git ssb


mixmix / ssb-handbook

Commit dae393a97895df54d3255549f405e1f71ac494ea

use - instead of _ in getting started filename (#76)

to be consistent with the rest of the website
Mikey authored on 12/29/2017, 4:42:04 AM
GitHub committed on 12/29/2017, 4:42:04 AM
Parent: eade5c0e130134bf51149f0d2c0e13e1554fb89e

Files changed

@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@
2020 {% vimeo %}236358264{% endvimeo %}
2222 ## Ready to get started?
23-**We have a detailed [Getting Started Guide]( which is
23 +
24 +**We have a detailed [Getting Started Guide]( which is
2425 recommended if you've got a few minutes.**
2627 If you just need to get up and running ASAP here's what you need to know:
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
11 * [Introduction](
2-* [Getting Started](
2 +* [Getting Started](
33 * [Applications](
44 * [Stories](stories/
55 - [Design Challenge: Avoid Centralization and Singletons](stories/
66 - [Design Challenge: Sybil Attacks](stories/
@@ -1,202 +1,0 @@
2-![Scuttlebutt Logo](assets/hermies-300x300.png)
4-Ok, you've been hearing about [Scuttlebutt]( and decided
5-that "Yes, I do want to join an amazing social network with lots of good people
6-that no company can control and also happens to also work offline.
8-Here's a quick overview with the basics you need to know.
10-NOTE: If you have no time, and just need to get up and running ASAP, there's a
11-[Quick Start]( in the introduction.
14-First off Scuttlebutt is a protocol on which many different kinds of apps can be
17-As for the social network, there are many clients, just like there are many
18-Twitter clients. It doesn't really matter which one you use. They're all talking
19-on the same network.
21-Patchwork is the most polished client and it doesn't require you to know any
22-geeky stuff. The only caveat is that it just wants to run on one computer, and
23-your identity is tied to the files on the computer you install it on. There are
24-ways around this but it's beyond the scope of this.
26-![screenshot of Patchwork](assets/patchwork.jpg)
29-## Step 0
31-If you haven't done so already go to [the Scuttlebutt Home Page](
32-and watch the video. Then come back.
34-## Step 1
36-[Download Patchwork](, and
37-install it like any other app.
39-## Step 2
41-Boot it up and set up your profile.
43-![patchwork new profile screenshot](assets/patchwork-first-boot.png)
45-It doesn't matter what name you put. It can be your real name. It can be a
46-nickname. Like the real world it's entirely possible for multiple people to have
47-the same name. Your friends can give you nicknames too.
49-You don't need to upload an image, but I recommend that you do, because it's
50-much easier to figure out who is talking when there's a visual, and the defaults
51-are really generic. Some people use a photo of themselves. Some people use a
52-random avatar they like, just like Twitter.
54-The text area, like every text area in Patchwork uses
55-[markdown]( formatting.
57-Save that when you're done.
59-## Step 3
61-Get connected.
63-Because Scuttlebutt is a distributed network you need to find
64-some people to follow. This is partially because it's really _really_ boring if
65-you're not listening to anyone and no-one is listening to you. It's also because
66-you get "gossip" from the people you follow. "Gossip" is more than just info
67-about people you're interested in. It is also the name of [a protocol](concepts/
68-that Scuttlebutt uses to share information.
70-Every additional person, and pub you follow is another channel for gossip to use
71-to flow through to you. If you don't follow _anyone_ (not even pubs) you won't
72-receive _any_ new posts because there won't be anyone gossiping with you.
73-Channels may look bare because the only people talking in them are too distant
74-(in terms of friend relationships) for you to hear.
77-### Connecting Locally
79-Most of us don't happen to be sitting next to someone
80-else on the same network. If you _are_ you'll see them listed under "local" on
81-the left, otherwise this will be hidden. Click their profile to see more about
82-them, and click "Follow" if you feel like following what that person has to say
83-(just like Twitter). You'll start downloading information from them that
84-they've posted to the network _and_ information their friends have posted.
86-### Remotely
88-Even if you _are_ next to someone you'll still want to connect to a
89-"pub" server so that you can exchange info with others if no-one is nearby. In
90-the video they're described as being more like bartenders than pubs, because
