var fs = require('fs') var http = require('http') var path = require('path') var url = require('url') var qs = require('querystring') var ref = require('ssb-ref') var pull = require('pull-stream') var ssbGit = require('ssb-git-repo') var toPull = require('stream-to-pull-stream') var cat = require('pull-cat') var Repo = require('pull-git-repo') var ssbAbout = require('./about') var ssbVotes = require('./votes') var marked = require('ssb-marked') var asyncMemo = require('asyncmemo') var multicb = require('multicb') var schemas = require('ssb-msg-schemas') var Issues = require('ssb-issues') var paramap = require('pull-paramap') var gitPack = require('pull-git-pack') // render links to git objects and ssb objects var blockRenderer = new marked.Renderer() blockRenderer.urltransform = function (url) { if (ref.isLink(url)) return encodeLink(url) if (/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/.test(url) && this.options.repo) return encodeLink([, 'commit', url]) return url } marked.setOptions({ gfm: true, mentions: true, tables: true, breaks: true, pedantic: false, sanitize: true, smartLists: true, smartypants: false, renderer: blockRenderer }) // hack to make git link mentions work var mdRules = new marked.InlineLexer(1, marked.defaults).rules mdRules.mention = /^(\s)?([@%&][A-Za-z0-9\._\-+=\/]*[A-Za-z0-9_\-+=\/]|[0-9a-f]{40})/ mdRules.text = /^[\s\S]+?(?=[\\' + text + '' } function timestamp(time) { time = Number(time) var d = new Date(time) return '' + d.toLocaleString() + '' } function pre(text) { return '
' + escapeHTML(text) + '
' } function json(obj) { return pre(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)) } function escapeHTML(str) { return String(str) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') } function escapeHTMLStream() { return (buf) { return escapeHTML(buf.toString('utf8')) }) } function ucfirst(str) { return str[0].toLocaleUpperCase() + str.slice(1) } function table(props) { return function (read) { return cat([ pull.once(''), pull( read, (row) { return row ? '' + (cell) { return '' + cell + '' }).join('') + '' : '' }) ), pull.once('') ]) } } function ul(props) { return function (read) { return cat([ pull.once(''), pull( read, (li) { return '
  • ' + li + '
  • ' }) ), pull.once('') ]) } } function renderNameForm(enabled, id, name, action, inputId, title, header) { if (!inputId) inputId = action return '
    ' + (enabled ? '' + '' + '' + '' + ' ' + '' + header : header + '
    ' ) + '
    ' } function renderPostForm(repo, placeholder, rows) { return '' + '' + '' + '' + '
    ' + '' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '' } function wrap(tag) { return function (read) { return cat([ pull.once('<' + tag + '>'), read, pull.once('') ]) } } function readNext(fn) { var next return function (end, cb) { if (next) return next(end, cb) fn(function (err, _next) { if (err) return cb(err) next = _next next(null, cb) }) } } function readOnce(fn) { var ended return function (end, cb) { fn(function (err, data) { if (err || ended) return cb(err || ended) ended = true cb(null, data) }) } } function compareMsgs(a, b) { return (a.value.timestamp - b.value.timestamp) || (a.key - b.key) } function pullSort(comparator) { return function (read) { return readNext(function (cb) { pull(read, pull.collect(function (err, items) { if (err) return cb(err) items.sort(comparator) cb(null, pull.values(items)) })) }) } } function sortMsgs() { return pullSort(compareMsgs) } function tryDecodeURIComponent(str) { if (!str || (str[0] == '%' && ref.isBlobId(str))) return str try { str = decodeURIComponent(str) } finally { return str } } function getRepoName(about, ownerId, repoId, cb) { about.getName({ owner: ownerId, target: repoId, toString: function () { // hack to fit two parameters into asyncmemo return ownerId + '/' + repoId } }, cb) } function addAuthorName(about) { return paramap(function (msg, cb) { about.getName(, function (err, authorName) { msg.authorName = authorName cb(err, msg) }) }, 8) } var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty function getContentType(filename) { var ext = filename.split('.').pop() return, ext) ? contentTypes[ext] : 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' } var contentTypes = { css: 'text/css' } var staticBase = path.join(__dirname, 'static') function readReqJSON(req, cb) { pull( toPull(req), pull.collect(function (err, bufs) { if (err) return cb(err) var data try { data = qs.parse(Buffer.concat(bufs).toString('ascii')) } catch(e) { return cb(e) } cb(null, data) }) ) } var issueCommentScript = '(' + function () { var $ = document.getElementById.bind(document) $('tab-links').style.display = 'block' $('preview-tab-link').onclick = function (e) { with (new XMLHttpRequest()) { open('POST', '', true) onload = function() { $('preview-tab').innerHTML = responseText } send('action=markdown' + '&repo=' + encodeURIComponent($('repo-id').value) + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent($('post-text').value)) } } }.toString() + ')()' var msgTypes = { 'git-repo': true, 'git-update': true, 'issue': true } var imgMimes = { png: 'image/png', jpeg: 'image/jpeg', jpg: 'image/jpeg', gif: 'image/gif', tif: 'image/tiff', svg: 'image/svg+xml', bmp: 'image/bmp' } var markdownFilenameRegex = /\.md$|\/.markdown$/i module.exports = function (opts, cb) { var ssb, reconnect, myId, getRepo, getVotes, getMsg, issues var about = function (id, cb) { cb(null, {name: id}) } var reqQueue = [] var isPublic = opts.public var ssbAppname = opts.appname || 'ssb' var addr = parseAddr(opts.listenAddr, {host: 'localhost', port: 7718}) http.createServer(onRequest).listen(addr.port,, onListening) var server = { setSSB: function (_ssb, _reconnect) { _ssb.whoami(function (err, feed) { if (err) throw err ssb = _ssb reconnect = _reconnect myId = about = ssbAbout(ssb, myId) while (reqQueue.length) onRequest.apply(this, reqQueue.shift()) getRepo = asyncMemo(function (id, cb) { getMsg(id, function (err, msg) { if (err) return cb(err) ssbGit.getRepo(ssb, {key: id, value: msg}, {live: true}, cb) }) }) getVotes = ssbVotes(ssb) getMsg = asyncMemo(ssb.get) issues = Issues.init(ssb) }) } } function onListening() { var host =':') ? '[' + + ']' : console.log('Listening on http://' + host + ':' + addr.port + '/') cb(null, server) } /* Serving a request */ function onRequest(req, res) { console.log(req.method, req.url) if (!ssb) return reqQueue.push(arguments) pull( handleRequest(req), pull.filter(function (data) { if (Array.isArray(data)) { res.writeHead.apply(res, data) return false } return true }), toPull(res) ) } function handleRequest(req) { var u = req._u = url.parse(req.url, true) var dirs = u.pathname.slice(1).split(/\/+/).map(tryDecodeURIComponent) var dir = dirs[0] if (req.method == 'POST') { if (isPublic) return servePlainError(405, 'POST not allowed on public site') return readNext(function (cb) { readReqJSON(req, function (err, data) { if (err) return cb(null, serveError(err, 400)) if (!data) return cb(null, serveError(new Error('No data'), 400)) switch (data.action) { case 'vote': var voteValue = || 0 if (! return cb(null, serveError(new Error('Missing vote id'), 400)) var msg =, voteValue) return ssb.publish(msg, function (err) { if (err) return cb(null, serveError(err)) cb(null, serveRedirect(req.url)) }) return case 'repo-name': if (! return cb(null, serveError(new Error('Missing name'), 400)) if (! return cb(null, serveError(new Error('Missing id'), 400)) var msg =, return ssb.publish(msg, function (err) { if (err) return cb(null, serveError(err)) cb(null, serveRedirect(req.url)) }) case 'issue-title': if (! return cb(null, serveError(new Error('Missing name'), 400)) if (! return cb(null, serveError(new Error('Missing id'), 400)) var msg = Issues.schemas.edit(, {title:}) return ssb.publish(msg, function (err) { if (err) return cb(null, serveError(err)) cb(null, serveRedirect(req.url)) }) case 'comment': if (! return cb(null, serveError(new Error('Missing id'), 400)) // TODO: add ref mentions var msg =,, data.branch || if ( != null) Issues.schemas.opens(msg, if (data.close != null) Issues.schemas.closes(msg, return ssb.publish(msg, function (err) { if (err) return cb(null, serveError(err)) cb(null, serveRedirect(req.url)) }) case 'new-issue': return{ project: dir, title: data.title, text: data.text }, function (err, issue) { if (err) return cb(null, serveError(err)) cb(null, serveRedirect(encodeLink( }) case 'markdown': return cb(null, serveMarkdown(data.text, {id: data.repo})) default: cb(null, servePlainError(400, 'What are you trying to do?')) } }) }) } if (dir == '') return serveIndex(req) else if (ref.isBlobId(dir)) return serveBlob(req, dir) else if (ref.isMsgId(dir)) return serveMessage(req, dir, dirs.slice(1)) else if (ref.isFeedId(dir)) return serveUserPage(dir, dirs.slice(1)) else return serveFile(req, dirs) } function serveFile(req, dirs) { var filename = path.join.apply(path, [staticBase].concat(dirs)) // prevent escaping base dir if (filename.indexOf(staticBase) !== 0) return servePlainError(403, '403 Forbidden') return readNext(function (cb) { fs.stat(filename, function (err, stats) { cb(null, err ? err.code == 'ENOENT' ? serve404(req) : servePlainError(500, err.message) : 'if-modified-since' in req.headers && new Date(req.headers['if-modified-since']) >= stats.mtime ? pull.once([304]) : stats.isDirectory() ? servePlainError(403, 'Directory not listable') : cat([ pull.once([200, { 'Content-Type': getContentType(filename), 'Content-Length': stats.size, 'Last-Modified': stats.mtime.toGMTString() }]), toPull(fs.createReadStream(filename)) ])) }) }) } function servePlainError(code, msg) { return pull.values([ [code, { 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(msg), 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' }], msg ]) } function serve404(req) { return servePlainError(404, '404 Not Found') } function serveRedirect(path) { var msg = '' + 'Redirect' + '


