git ssb


VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) / metabutt


OpenVictorBjelkholm (lasoa) opened this issue on 1/18/2020, 2:32:43 PM


%BJMJf0ui3pPUJ/BOoyxZPOzWBgPcxWtfBS6KpWuyfkk=.sha256 VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) · 1/18/2020, 2:32:59 PM

Unsure how to handle this right now. See %CE27BmJ...

So current solution is to put your keys in src/metabutt/core.cljs:33, fill out the values there, and now it'll work.

Future: if user is not setup already, file input for selecting ~/.ssb/secret
and input fields for filling out multiserver-address and shs key.

%Fixljl0uoG1dSNI+CJyQZDbeYmUW89hMsnMY6xGIiR8=.sha256 VictorBjelkholm (lasoa) · 1/19/2020, 5:10:16 PM

@cel wrote about how to ideally (currently at least) to do auth, here: %rqqSc7y...

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