91-it's the bartender who you gossip with at the pub, and shares the gossip of
94-Go to [the list of pub servers](
96-Open one up in a new tab and you'll see something like this.
98-![pub server example](assets/pub-server-page-1.png)
100-Click the button to "Get An Invitation" and it'll generate a custom invitation
101-code just for you. Copy the whole thing. Then click the "+ Join Pub" button in
104-![Join Pub button](assets/patchwork-join-pub-button.png)
106-There's a limit to how far gossip will travel through a network of people, and
107-the bartender at a pub is just another "person" in the chain. Because of this
108-it's good to connect to a few pubs. Also, it spreads the load.
110-**Note:** If you've already got a friend on Scuttlebutt, ask them what pub(s)
111-they follow. Otherwise it's possible that you'll be out of range of each other,
112-so to speak.
114-The pub's you're currently connected to are listed on the left side if you click
115-on "Public".
117-## Getting all the Gossip
119-As soon as you connect to a pub or start following a person Scuttlebutt will
120-start syncing down all the "gossip" they have for you, and pass on any "gossip"
121-you have for them. *The first time you connect to a pub server there will be a
122-lot to download.* So, give it some time.
124-## Get Social!
126-You'll see some channels listed in "Active channels" on the left, but the "More"
127-menu up at the top has a "Browse All" option under "Channels".
129-![browse all button](assets/patchwork-browse-all.png)
131-Find a topic that looks interesting and start reading. When you're ready to
132-"Publish" remember that it uses Markdown formatting.
134-Remember, it doesn't matter if you're online or not. You'll still see all the
135-images, and you'll be able to respond to posts and create new ones. The next
136-time you connect to a local person or a pub server everything will connect up.
137-When you're online this will happen constantly, and responses can appear very
140-### Some places to start
142-Once onboard patchwork, check out the following channels by typing their name
143-(with #) in the search bar:
145-* #new-people: introduce yourself
146-* #faq: first impressions, what is confusing as a new user?
147-* #patchwork: report bugs, suggestions, etc
148-* #scuttlebutt: protocol related discussion
151-**NOTE:** There is no edit. There is no Undo. There is no delete. So, use your
152-spellcheck, actually look at the Preview, and don't publish mad. You won't be
153-able to take it back.
155-## Linking To Things
157-### Profiles and Channels
159-The simplest form of linking is a reference to a person or a channel. Just start
160-typing `@` and the person's name and Patchwork will help you out with suggestions
161-as you type. Hit enter when you have the right one. The same applies to
162-channels. Just start typing a `#` and the channel's name instead.
165-### Everything else
167-Linking to an external web page with Markdown is easy just say
168-`[display text](destination url)`
170-How do you link to other messages _in_ Scuttlebutt though? Well, first you need
171-the message id. Right click on a link to the message you want to link to and
172-choose "Copy Message ID" Then make a link just like a normal url link but use
173-the message id as the destination url.
175-Profiles are a little different. A profile is a feed for a single person. So, in
176-that case you want to use "Copy Link Ref" For example, if I wanted to link to
177-André's profile I'd say
178-`[here's André's profile](@QlCTpvY7p9ty2yOFrv1WU1AE88aoQc4Y7wYal7PFc+w=.ed25519)` OR you can do
179-it the easy way. Just type `@andre` and hitting enter when the autocomplete has
180-chosen the right one. Then edit the display text to be whatever you want.
182-### Sharing Scuttlebutt things with other people
184-I wanted to share a really interesting conversation with a friend of mine who
185-wasn't on Scuttlebutt yet, so I right clicked on the first message in the
186-thread, chose "Copy External Link" and then messaged them that link. You could
187-Tweet it or post it on Facebook, or whatever. The link goes to a public site
188-where you can see, but not interact with, posts on Scuttlebutt. Note: the public
189-viewer is kept running by the generosity of
190-[a community member]( not some mega-corp. with racks
191-of backup servers. ;)
193-It should be noted that people can indicate that they don't want their stuff
194-shown on public sites or in search results on sites like Google. Check out the
195-[Privacy page](/faq/misc/ for details.
197-## Stay Happy and Safe