    ' return pull.values([ [302, { 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(msg), 'Content-Type': 'text/html', Location: path }], msg ]) } function serveMarkdown(text, repo) { var html = markdown(text, repo) return pull.values([ [200, { 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(html), 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8' }], html ]) } function renderTry(read) { var ended return function (end, cb) { if (ended) return cb(ended) read(end, function (err, data) { if (err === true) cb(true) else if (err) { ended = true cb(null, '

    ' + + '

    ' + '
    ' + escapeHTML(err.stack) + '
    ') } else cb(null, data) }) } } function serveTemplate(title, code, read) { if (read === undefined) return serveTemplate.bind(this, title, code) return cat([ pull.values([ [code || 200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }], '', '' + escapeHTML(title || 'git ssb') + '', '', '\n', '', '
    ', '

    git ssb' + (ssbAppname != 'ssb' ? ' ' + ssbAppname + '' : '') + '

    ', '
    ', '
    ']), renderTry(read), pull.once('
    ') ]) } function serveError(err, status) { if (err.message == 'stream is closed') reconnect() return pull( pull.once( '

    ' + + '

    ' + '
    ' + escapeHTML(err.stack) + '
    '), serveTemplate(, status || 500) ) } /* Feed */ function renderFeed(feedId) { var opts = { reverse: true, id: feedId } return pull( feedId ? ssb.createUserStream(opts) : ssb.createFeedStream(opts), pull.filter(function (msg) { return msg.value.content.type in msgTypes && msg.value.timestamp < }), pull.take(20), addAuthorName(about), pull.asyncMap(renderFeedItem) ) } function renderFeedItem(msg, cb) { var c = msg.value.content var msgLink = link([msg.key], new Date(msg.value.timestamp).toLocaleString()) var author = var authorLink = link([], msg.authorName) switch (c.type) { case 'git-repo': return getRepoName(about, author, msg.key, function (err, repoName) { if (err) return cb(err) var repoLink = link([msg.key], repoName) cb(null, '
    ' + msgLink + '
    ' + authorLink + ' created repo ' + repoLink + '
    ') }) case 'git-update': return getRepoName(about, author, c.repo, function (err, repoName) { if (err) return cb(err) var repoLink = link([c.repo], repoName) cb(null, '
    ' + msgLink + '
    ' + authorLink + ' pushed to ' + repoLink + '
    ') }) case 'issue': var issueLink = link([msg.key], c.title) return getRepoName(about, author, c.project, function (err, repoName) { if (err) return cb(err) var repoLink = link([c.project], repoName) cb(null, '
    ' + msgLink + '
    ' + authorLink + ' opened issue ' + issueLink + ' on ' + repoLink + '
    ') }) } } /* Index */ function serveIndex() { return serveTemplate('git ssb')(renderFeed()) } function serveUserPage(feedId, dirs) { switch (dirs[0]) { case undefined: case '': case 'activity': return serveUserActivity(feedId) case 'repos': return serveUserRepos(feedId) } } function renderUserPage(feedId, page, body) { return serveTemplate(feedId)(cat([ readOnce(function (cb) { about.getName(feedId, function (err, name) { cb(null, '

    ' + link([feedId], name) + '' + feedId + '

    ' + '') }) }), body, ])) } function serveUserActivity(feedId) { return renderUserPage(feedId, 'activity', renderFeed(feedId)) } function serveUserRepos(feedId) { return renderUserPage(feedId, 'repos', pull( ssb.messagesByType({ type: 'git-repo', reverse: true }), pull.filter(function (msg) { return == feedId }), pull.take(20), paramap(function (msg, cb) { getRepoName(about, feedId, msg.key, function (err, repoName) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, '
    ' + link([msg.key], repoName) + '
    ') }) }, 8) )) } /* Message */ function serveMessage(req, id, path) { return readNext(function (cb) { ssb.get(id, function (err, msg) { if (err) return cb(null, serveError(err)) var c = msg.content || {} switch (c.type) { case 'git-repo': return getRepo(id, function (err, repo) { if (err) return cb(null, serveError(err)) cb(null, serveRepoPage(req, Repo(repo), path)) }) case 'git-update': return getRepo(c.repo, function (err, repo) { if (err) return cb(null, serveRepoNotFound(c.repo, err)) cb(null, serveRepoUpdate(req, Repo(repo), id, msg, path)) }) case 'issue': return getRepo(c.project, function (err, repo) { if (err) return cb(null, serveRepoNotFound(c.project, err)) issues.get(id, function (err, issue) { if (err) return cb(null, serveError(err)) cb(null, serveRepoIssue(req, Repo(repo), issue, path)) }) }) default: if (ref.isMsgId(c.repo)) return getRepo(c.repo, function (err, repo) { if (err) return cb(null, serveRepoNotFound(c.repo, err)) cb(null, serveRepoSomething(req, Repo(repo), id, msg, path)) }) else return cb(null, serveGenericMessage(req, id, msg, path)) } }) }) } function serveGenericMessage(req, id, msg, path) { return serveTemplate(id)(pull.once( '

    ' + link([id]) + '

