git ssb


Dominic / patchbay


Bump ssb-chess to version with 'cancel invite' button removed, since it's not functional at the moment.
acff706fe99e483d92938dd4aba642b546dce69a Tree
Gordon Martin · 9/26/2017, 10:49:18 PM
Merge branch 'master' of
bc81b00281bcdd474ff6cfdac1d114f6bae17301 Tree
mix irving · 9/25/2017, 12:31:23 AM
Merge branch 'master' of ssb://%s9mSFATE4RGyJx9wgH22lBrvD4CgUQW4yeguSWWjtqc=.sha256
0be73abd39165014f47082e735e55b1e50b209a5 Tree
mix irving · 9/25/2017, 12:31:15 AM
Bump ssb-chess version to version with game resignation functionality.
8b451f64d074c71ad91a91ec9686141a693e369c Tree
Gordon Martin · 9/23/2017, 9:26:14 PM
bump hypertabs to published version
c05e98ca66758d61b5968645419a1efaaad16bfd Tree
mix irving · 9/25/2017, 12:31:01 AM
added missing comma in search-bar.js
12812356b8b95acd41a050eed7f1d5bb2bb78b92 Tree
wanderer · 9/21/2017, 3:49:26 PM
bump patch-suggest
50de0aa261968baff2a4c55ec9c5941287e1de0f Tree
mix irving · 9/22/2017, 6:07:54 AM
bump patch-suggest
50de0aa261968baff2a4c55ec9c5941287e1de0f Tree
mix irving · 9/22/2017, 6:07:54 AM
add suggestions for pages in searchbar
41a2d07e914c7aaef48c893d424430da6e475ef3 Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 5:31:46 AM
improved search bar styles (minor)
650c7ec024e7d4d88b8aebfbd84d556df18b5728 Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 10:45:47 AM
improved search bar styles (minor)
650c7ec024e7d4d88b8aebfbd84d556df18b5728 Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 10:45:47 AM
prettier tabs
cf0a874df629bde26e5b4c28ef1e4948274f8d0b Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 5:17:03 AM
fix typo
ef6782e7a416278df665504333db56c9e47587db Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 9:06:07 AM
fix typo
ef6782e7a416278df665504333db56c9e47587db Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 9:06:07 AM
move hypertabs.mcss into app/styles/mcsss/
fa6bd8d1098773df65aaf9f54de5ac53845d4ef1 Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 3:12:43 AM
add suggestions for pages in searchbar
41a2d07e914c7aaef48c893d424430da6e475ef3 Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 5:31:46 AM
add suggestions for pages in searchbar
41a2d07e914c7aaef48c893d424430da6e475ef3 Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 5:31:46 AM
347ecc7597fd3babb873a1d28f4713bd560424ec Tree
mix irving · 9/20/2017, 7:11:34 AM
prettier tabs
cf0a874df629bde26e5b4c28ef1e4948274f8d0b Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 5:17:03 AM
prettier tabs
cf0a874df629bde26e5b4c28ef1e4948274f8d0b Tree
mix irving · 9/21/2017, 5:17:03 AM

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