{ "previous": "%dkFGGcIZUdgS+TalmrDkx3Ilp1u6QimQypSoGpxniTM=.sha256", "sequence": 93, "author": "@YKkAhsu00WD75uYLEcGuciYBlYzfpshjdPpLh3hDNFw=.ed25519", "timestamp": 1562211608616, "hash": "sha256", "content": { "type": "post", "channel": "git-ssb", "text": "I'm still having trouble getting git-ssb to work smoothly.\n\nI posted this in #scuttlebutt:matrix.org yesterday, but no reply yet:\n\n> I can't seem to push anything. Right now I'm trying to import a large repo and the size is > 5megs.\n> so I try git-ssb push master~13000:refs/heads/master and that works fine, but appears to destroy the ssb remote. all further pushes give \"pack has unresolved deltas\"\n\nAny experience with 'pack has unresolved deltas' errors?", "mentions": [ { "link": "#scuttlebutt:matrix" } ] }, "signature": "E0aEyyZEESEjn+sRRLw/J4rfjv0v08SqMJF53MgujavPqnxJWUqPkFDVE9hZsiUAKB75IeS5lvngAS+z6OQTBQ==.sig.ed25519" }
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