    ' + json(msg) + '
    ')) } /* Repo */ function serveRepoPage(req, repo, path) { var defaultBranch = 'master' var query = req._u.query if (query.rev != null) { // Allow navigating revs using GET query param. // Replace the branch in the path with the rev query value path[0] = path[0] || 'tree' path[1] = query.rev req._u.pathname = encodeLink([].concat(path)) delete req._u.query.rev delete return serveRedirect(url.format(req._u)) } var branch = path[1] || defaultBranch var filePath = path.slice(2) switch (path[0]) { case undefined: return serveRepoTree(repo, branch, []) case 'activity': return serveRepoActivity(repo, branch) case 'commits': return serveRepoCommits(repo, branch) case 'commit': return serveRepoCommit(repo, path[1]) case 'tree': return serveRepoTree(repo, branch, filePath) case 'blob': return serveRepoBlob(repo, branch, filePath) case 'raw': return serveRepoRaw(repo, branch, filePath) case 'digs': return serveRepoDigs(repo) case 'issues': switch (path[1]) { case '': case undefined: return serveRepoIssues(req, repo, branch, filePath) case 'new': if (filePath.length == 0) return serveRepoNewIssue(repo) } default: return serve404(req) } } function serveRepoNotFound(id, err) { return serveTemplate('Repo not found', 404, pull.values([ '

    Repo not found

    ', '

    Repo ' + id + ' was not found

    ', '
    ' + escapeHTML(err.stack) + '
    ', ])) } function renderRepoPage(repo, branch, body) { var gitUrl = 'ssb://' + var gitLink = '' var digsPath = [, 'digs'] var done = multicb({ pluck: 1, spread: true }) getRepoName(about, repo.feed,, done()) about.getName(repo.feed, done()) getVotes(, done()) return readNext(function (cb) { done(function (err, repoName, authorName, votes) { if (err) return cb(null, serveError(err)) var upvoted = votes.upvoters[myId] > 0 cb(null, serveTemplate([ pull.once( '
    ' + '
    ' + '' + (isPublic ? '' : '' + '' + '') + ' ' + '' + link(digsPath, votes.upvotes) + '' + '
    ' + renderNameForm(!isPublic,, repoName, 'repo-name', null, 'Rename the repo', '

    ' + link([repo.feed], authorName) + ' / ' + link([], repoName) + '

    ') + '
    '), body ]))) }) }) } function serveRepoTree(repo, rev, path) { var type = repo.isCommitHash(rev) ? 'Tree' : 'Branch' return renderRepoPage(repo, rev, cat([ pull.once('
    ' + '

    ' + type + ': ' + rev + ' '), revMenu(repo, rev), pull.once('

    '), type == 'Branch' && renderRepoLatest(repo, rev), pull.once('
    '), renderRepoTree(repo, rev, path), pull.once('
    '), renderRepoReadme(repo, rev, path) ])) } /* Repo activity */ function serveRepoActivity(repo, branch) { return renderRepoPage(repo, branch, cat([ pull.once('


    '), pull( ssb.links({ type: 'git-update', dest:, source: repo.feed, rel: 'repo', values: true, reverse: true, limit: 8 }),, repo)) ) ])) } function renderRepoUpdate(repo, msg, full) { var c = msg.value.content var refs = c.refs ? Object.keys(c.refs).map(function (ref) { return {name: ref, value: c.refs[ref]} }) : [] var numObjects = c.objects ? Object.keys(c.objects).length : 0 return '
    ' + link([msg.key], new Date(msg.value.timestamp).toLocaleString()) + '
    ' + (numObjects ? 'Pushed ' + numObjects + ' objects
    ' : '') + (update) { var name = escapeHTML( if (!update.value) { return 'Deleted ' + name } else { var commitLink = link([, 'commit', update.value]) return name + ' → ' + commitLink } }).join('
    ') + '
    ' } /* Repo commits */ function serveRepoCommits(repo, branch) { return renderRepoPage(repo, branch, cat([ pull.once('


