git ssb


mixmix / ssb-handbook

Commit c4ca758c388ce984a10969548267e308fd7fd55e

Add instructions for running an sbot instance available over TOR

Anders Rune Jensen committed on 12/15/2017, 9:15:12 PM
Parent: bdd1303c0b10b9676ea1393bbfcff2ece6370982

Files changed

@@ -21,4 +21,30 @@
2222 Please note that even when using TOR the (normal
2323 rules)[] for staying anonymous still
2424 applies though.
25 +
26 +# What other cool things can I do with TOR?
27 +
28 +Glad you asked.
29 +
30 +If you configure TOR as a hidden service and redirect port 8008 to
31 +localhost 8008 then your sbot service will be available over TOR. Add
32 +the following to /etc/tor/torrc:
33 +
34 +HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
35 +HiddenServicePort 8008
36 +
37 +And reload tor, then your onion address will be available in
38 +/var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname.
39 +
40 +Besides hiding your IP and doing end-to-end encryption, TOR also does
41 +location transparency. Meaning your hostname will always stay the same
42 +no matter where you are connected, and anyone can connect to you
43 +directly. No need to open ports in your firewall!
44 +
45 +This means that its possible to do p2p connections without pubs and
46 +talk direcly to your friends. If you create an invite from your
47 +machine, replace the hostname with your onion adress and send that to
48 +a friend. They will be able to connect directly to you and start
49 +receiving messages straight away, assuming your machine is running of
50 +course.

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