git ssb


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  "author": "@eANNuLfzX/9rlGODXHYV8WJb+zw2h+d7YsT4vpYPvD0=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 495,
  "timestamp": 1519679688892,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "channel": "ssbc-grants",
    "text": "# March SSBC-Grand Proposal: SSB Emoji Sets, with additional solarpunk/scuttlebutt images\n\n## Summary\n\nI would like to draw art inspired by and for SSB/Scuttleville, to act as shared cultural assets for our community. The main goal is to create a set of emoji that can be used across all of SSB, but through the process of making these I will build up a side collection of solarpunk illustrations and gifs. \n\nAll of this art would be for the community and added to our commons; we can pepper conversations with our own unique emoji sets or make our docs and gatherings more appealing with our own hermes gifs.\n\n![scuttlin.gif](&4SWI5nVViwQedllo2zSaT/doqqmAqNgsjvWGTIrbRyM=.sha256)\n\n## Plan\n\nThere is a set pattern of emojis we all use now, that has become part of our visual vocabulary: 😀, 🙈, 👍 and so on.   SSB supports emojis, but the images we display are borrowed. Companies like Apple, Facebook, and Google all have their own unique image sets.  They point to the same unicode, but the image asset is their own and represents them.  I want SSB to have it's own version of these symbols, so that even our visual vocabulary represents us.  When you type in `:thumbsup:` it needs to be _our_ thumbs up.  When you type in `:smiley:` it should be our smiley. Having this would feel like being able to put on your own clothes instead of ill-fitting hand-me-downs.  \n\n![fake-emoji.jpg](&N6AM6gKpx6BeCKKqrW4aR6ZDUASW8SLA93GqP2Lpjns=.sha256)\n_shamelessly modified from [](\n\nThere are currently 1,200 basic emoji (not including all the variations). I will not be redesigning all of these. Instead, I'm inspired to start with [the original list of 176 emoji]( made by Shigetaka Kurita, with modifications to better match Scuttlebutt's vibe - for example, the original 176 did not include the modern additions of nature emojis, which are necessary for SSB. \n\nOne of the things we really love about platform-specific emoji is the ability to have custom ones.  So in addition to a core set, I would also create emoji for SSB concepts like \"happy-hermies\", \"solarpunk\", \"off-grid\" and \"p2p\".\n\n![may-flowers3B.gif](&yuAVkeT32S9G0vSEhRrrbP/sT0uXAG3yfAj6ruSW7us=.sha256)\n\nI don't just want to draw emoji, though it will be my focus; I also love to make gifs and illustrations. This is the part that is \"inspired by\" Scuttleville - I'd have a \"dev diary\" that was a sketch diary, with a feed that included solarpunk drawings and happy little hermit crabs.\n\n![dreamcast-2-preview.jpg](&SXPHZ3HbipYpkjnuHEb/TvqoRxN4msmhAqjPsLDdSoI=.sha256)\n\n## Motivation\n\nI am a visual communicator. The common usage of emoji as a normalized, cross-language communication method delights me fully and completely. I also love Scuttlebutt, and want to contribute to my community. SSB has had a ton of technical development, but not too much aesthetic/design work yet. It's exciting to see the number of visually-focused grant proposals this round; there's a synchronistic desire to express ourselves through more than words and code. It's as if SSB is entering a phase of self-discovery and expression, like a teen deciding what bright color to dye their hair for the first time. I want to help us create our own image, made by us!  A good place to start, then, is to personalize the emojis we use to talk to each other.\n\nYou've likely already seen my art -- I drew the characters for \"SSB: a Love Story\" and the hermies gif in \"The Future will be Technical\".  Some of my hermies sketches were used for a coloring book at Art-Hack: Wellington, and if you used the invite-generator that @Zach! made you saw my banner.  I would like to work more directly on SSB aesthetics to help make our visuals as unique as our tech and community.\n\n![invite scuttle.jpg](&Jpx6ejAXI93UFW1878d0P0hyHS6qloKfva0CRuXOREY=.sha256)\n\n## Summary\n\n- I would spend the grant period creating a custom emoji set that is a combination of the core emoji set and custom SSB concepts.  \n- I would keep a sketch diary on SSB that:\n    - documents my progress on these emojis\n    - visually explores my feelings around SSB and solarpunk aesthetics.\n    - Images in this sketch diary would be for the commons; free to use for any gathering banner, blog post asset, or to help with our cultural documentation.\n- The diary would be a thread and channel, and the images would also be stored in a git-ssb repo. \n- By the end of the grant, we will have uniquely SSB aesthetics in the emojis we use along with unique SSB emojis, and strong visuals made for and inspired by Scuttlebutt. ",
    "mentions": [
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        "name": "fake-emoji.jpg",
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        "name": "dreamcast-2-preview.jpg",
        "type": "image/jpeg",
        "size": 460667
        "link": "&Jpx6ejAXI93UFW1878d0P0hyHS6qloKfva0CRuXOREY=.sha256",
        "name": "invite scuttle.jpg",
        "type": "image/jpeg",
        "size": 42660
  "signature": "bE0LDhbL41XwLqM3xP6WiktL1ghKTMQuiv5jAQYHKxXe1CgQ4Azrdwo56iLjGW7/sd85ubun2/nik/bhlKYLDQ==.sig.ed25519"

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