    '), pull( repo.readLog(branch), paramap(function (hash, cb) { repo.getCommitParsed(hash, function (err, commit) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, renderCommit(repo, commit)) }) }, 8) ) ])) } function renderCommit(repo, commit) { var commitPath = [, 'commit',] var treePath = [, 'tree',] return '
    ' + '' + link(commitPath, commit.title) + '
    ' + '' + + ' ' + link(treePath, 'Tree') + '
    ' + escapeHTML( + ' · ' + + (commit.separateAuthor ? '
    ' + escapeHTML( + ' committed on ' + : "") + '
    ' } /* Repo tree */ function revMenu(repo, currentName) { return readOnce(function (cb) { repo.getRefNames(true, function (err, refs) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, '') }) }) } function renderRepoLatest(repo, rev) { return readOnce(function (cb) { repo.getCommitParsed(rev, function (err, commit) { if (err) return cb(err) var commitPath = [, 'commit',] cb(null, 'Latest: ' + link(commitPath, commit.title) + '
    ' + '' + + '
    ' + escapeHTML( + ' committed on ' + + (commit.separateAuthor ? '
    ' + escapeHTML( + ' authored on ' + : '')) }) }) } // breadcrumbs function linkPath(basePath, path) { path = path.slice() var last = path.pop() return (dir, i) { return link(basePath.concat(path.slice(0, i+1)), dir) }).concat(last).join(' / ') } function renderRepoTree(repo, rev, path) { var pathLinks = path.length === 0 ? '' : ': ' + linkPath([, 'tree'], [rev].concat(path)) return cat([ pull.once('

    Files' + pathLinks + '

    '), pull( repo.readDir(rev, path), (file) { var type = (file.mode === 040000) ? 'tree' : (file.mode === 0160000) ? 'commit' : 'blob' if (type == 'commit') return ['🖈', '' + escapeHTML( + ''] var filePath = [, type, rev].concat(path, return ['' + (type == 'tree' ? '📁' : '📄') + '', link(filePath,] }), table('class="files"') ) ]) } /* Repo readme */ function renderRepoReadme(repo, branch, path) { return readNext(function (cb) { pull( repo.readDir(branch, path), pull.filter(function (file) { return /readme(\.|$)/i.test( }), pull.take(1), pull.collect(function (err, files) { if (err) return cb(null, pull.empty()) var file = files[0] if (!file) return cb(null, pull.once(path.length ? '' : '

    No readme

    ')) repo.getObjectFromAny(, function (err, obj) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, cat([ pull.once('

    ' + escapeHTML( + '

    '), markdownFilenameRegex.test( ? readOnce(function (cb) { pull(, pull.collect(function (err, bufs) { if (err) return cb(err) var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs, obj.length) cb(null, markdown(buf.toString(), repo)) })) }) : cat([ pull.once('
                    pull(, escapeHTMLStream()),
    ') ]), pull.once('
    ') ])) }) }) ) }) } /* Repo commit */ function serveRepoCommit(repo, rev) { return renderRepoPage(repo, rev, cat([ pull.once('

    Commit ' + rev + '

    '), readOnce(function (cb) { repo.getCommitParsed(rev, function (err, commit) { if (err) return cb(err) var commitPath = [, 'commit',] var treePath = [, 'tree', commit.tree] cb(null, '
    ' + '' + link(commitPath, commit.title) + '' + pre(commit.body) + '

    ' + (commit.separateAuthor ? escapeHTML( + ' authored on ' + + '
    ' : '') + escapeHTML( + ' committed on ' + + '

    ' + '

    ' + (id) { return 'Parent: ' + link([, 'commit', id], id) }).join('
    ') + '

    ' + (commit.tree ? 'Tree: ' + link(treePath) : 'No tree') + '
    ') }) }) ])) } /* An unknown message linking to a repo */ function serveRepoSomething(req, repo, id, msg, path) { return renderRepoPage(repo, null, pull.once('

    ' + link([id]) + '

    ' + json(msg) + '
    ')) } /* Repo update */ function objsArr(objs) { return Array.isArray(objs) ? objs : Object.keys(objs).map(function (sha1) { var obj = Object.create(objs[sha1]) obj.sha1 = sha1 return obj }) } function serveRepoUpdate(req, repo, id, msg, path) { var raw = req._u.query.raw != null if (raw) return renderRepoPage(repo, null, pull.once( 'Info' + '


    ' + '
    ' + json(msg) + '
    ')) // convert packs to old single-object style if (msg.content.indexes) { for (var i = 0; i < msg.content.indexes.length; i++) { msg.content.packs[i] = { pack: {link: msg.content.packs[i].link}, idx: msg.content.indexes[i] } } } return renderRepoPage(repo, null, cat([ pull.once( 'Data' + '


