // TODO re-enable:
28 + // - context menu
29 + // - catchKeyboardShortcut
30 + // - error handling
31 +
2532 const css = values(api.styles.css()).join('\n')
2633 insertCss(css)
2835 const initialTabs = [ '/public', '/private', '/notifications' ]
@@ -1,7 +1,138 @@
1-const bulk = require('bulk-require')
1 +var defaultMenu = require('electron-default-menu')
2 +var WindowState = require('electron-window-state')
3 +var electron = require('electron')
4 +var Menu = electron.Menu
5 +var Path = require('path')
3-module.exports = {
4- patchbay: bulk(__dirname, [
5- '!(node_modules|junk)/**/*.js'
6- ])
7 +var windows = {}
8 +var quitting = false
9 +
10 +console.log('STARTING electron')
11 +
12'ready', () => {
13 + var menu = defaultMenu(,
14 + var view = menu.find(x => x.label === 'View')
15 + view.submenu = [
16 + { role: 'reload' },
17 + { role: 'toggledevtools' },
18 + { type: 'separator' },
19 + { role: 'resetzoom' },
20 + { role: 'zoomin' },
21 + { role: 'zoomout' },
22 + { type: 'separator' },
23 + { role: 'togglefullscreen' }
24 + ]
25 + if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
26 + var win = menu.find(x => x.label === 'Window')
27 + win.submenu = [
28 + { role: 'minimize' },
29 + { role: 'zoom' },
30 + { role: 'close', label: 'Close' },
31 + { type: 'separator' },
32 + { role: 'front' }
33 + ]
34 + }
35 +
36 + Menu.setApplicationMenu(Menu.buildFromTemplate(menu))
37 +
38 + startBackgroundProcess()
39 +
40 + // wait until server has started before opening main window
41 + electron.ipcMain.once('server-started', function (ev, config) {
42 + openMainWindow()
43 + })
44 +
45 +'before-quit', function () {
46 + quitting = true
47 + })
48 +
49 + // allow inspecting of background process
50 + electron.ipcMain.on('open-background-devtools', function (ev, config) {
51 + if (windows.background) {
52 + windows.background.webContents.openDevTools({detach: true})
53 + }
54 + })
55 +})
56 +
57 +function startBackgroundProcess () {
58 + if (!windows.background) {
59 + windows.background = openWindow(Path.join(__dirname, 'background-process.js'), {
60 + connect: false,
61 + center: true,
62 + fullscreen: false,
63 + fullscreenable: false,
64 + height: 150,
65 + maximizable: false,
66 + minimizable: false,
67 + resizable: false,
68 + show: false,
69 + skipTaskbar: true,
70 + title: 'patchbay-server',
71 + useContentSize: true,
72 + width: 150
73 + })
74 + }
775 }
76 +
77 +function openMainWindow () {
78 + if (!windows.main) {
79 + var windowState = WindowState({
80 + defaultWidth: 1024,
81 + defaultHeight: 768
82 + })
83 + windows.main = openWindow(Path.join(__dirname, 'main.js'), {
84 + minWidth: 800,
85 + x: windowState.x,
86 + y: windowState.y,
87 + width: windowState.width,
88 + height: windowState.height,
89 + autoHideMenuBar: true,
90 + title: 'Patchbay',
91 + show: true,
92 + backgroundColor: '#FFF',
93 + icon: './assets/icon.png'
94 + })
95 + windowState.manage(windows.main)
96 + windows.main.setSheetOffset(40)
97 + windows.main.on('close', function (e) {
98 + if (!quitting && process.platform === 'darwin') {
99 + e.preventDefault()
100 + windows.main.hide()
101 + }
102 + })
103 + windows.main.on('closed', function () {
104 + windows.main = null
105 + if (process.platform !== 'darwin')
106 + })
107 + }
108 +}
109 +
110 +function openWindow (path, opts) {
111 + var window = new electron.BrowserWindow(opts)
112 + window.webContents.on('dom-ready', function () {
113 + window.webContents.executeJavaScript(`
114 + var electron = require('electron')
115 + var h = require('mutant/h')
116 + electron.webFrame.setZoomLevelLimits(1, 1)
117 + var title = ${JSON.stringify(opts.title || 'Patchbay')}
118 + document.documentElement.querySelector('head').appendChild(
119 + h('title', title)
120 + )
121 + require(${JSON.stringify(path)})
122 + `) // NOTE tried process(electron)
123 + })
124 +
