git ssb


cel / ssb-clingy

Commit 8d24992d7fd612c951a9717b66eb1409a79213e4

Merge pull request #1 from sbillig/master

Use api.connect.hook instead of api.auth.hook
Joran Kikke authored on 7/12/2019, 7:04:43 AM
GitHub committed on 7/12/2019, 7:04:43 AM
Parent: 147f6dfd9b9168b1946865ecf7355798c23e5283
Parent: 72eff71df9425b88c149c74c3b98af994b97d7ef

Files changed

@@ -1,38 +1,49 @@
11 // Clingy Plugin
22 //
33 // Will follow any connecting id unless already following
44 = 'clingy'
5-exports.version = '1.0.4'
5 +exports.version = '1.1.0'
66 exports.manifest = {}
8-exports.init = function (api, opts) {
9- api.auth.hook(function (fn, args) {
10- var connecting_id = args[0]
11- var our_id = api.whoami().id
12- var cb = args[1]
8 +exports.init = (api, opts) => {
9 + api.connect.hook((connect, args) => {
10 + const address = args[0]
11 + const cb = args[1]
12 + const our_id = api.whoami().id
14- api.friends.isFollowing({source: our_id, dest: connecting_id}, function(err, following)
15- {
16- if(following)
17- {
18- console.log("already following:", connecting_id)
19- cb(null, {allow: null, deny: null})
20- }
21- else
22- {
23- // Yay more friendssss
24- console.log("stranger! New friend :3", connecting_id)
26- api.publish({
27- type: "contact",
28- contact: connecting_id,
29- following: true
30- }, function(){
31- console.log("Followed", connecting_id)
33- cb(null, {allow: null, deny: null})
34- })
35- }
36- })
14 + connect(address, (err, x) => {
15 + if (err) return cb(err)
16 +
17 + const p = api.multiserver.parse(address)
18 + if (!Array.isArray(p)
19 + || p.length < 1
20 + || p[0].length < 2
21 + || !("key" in p[0][1]))
22 + {
23 + console.log("unexpected result when parsing address:", address, " result:", p)
24 + return cb(null, x)
25 + }
26 +
27 + const connecting_id = '@' + p[0][1].key.toString('base64') + '.ed25519'
28 +
29 + api.friends.isFollowing({source: our_id, dest: connecting_id}, (err, following) => {
30 + if (following) {
31 + console.log("already following:", connecting_id)
32 + cb(null, x)
33 + } else {
34 + // Yay more friendssss
35 + console.log("stranger! New friend :3", connecting_id)
36 +
37 + api.publish({
38 + type: "contact",
39 + contact: connecting_id,
40 + following: true
41 + }, () => {
42 + console.log("Followed", connecting_id)
43 + cb(null, x)
44 + })
45 + }
46 + })
47 + })
3748 })
3849 }

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