git ssb

clemo clemo@oo5yvIZiW76E/MbsrSn5wEr6B4NbI6SlMr9K2/fTHOA=.ed25519

clemo pushed to ssb-ipfs-share 6 years ago
clemo pushed to ssb-ipfs-share 7 years ago
clemo commented on issue Forking a repo makes it show up under the original user 7 years ago

i have the same problem with ssb-ipfs-share
locally and on my pub the title is arj/ssb-ipfs-share,

but when i visit the repo on it is clemo/ssb-ipfs-share.

i use git-ssb@2.3.6 and git-ssb-web@2.8.0.

clemo pushed to ssb-ipfs-share 7 years ago
clemo forked dat-share to ssb-ipfs-share 7 years ago
clemo pushed to env2obj 8 years ago
clemo created repo env2obj 8 years ago
clemo pushed to helperjs 8 years ago
clemo created repo helperjs 8 years ago

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