git ssb


  "previous": "%VhgCz8/CV9VqJh0EdJUmiPWmSTyUJXAQ8wLFkwK4mZw=.sha256",
  "author": "@EMovhfIrFk4NihAKnRNhrfRaqIhBv1Wj8pTxJNgvCCY=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 2411,
  "timestamp": 1464478830323,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "text": "@johnny annomizing the recipient's identity is essential to have decent privacy.\nThe thing is the metadata is _much easier_ to analyze than the content. Lets say I send a message \"ES6 is a cancer\" - any plaintext prose like this has a myriad of interpretations - it doesn't mean I have cancer. If I send a bunch of messages to a doctor who is a cancer expert... uh, probably I wouldn't do that unless I had cancer. To analyze the content, you kinda need a human who can interpret the context. very expensive. But analyzing the metadata graph is _very easy_. That is why in all the snowden stuff, they hardly analyze the content at all.\n\nThe approach you are suggesting is to show the recipient, but allow the recipient to wear a mask. and just change masks rapidly. I'm not ruling out whether this could be made to work - but it would be a lot harder to _prove_ that it works, where as if we encrypt the \"to\" field we can examin the cryptographic part of the protocol and convince our selves: _yup, no way to tell who the recipient is._\n\nregards the replay attack: it would actually be pretty simple to prevent. we just have to introduce something so that a message does not decrypt correctly in a different context. currently, a private-box message has a nonce at the start which is used in all the encryptions in that message. If I copied that whole message it would be the same, but if it worked a different way: instead of using the random nonce - use a hmac of `hmac(author + previous, random_nonce)` then that the same content copied into another message would now not decrypt. no surprising replays.\n\n",
    "root": "%TgeeQ8lYVuYf6xPbRncSUG8qnbhLXsK22gvpSSm4+Xk=.sha256",
    "branch": "%PZ+oVdUnH0QpMKzPdwXIGPtErTTNIXwlJT1ImOGYVLY=.sha256",
    "mentions": [
        "link": "@dnr1swLSAgf36g+FzGjNLgmytj2IIyDaYeKZ7F5GdzY=.ed25519",
        "name": "johnny"
  "signature": "mbMqTeZ6IRgJB3K4pEX2AOIsCMXAMjBbb/jhPlWEobRBDBKWgsBAS7C30fqjeHAy/v6ICP6RVNtGXrxt92pwDQ==.sig.ed25519"

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