39✌ Dig+cel / git-ssbCodeActivityCommitsIssuesPull RequestsIssuesOpenClosedAll◼ Perhaps we should rename the master branch to main. GitHub moved in that direction, and I think it's reasonable.11/17/2020, 4:14:24 AM◼ Memory Leak Trace 11/13/2020, 6:52:26 PM◼ [faq] how does git-ssb compare with other git hosting platforms 4/25/2020, 6:23:19 PM◼ [discussion] collaboration between git-ssb and other projects 4/25/2020, 6:21:15 PM◼ [discussion] would git-ssb benefit from a code review system 4/25/2020, 6:15:21 PM◼ [discussion] access control and scaling discussion 4/25/2020, 6:12:20 PM◼ [discussion] alternative use-cases for git 4/25/2020, 5:44:53 PM◼ [faq] setting up git-ssb as a git mirror 4/25/2020, 5:42:04 PM◼ [faq] how does access control work in git-ssb 4/25/2020, 5:27:34 PM◼ [faq] how to correctly install and config ssb-link2 4/25/2020, 5:19:13 PM◼ Error: EPIPE: broken pipe, write 4/25/2020, 4:47:57 PM◼ [faq] npm ERR! No valid versions available for git-ssb 4/25/2020, 4:39:51 PM◼ [faq] using git-ssb with different ssb-server distros 4/25/2020, 4:35:51 PM◼ pack has unresolved deltas 4/25/2020, 4:29:28 PM◼ [faq] replicating large repositories 4/25/2020, 4:23:36 PM◼ No matching version found for debug@^4.1.1. 4/25/2020, 4:18:39 PM◼ [enhancement] boot strap server containing all blobs needed for install 4/25/2020, 4:06:43 PM◼ git-ssb hangs when clone a repository 4/25/2020, 3:45:55 PM◼ [docs] outline correct ssb config settings in readme 4/25/2020, 3:29:16 PM◼ could not install git-ssb binary when running ssb-server 4/25/2020, 3:26:19 PM◼ Support Windows in installer scripts 4/25/2020, 3:20:01 PM◼ Consolidate/clarify installation methods 4/25/2020, 2:58:47 PM◼ Running git push --mirror {reponame} gets stuck on Fetching blob: ...3/19/2020, 4:32:12 PM◼ Relicense3/7/2020, 3:44:38 PM◼ Replicate large repos 2/8/2019, 11:13:34 AM◼ index-pack failed: did not receive expected object 2/8/2018, 7:05:21 AM◼ I tried installing this via npm-ssb10/12/2017, 10:16:42 PM◼ feature request: issue queue10/12/2016, 3:19:31 PM◼ repo with multiple maintainers: branches as petnames 9/14/2016, 12:32:58 AM◼ Closing issues and PRs via commit messages does not always work.11/24/2016, 1:56:42 AM◼ Missing README.md in git-ssb-web 8/12/2017, 1:22:14 PM◼ When trying to push: 10/9/2016, 2:10:27 PM◼ massive memory use to push 30 mb git repo 4/8/2017, 7:18:05 PM◼ Documentation clarity about needing sbot server running 4/8/2017, 1:32:14 AM◼ When running git-ssb-web on a MacBook Air (8GB RAM) with OS X 10.10.5, the web interface works for a while but eventually crashes with the following error: 4/6/2017, 7:49:29 PM◼ Hi! Windows 10 here. I can create empty repos and use git-ssb-web, but am having trouble with cloning/ & pushing. 2/26/2017, 10:10:16 PM◼ Potentially consider renaming to git-butt.8/9/2016, 3:34:42 AMBuilt with git-ssb-web