{ "previous": "%zM+iJg/g4l6AKl7fTrQVoayxSaIdyhVAIqew72H/IfE=.sha256", "sequence": 15310, "author": "@f/6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulDxDCwYD7DzFzPNr7u5AU=.ed25519", "timestamp": 1579453234334, "hash": "sha256", "content": { "type": "post", "text": "[@VictorBjelkholm (lasoa)](@FlzOOyrhTG+Cl6YND5tReJtd2ufUj3++F0ZsfcPalRc=.ed25519)\n\n\n> when the application first starts up, ask for the secret, shs-key and multiserver-address. \n\nThat's basically what you have to do, for a browser-based ssb client. It is unfortunate that it contradicts what the secret file says. Best thing to do might be to at least not show the private key part on the screen. If using a file input, the file could be selected and read without needing to be output. Hopefully in the future we will have a better way to do these things, like allow applications to request access subject to the user's approval.\n\nThe shs-key (I assume you mean the shs network cap key) could be assumed to be the default one. The multiserver address could be assumed to be shs to localhost port 8008 and the public key from the secret. (Although there are sometimes problems with connecting to ssb at localhost - %puiicE1aowP2GLCVQGt7hCfghRpXL8BMZ2wy2YeBGDk=.sha256)\n\nFor a desktop/command-line application with access to the file system, you could read the ssb config file to get the shs key and infer the local server's address / how to connect it, like how [sbotc](%133ulDgs/oC1DXjoK04vDFy6DgVBB/Zok15YJmuhD5Q=.sha256) does it.", "mentions": [ { "link": "@FlzOOyrhTG+Cl6YND5tReJtd2ufUj3++F0ZsfcPalRc=.ed25519", "name": "VictorBjelkholm (lasoa)" }, { "link": "%puiicE1aowP2GLCVQGt7hCfghRpXL8BMZ2wy2YeBGDk=.sha256" }, { "link": "%133ulDgs/oC1DXjoK04vDFy6DgVBB/Zok15YJmuhD5Q=.sha256", "name": "sbotc" } ], "root": "%CE27BmJd2lUh7vgbq+ormTX99/10fCjmqiWGNjOQXq8=.sha256", "branch": "%Aik5P3lhHWsyXPUqAAdmV6kXBiVMTU9gKnu7qgRLWCs=.sha256", "reply": { "%Aik5P3lhHWsyXPUqAAdmV6kXBiVMTU9gKnu7qgRLWCs=.sha256": "@FlzOOyrhTG+Cl6YND5tReJtd2ufUj3++F0ZsfcPalRc=.ed25519" } }, "signature": "bSloBQ/J/YKuYuIAmssmXmqTpCoTSIyT+bKKQsN6ztbFX+w6Gc5+rnbd0wyXz0FbmplM/PyLbdI8HM0sbveMBw==.sig.ed25519" }
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