125 + window.webContents.on('will-navigate', function (e, url) {
126 + e.preventDefault()
127 +
128 + })
129 +
130 + window.webContents.on('new-window', function (e, url) {
131 + e.preventDefault()
132 +
133 + })
134 +
135 + window.loadURL('file://' + Path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'base.html'))
136 + return window
137 +}
138 +
@@ -1,32 +1,57 @@
11 const combine = require('depject')
22 const entry = require('depject/entry')
33 const nest = require('depnest')
4 +const bulk = require('bulk-require')
5-const horcrux = require('ssb-horcrux')
6-const ssbchess = require('ssb-chess')
7-const patchHub = require('patch-hub')
8-const gatherings = require('patch-gatherings')
9-const bayGatherings = require('patchbay-gatherings')
10-const patchbay = require('./')
11-const patchContext = require('patch-context')
12-const patchcore = require('patchcore')
146 // polyfills
157 require('setimmediate')
9 +const patchbay = {
10 + patchbay: {
11 + about: bulk(__dirname, [ 'about/**/*.js' ]),
12 + app: bulk(__dirname, [ 'app/**/*.js' ]),
13 + blob: bulk(__dirname, [ 'blob/**/*.js' ]),
14 + channel: bulk(__dirname, [ 'channel/**/*.js' ]),
15 + contact: bulk(__dirname, [ 'contact/**/*.js' ]),
16 + message: bulk(__dirname, [ 'message/**/*.js' ]),
17 + router: bulk(__dirname, [ 'router/**/*.js' ]),
18 + styles: bulk(__dirname, [ 'styles/**/*.js' ]),
19 + config: require('./config'), // shouldn't be in here ?
20 + contextMenu: require('patch-context'),
21 + }
22 +}
23 +
24 +
1725 // from more specialized to more general
1826 const sockets = combine(
19- // horcrux,
20- // ssbchess,
21- // patchHub,
22- // gatherings,
23- // bayGatherings, // TODO collect gatherings into this
27 + // require('ssb-horcrux'),
28 + // require('ssb-chess'),
29 + // require('patch-hub'),
30 + // require('patch-gatherings'),
31 + // require('patchbay-gatherings'), // TODO collect gatherings into this
2432 patchbay,
25- patchContext,
26- patchcore
33 + require('patchcore')
2734 )
2936 const api = entry(sockets, nest('', 'first'))
37 +const app =
31-const app =
39 +console.log('LOADING modules')
40 +const yes = app()
41 +document.body.appendChild(yes)
42 +
43 +// function start (electron) {
44 +// document.body.appendChild(app(electron))
45 +// }
46 +
47 +// // for electro
48 +// if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
49 +// start()
50 +// }
51 +
52 +// // for people building with patchbay
53 +// start.modules = patchbay
54 +
55 +// // for electron
56 +// module.exports = start
57 +
The diff is too large to show. Use a local git client to view these changes.
Old file size: 252990 bytes
New file size: 257871 bytes
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
11 {
22 "name": "patchbay",
33 "version": "7.9.0",
44 "description": "patchbay 2, built on patchcore",
5- "main": "index.js",
5 + "main": "main.js",
66 "scripts": {
77 "lint": "standard",
8- "setup": "npm install electron electro -g",
9- "rebuild": "npm rebuild --runtime=electron --target=$(electron -v) --abi=$(electron --abi) --disturl=",
10- "start": "electro main.js"
8 + "rebuild": "cross-script npm rebuild --runtime=electron \"--target=$(electron -v)\" \"--abi=$(electron --abi)\" --disturl=",
9 + "start": "electron index.js",
10 + "dev": "echo 'run your own sbot!' && electro main.js"
1111 },
1212 "browserify": {
1313 "transform": [
1414 "bulkify",
@@ -35,11 +35,14 @@
3535 "homepage": "",
3636 "dependencies": {
3737 "bulk-require": "^1.0.0",
3838 "bulkify": "^1.4.2",
39 + "cross-script": "^1.0.5",
3940 "dataurl-": "^0.1.0",
4041 "depject": "^3.2.0",
4142 "depnest": "^1.0.2",
43 + "electron-default-menu": "^1.0.1",
44 + "electron-window-state": "^4.1.1",
4245 "es2040": "^1.2.5",
4346 "font-awesome": "^4.7.0",
4447 "hypercrop": "^1.1.0",
4548 "hyperfile": "^2.0.0",
@@ -58,21 +61,33 @@
5861 "patchcore": "^1.10.3",
5962 "pull-abortable": "^4.1.1",
