git ssb


  "previous": "%Yxt/x1OiERrsU9SbRW249YI4aRSBTaKvvDqe4sbQSG0=.sha256",
  "author": "@EMovhfIrFk4NihAKnRNhrfRaqIhBv1Wj8pTxJNgvCCY=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 1522,
  "timestamp": 1458781753384,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "text": "@keks @cel petnames should be a user aid: you can enter the url as a petname, and then the computer gives you back the exact name, which you can share securely. we loose a lot more than we gain with a naming registry. like, the recent npm thing. names become \"property\" instead of granted by the community.",
    "root": "%wLrfixt8277BIaBRLdGcccSlg29tMQLhTPFId2Vwu2g=.sha256",
    "branch": "%PcvLByefMO/QJupyUrAXVkckE8/4g3kJHmqBsj67axI=.sha256",
    "mentions": [
        "link": "@YXkE3TikkY4GFMX3lzXUllRkNTbj5E+604AkaO1xbz8=.ed25519",
        "name": "keks"
        "link": "@f/6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulDxDCwYD7DzFzPNr7u5AU=.ed25519",
        "name": "cel"
  "signature": "Km/l/bqPAeaEF7zAf5Qc87KebV1Ri2McDxl6keZCMDsQWUqF6kIa2xyy1mNxOOPfs0TmQ6kP6+oSxeKKd3nfCg==.sig.ed25519"

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