199-Don't worry, if come across someone whose views make you uncomfortable. You can
200-always block them, and you'll never receive any of their posts again, and they
201-won't get yours either.
@@ -1,0 +1,202 @@
1 +
2 +![Scuttlebutt Logo](assets/hermies-300x300.png)
3 +
4 +Ok, you've been hearing about [Scuttlebutt]( and decided
5 +that "Yes, I do want to join an amazing social network with lots of good people
6 +that no company can control and also happens to also work offline.
7 +
8 +Here's a quick overview with the basics you need to know.
9 +
10 +NOTE: If you have no time, and just need to get up and running ASAP, there's a
11 +[Quick Start]( in the introduction.
12 +
13 +
14 +First off Scuttlebutt is a protocol on which many different kinds of apps can be
15 +built.
16 +
17 +As for the social network, there are many clients, just like there are many
18 +Twitter clients. It doesn't really matter which one you use. They're all talking
19 +on the same network.
20 +
21 +Patchwork is the most polished client and it doesn't require you to know any
22 +geeky stuff. The only caveat is that it just wants to run on one computer, and
23 +your identity is tied to the files on the computer you install it on. There are
24 +ways around this but it's beyond the scope of this.
25 +
26 +![screenshot of Patchwork](assets/patchwork.jpg)
27 +
28 +
29 +## Step 0
30 +
31 +If you haven't done so already go to [the Scuttlebutt Home Page](
32 +and watch the video. Then come back.
33 +
34 +## Step 1
35 +
36 +[Download Patchwork](, and
37 +install it like any other app.
38 +
39 +## Step 2
40 +
41 +Boot it up and set up your profile.
42 +
43 +![patchwork new profile screenshot](assets/patchwork-first-boot.png)
44 +
45 +It doesn't matter what name you put. It can be your real name. It can be a
46 +nickname. Like the real world it's entirely possible for multiple people to have
47 +the same name. Your friends can give you nicknames too.
48 +
49 +You don't need to upload an image, but I recommend that you do, because it's
50 +much easier to figure out who is talking when there's a visual, and the defaults
51 +are really generic. Some people use a photo of themselves. Some people use a
52 +random avatar they like, just like Twitter.
53 +
54 +The text area, like every text area in Patchwork uses
55 +[markdown]( formatting.
56 +
57 +Save that when you're done.
58 +
59 +## Step 3
60 +
61 +Get connected.
62 +
63 +Because Scuttlebutt is a distributed network you need to find
64 +some people to follow. This is partially because it's really _really_ boring if
65 +you're not listening to anyone and no-one is listening to you. It's also because
66 +you get "gossip" from the people you follow. "Gossip" is more than just info
67 +about people you're interested in. It is also the name of [a protocol](concepts/
68 +that Scuttlebutt uses to share information.
69 +
70 +Every additional person, and pub you follow is another channel for gossip to use
71 +to flow through to you. If you don't follow _anyone_ (not even pubs) you won't
72 +receive _any_ new posts because there won't be anyone gossiping with you.
73 +Channels may look bare because the only people talking in them are too distant
74 +(in terms of friend relationships) for you to hear.
75 +
76 +
77 +### Connecting Locally
78 +
79 +Most of us don't happen to be sitting next to someone
80 +else on the same network. If you _are_ you'll see them listed under "local" on
81 +the left, otherwise this will be hidden. Click their profile to see more about
82 +them, and click "Follow" if you feel like following what that person has to say
83 +(just like Twitter). You'll start downloading information from them that
84 +they've posted to the network _and_ information their friends have posted.
85 +
86 +### Remotely
87 +
88 +Even if you _are_ next to someone you'll still want to connect to a
89 +"pub" server so that you can exchange info with others if no-one is nearby. In
90 +the video they're described as being more like bartenders than pubs, because
91 +it's the bartender who you gossip with at the pub, and shares the gossip of
92 +others.
93 +
94 +Go to [the list of pub servers](
95 +
96 +Open one up in a new tab and you'll see something like this.
97 +
98 +![pub server example](assets/pub-server-page-1.png)
99 +
100 +Click the button to "Get An Invitation" and it'll generate a custom invitation
101 +code just for you. Copy the whole thing. Then click the "+ Join Pub" button in
102 +Patchwork.
103 +
104 +![Join Pub button](assets/patchwork-join-pub-button.png)
105 +