6063 "pull-cat": "^1.1.11",
6164 "pull-next": "1.0.0",
62- "pull-scroll": "^1.0.7",
65 + "pull-scroll": "^1.0.9",
6366 "pull-stream": "^3.5.0",
6467 "read-directory": "^2.0.0",
6568 "require-style": "^1.0.0",
69 + "scuttlebot": "^10.4.4",
6670 "setimmediate": "^1.0.5",
67- "ssb-chess": "1.4.3",
6871 "ssb-horcrux": "^0.1.3",
69- "ssb-mentions": "~0.4.0",
72 + "ssb-ws": "^1.0.3",
7073 "style-resolve": "^1.0.1",
7174 "suggest-box": "^2.2.3",
7275 "text-node-searcher": "^1.1.1",
7376 "xtend": "^4.0.1"
7477 },
7578 "devDependencies": {
79 + "electro": "^2.0.3",
80 + "electron": "~1.6.11",
81 + "ssb-about": "^0.1.0",
82 + "ssb-backlinks": "^0.4.0",
83 + "ssb-blobs": "^1.1.3",
84 + "ssb-contacts": "0.0.2",
85 + "ssb-friends": "^2.2.2",
86 + "ssb-fulltext": "^1.0.1",
87 + "ssb-keys": "^7.0.10",
88 + "ssb-mentions": "^0.4.0",
89 + "ssb-private": "^0.1.2",
90 + "ssb-query": "^0.1.2",
7691 "standard": "^8.6.0"
7792 }
7893 }
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
1 +<!DOCTYPE html>
2 +<html>
3 + <head></head>
4 + <body>
5 + <script>
6 + // redirect console to main process
7 + var electron = require('electron')
8 + var localLog = console.log
9 + var localError = console.error
10 + var remoteLog = electron.remote.getGlobal('console').log
11 + var remoteError = electron.remote.getGlobal('console').error
12 +
13 + console.log = function (...args) {
14 + localLog.apply(console, args)
15 + remoteLog(...args)
16 + }
17 +
18 + console.error = function (...args) {
19 + localError.apply(console, args)
20 + remoteError(...args)
21 + }
22 +
23 + process.exit =
24 + // redirect errors to stderr
25 + window.addEventListener('error', function (e) {
26 + e.preventDefault()
27 + console.error(e.error.stack || 'Uncaught ' + e.error)
28 + })
29 + </script>
30 + </body>
31 +</html>
32 +
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
1 +var fs = require('fs')
2 +var Path = require('path')
3 +var electron = require('electron')
4 +
5 +console.log('STARTING SBOT')
6 +
7 +var createSbot = require('scuttlebot')
8 + .use(require('scuttlebot/plugins/master'))
9 + .use(require('scuttlebot/plugins/gossip'))
10 + .use(require('scuttlebot/plugins/replicate'))
11 + .use(require('ssb-friends'))
12 + .use(require('ssb-blobs'))
13 + .use(require('ssb-backlinks'))
14 + .use(require('ssb-private'))
15 + .use(require('scuttlebot/plugins/invite'))
16 + .use(require('scuttlebot/plugins/local'))
17 + .use(require('scuttlebot/plugins/logging'))
18 + .use(require('ssb-query'))
19 + .use(require('ssb-about'))
20 + .use(require('ssb-contacts'))
21 + .use(require('ssb-fulltext'))
22 + // .use(require('ssb-ebt'))
23 + .use(require('ssb-ws'))
24 +
25 +// pull config options out of depject
26 +var config = require('./config').create().config.sync.load()
27 +
28 +var sbot = createSbot(config)
29 +var manifest = sbot.getManifest()
30 +fs.writeFileSync(Path.join(config.path, 'manifest.json'), JSON.stringify(manifest))
31 +electron.ipcRenderer.send('server-started')
32 +
@@ -1,0 +1,26 @@
1 +const nest = require('depnest')
2 +const Config = require('ssb-config/inject')
3 +const ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys')
4 +const Path = require('path')
5 +
6 +const appName = process.env.ssb_appname || 'ssb'
7 +const opts = appName == 'ssb'
8 + ? null
9 + : null // require('./default-config.json')
10 +
11 = nest('config.sync.load')
12 +exports.create = (api) => {
13 + var config
14 + return nest('config.sync.load', () => {
15 + if (!config) {
16 + console.log('LOADING config')
17 + config = Config(appName, opts)
18 + config.keys = ssbKeys.loadOrCreateSync(Path.join(config.path, 'secret'))
19 +
20 + // HACK: fix offline on windows by specifying instead of localhost (default)
21 + config.remote = `net:${config.port}~shs:${'.ed25519', '')}`
22 + }
23 + return config
24 + })
25 +}
26 +

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