{ "previous": "%osL+Jglov6QZEkW0VzUOT8jvTppxScnFtMrJzGH655I=.sha256", "sequence": 249, "author": "@FlzOOyrhTG+Cl6YND5tReJtd2ufUj3++F0ZsfcPalRc=.ed25519", "timestamp": 1579344850329, "hash": "sha256", "content": { "type": "post", "root": "%TgxMKhSBuyZhOyQHTOO12SXg5Z1ifDDYGpNC64HmAjc=.sha256", "branch": "%T7cA8PRHBzgGQwEsm11QoALrOyd2BhFNArYrrLrNGIA=.sha256", "reply": { "%TgxMKhSBuyZhOyQHTOO12SXg5Z1ifDDYGpNC64HmAjc=.sha256": "@FlzOOyrhTG+Cl6YND5tReJtd2ufUj3++F0ZsfcPalRc=.ed25519", "%T7cA8PRHBzgGQwEsm11QoALrOyd2BhFNArYrrLrNGIA=.sha256": "@2YVYXQclEJHVzCON5dsLRwf65b2S6HnvxpGS8/LwjwY=.ed25519" }, "channel": null, "recps": null, "text": "Thanks [@emile](@2YVYXQclEJHVzCON5dsLRwf65b2S6HnvxpGS8/LwjwY=.ed25519) :)\n\nGathering bunch of questions but hit a immediate one. So I'm using `ssb-client` in my project in order to connect to my running node (with Patchwork) to my browser client. As far as I can gather, the browser-client (ssb-client) needs to have both the keys and the shs-key in order to connect to ssb-server, but seems there should be an easier way, something like just the shs-key. For example, if I now want to deploy my app, what's the suggested way for people to use it?\n\nI basically just want my browser application to be a client of some running instance already, and provide a way for users to auth between client <> their ssb-server, as to not require another running ssb-server.\n\nAny ideas on how to approach this?", "mentions": [ { "link": "@2YVYXQclEJHVzCON5dsLRwf65b2S6HnvxpGS8/LwjwY=.ed25519", "name": "emile" } ] }, "signature": "qFGHmXbOWmPKbskOc4S/zdy62wzsb2lAaCH1cX/0kDJEK8s9hN55FgXvrf3nZlzT8k5IgNDfSub6Z7PMpBleCg==.sig.ed25519" }
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