106 +There's a limit to how far gossip will travel through a network of people, and
107 +the bartender at a pub is just another "person" in the chain. Because of this
108 +it's good to connect to a few pubs. Also, it spreads the load.
109 +
110 +**Note:** If you've already got a friend on Scuttlebutt, ask them what pub(s)
111 +they follow. Otherwise it's possible that you'll be out of range of each other,
112 +so to speak.
113 +
114 +The pub's you're currently connected to are listed on the left side if you click
115 +on "Public".
116 +
117 +## Getting all the Gossip
118 +
119 +As soon as you connect to a pub or start following a person Scuttlebutt will
120 +start syncing down all the "gossip" they have for you, and pass on any "gossip"
121 +you have for them. *The first time you connect to a pub server there will be a
122 +lot to download.* So, give it some time.
123 +
124 +## Get Social!
125 +
126 +You'll see some channels listed in "Active channels" on the left, but the "More"
127 +menu up at the top has a "Browse All" option under "Channels".
128 +
129 +![browse all button](assets/patchwork-browse-all.png)
130 +
131 +Find a topic that looks interesting and start reading. When you're ready to
132 +"Publish" remember that it uses Markdown formatting.
133 +
134 +Remember, it doesn't matter if you're online or not. You'll still see all the
135 +images, and you'll be able to respond to posts and create new ones. The next
136 +time you connect to a local person or a pub server everything will connect up.
137 +When you're online this will happen constantly, and responses can appear very
138 +quickly.
139 +
140 +### Some places to start
141 +
142 +Once onboard patchwork, check out the following channels by typing their name
143 +(with #) in the search bar:
144 +
145 +* #new-people: introduce yourself
146 +* #faq: first impressions, what is confusing as a new user?
147 +* #patchwork: report bugs, suggestions, etc
148 +* #scuttlebutt: protocol related discussion
149 +
150 +
151 +**NOTE:** There is no edit. There is no Undo. There is no delete. So, use your
152 +spellcheck, actually look at the Preview, and don't publish mad. You won't be
153 +able to take it back.
154 +
155 +## Linking To Things
156 +
157 +### Profiles and Channels
158 +
159 +The simplest form of linking is a reference to a person or a channel. Just start
160 +typing `@` and the person's name and Patchwork will help you out with suggestions
161 +as you type. Hit enter when you have the right one. The same applies to
162 +channels. Just start typing a `#` and the channel's name instead.
163 +
164 +
165 +### Everything else
166 +
167 +Linking to an external web page with Markdown is easy just say
168 +`[display text](destination url)`
169 +
170 +How do you link to other messages _in_ Scuttlebutt though? Well, first you need
171 +the message id. Right click on a link to the message you want to link to and
172 +choose "Copy Message ID" Then make a link just like a normal url link but use
173 +the message id as the destination url.
174 +
175 +Profiles are a little different. A profile is a feed for a single person. So, in
176 +that case you want to use "Copy Link Ref" For example, if I wanted to link to
177 +André's profile I'd say
178 +`[here's André's profile](@QlCTpvY7p9ty2yOFrv1WU1AE88aoQc4Y7wYal7PFc+w=.ed25519)` OR you can do
179 +it the easy way. Just type `@andre` and hitting enter when the autocomplete has
180 +chosen the right one. Then edit the display text to be whatever you want.
181 +
182 +### Sharing Scuttlebutt things with other people
183 +
184 +I wanted to share a really interesting conversation with a friend of mine who
185 +wasn't on Scuttlebutt yet, so I right clicked on the first message in the
186 +thread, chose "Copy External Link" and then messaged them that link. You could
187 +Tweet it or post it on Facebook, or whatever. The link goes to a public site
188 +where you can see, but not interact with, posts on Scuttlebutt. Note: the public
189 +viewer is kept running by the generosity of
190 +[a community member]( not some mega-corp. with racks
191 +of backup servers. ;)
192 +
193 +It should be noted that people can indicate that they don't want their stuff
194 +shown on public sites or in search results on sites like Google. Check out the
195 +[Privacy page](/faq/misc/ for details.
196 +
197 +## Stay Happy and Safe
198 +
199 +Don't worry, if come across someone whose views make you uncomfortable. You can
200 +always block them, and you'll never receive any of their posts again, and they
201 +won't get yours either.
202 +

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