    ' + renderRepoUpdate(repo, {key: id, value: msg}, true) + (msg.content.objects ? '


    ' + objsArr(msg.content.objects).map(renderObject).join('\n') : '') + (msg.content.packs ? '


    ' +'\n') : '')), cat(!msg.content.packs ? [] : [ pull.once('


    '), pull( pull.values(msg.content.packs), paramap(function (pack, cb) { var key = ssb.blobs.want(key, function (err, got) { if (err) cb(err) else if (!got) cb(null, pull.once('Missing blob ' + key)) else cb(null, ssb.blobs.get(key)) }) }, 8), (readPack, cb) { return gitPack.decode({}, repo, cb, readPack) }), pull.flatten(), paramap(function (obj, cb) { if (obj.type == 'commit') Repo.getCommitParsed(obj, cb) else pull(, pull.drain(null, cb)) }, 8), pull.filter(), (commit) { return renderCommit(repo, commit) }) ) ]) ])) } function renderObject(obj) { return '
    ' + obj.type + ' ' + link([], obj.sha1) + '
    ' + obj.length + ' bytes' + '
    ' } function renderPack(info) { return '
    ' + (info.pack ? 'Pack: ' + link([]) + '
    ' : '') + (info.idx ? 'Index: ' + link([]) : '') + '
    ' } /* Blob */ function serveRepoBlob(repo, rev, path) { return readNext(function (cb) { repo.getFile(rev, path, function (err, object) { if (err) return cb(null, serveBlobNotFound(, err)) var type = repo.isCommitHash(rev) ? 'Tree' : 'Branch' var pathLinks = path.length === 0 ? '' : ': ' + linkPath([, 'tree'], [rev].concat(path)) var rawFilePath = [, 'raw', rev].concat(path) var filename = path[path.length-1] var extension = filename.split('.').pop() cb(null, renderRepoPage(repo, rev, cat([ pull.once('
    ' + '

    ' + type + ': ' + rev + ' '), revMenu(repo, rev), pull.once('

    '), type == 'Branch' && renderRepoLatest(repo, rev), pull.once('
    ' + '

    Files' + pathLinks + '

    ' + '
    ' + object.length + ' bytes' + '' + link(rawFilePath, 'Raw') + '' + '
    ' + '
    '), extension in imgMimes ? pull.once('' + escapeHTML(filename) + '') : markdownFilenameRegex.test(filename) ? readOnce(function (cb) { pull(, pull.collect(function (err, bufs) { if (err) return cb(err) var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs, object.length) cb(null, markdown(buf.toString('utf8'), repo)) })) }) : pull(, escapeHTMLStream(), wrap('pre')), pull.once('
    ') ]))) }) }) } function serveBlobNotFound(repoId, err) { return serveTemplate(400, 'Blob not found', pull.values([ '

    Blob not found

    ', '

    Blob in repo ' + link([repoId]) + ' was not found

    ', '
    ' + escapeHTML(err.stack) + '
    ' ])) } /* Raw blob */ function serveRepoRaw(repo, branch, path) { return readNext(function (cb) { repo.getFile(branch, path, function (err, object) { if (err) return cb(null, servePlainError(404, 'Blob not found')) var extension = path[path.length-1].split('.').pop() var contentType = imgMimes[extension] cb(null, pull(, serveRaw(object.length, contentType))) }) }) } function serveRaw(length, contentType) { var inBody var headers = { 'Content-Type': contentType || 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=31536000' } if (length != null) headers['Content-Length'] = length return function (read) { return function (end, cb) { if (inBody) return read(end, cb) if (end) return cb(true) cb(null, [200, headers]) inBody = true } } } function serveBlob(req, key) { return readNext(function (cb) { ssb.blobs.want(key, function (err, got) { if (err) cb(null, serveError(err)) else if (!got) cb(null, serve404(req)) else cb(null, serveRaw()(ssb.blobs.get(key))) }) }) } /* Digs */ function serveRepoDigs(repo) { return readNext(function (cb) { getVotes(, function (err, votes) { cb(null, renderRepoPage(repo, '', cat([ pull.once('


    ' + '
    Total: ' + votes.upvotes + '
    '), pull( pull.values(Object.keys(votes.upvoters)), pull.asyncMap(function (feedId, cb) { about.getName(feedId, function (err, name) { if (err) return cb(err) cb(null, link([feedId], name)) }) }), ul() ), pull.once('
    ') ]))) }) }) } /* Issues */ function serveRepoIssues(req, repo, issueId, path) { var numIssues = 0 var state = req._u.query.state || 'open' return renderRepoPage(repo, '', cat([ pull.once( (isPublic ? '' : '
    ' + link([, 'issues', 'new'], '', true) + '
    ') + '


    ' + ''), pull( issues.createFeedStream({ project: }), pull.filter(function (issue) { return state == 'all' ? true : (state == 'closed') == ! }), (issue) { numIssues++ var state = ( ? 'open' : 'closed') return '
    ' + ' ' + '' + escapeHTML(issue.title) + '' + new Date(issue.created_at).toLocaleString() + '' + '' + '
    ' }) ), readOnce(function (cb) { cb(null, numIssues > 0 ? '' : '

    No issues

    ') }) ])) } /* New Issue */ function serveRepoNewIssue(repo, issueId, path) { return renderRepoPage(repo, '', pull.once( '

    New Issue

    ' + '
    ' + '' + '

    ' + renderPostForm(repo, 'Description', 8) + '' + '
    ')) } /* Issue */ function serveRepoIssue(req, repo, issue, path) { var isAuthor = (myId == || (myId == repo.feed) var newestMsg = {key:, value: {timestamp: issue.created_at}} return renderRepoPage(repo, null, cat([ pull.once( renderNameForm(!isPublic,, issue.title, 'issue-title', null, 'Rename the issue', '

    ' + issue.title + '

    ') + '' + + '' + '
    ' + ( ? 'Open' : 'Closed')), readOnce(function (cb) { about.getName(, function (err, authorName) { if (err) return cb(err) var authorLink = link([], authorName) cb(null, authorLink + ' opened this issue on ' + timestamp(issue.created_at) + '
    ' + markdown(issue.text, repo) + '
    ') }) }), // render posts and edits pull( ssb.links({ dest:, values: true }), pull.unique('key'), addAuthorName(about), sortMsgs(), (msg) { var authorLink = link([], msg.authorName) var msgTimeLink = link([msg.key], new Date(msg.value.timestamp).toLocaleString()) var c = msg.value.content if (msg.value.timestamp > newestMsg.value.timestamp) newestMsg = msg switch (c.type) { case 'post': if (c.root == { var changed = issues.isStatusChanged(msg, issue) return '
    ' + authorLink + (changed == null ? '' : ' ' + ( changed ? 'reopened this issue' : 'closed this issue')) + ' · ' + msgTimeLink + markdown(c.text, repo) + '
    ' } else { var text = c.text || (c.type + ' ' + msg.key) return '
    ' + authorLink + ' mentioned this issue in ' + link([msg.key], String(text).substr(0, 140)) + '
    ' } case 'issue': return '
    ' + authorLink + ' mentioned this issue in ' + link([msg.key], String(c.title || msg.key).substr(0, 140)) + '
    ' case 'issue-edit': return '
    ' + (c.title == null ? '' : authorLink + ' renamed this issue to ' + escapeHTML(c.title) + '') + ' · ' + msgTimeLink + '
    ' default: return '
    ' + authorLink + ' · ' + msgTimeLink + json(c) + '
    ' } }) ), isPublic ? pull.empty() : readOnce(renderCommentForm) ])) function renderCommentForm(cb) { cb(null, '
    ' + '' + '' + '' + renderPostForm(repo) + '' + (isAuthor ? '' : '') + '
    ') } } }