git ssb


  "previous": "%eG06JLN0X2jltygfasX2F/XAyKzOi06ARBM5Ew5xNY8=.sha256",
  "author": "@6ilZq3kN0F+dXFHAPjAwMm87JEb/VdB+LC9eIMW3sa0=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 6654,
  "timestamp": 1513507163218,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "root": "%eG06JLN0X2jltygfasX2F/XAyKzOi06ARBM5Ew5xNY8=.sha256",
    "branch": "%eG06JLN0X2jltygfasX2F/XAyKzOi06ARBM5Ew5xNY8=.sha256",
    "reply": {
      "%eG06JLN0X2jltygfasX2F/XAyKzOi06ARBM5Ew5xNY8=.sha256": "@6ilZq3kN0F+dXFHAPjAwMm87JEb/VdB+LC9eIMW3sa0=.ed25519"
    "channel": "documentation",
    "recps": null,
    "text": "i'll give a hoon on %kk+OtE67s1+s8Lv52p51rEWNY80hiNMV3QPjrLIa0Js=.sha256 + %R+n0GDNnUSW0CGunrRxx1GI/zpxUqYDt96CrJblk00E=.sha256, specifically to update the applications page to at least be up-to-date and less confusing. since i was the joker who set up the rest of the website's user flow, i'm not sure how to do much better, so open for pull requests!\n\n---\n\n> On the topic of the _empowering lens_ she mentioned that the page is not empowering .. like where do you click, the images don't do anything. I'm interested but I feel stupid? Such a good reminder. It's got me wondering what an empowering and version which invited collaboration might look like. \n\n---\n\n> One example of this tech culture hurdle: if there's a bunch of new words or acronyms on a site, and they aren't offered in context, then I'm going to assume the site is not for me. Either it's way too complicated for me to try out, or the site is putting up a smoke screen of jargon to let me know I'm not welcome. Because is a mixture of tech docs and outreach, that smoke screen is put up unintentionally.\n\n> Marianne likely went to the applications page because she deduced, smartly, that Scuttlebutt is off the web and would need some sort of application to get on. But at the very top she sees three hyper-links that seems to be needed to understand the application she wants to install (Patchwork is a remake of patchwork classic which is based off patchcore which comes from ferment) and the first link offered to download patchwork is to git-ssb, which she cannot access. At this point, she'll likely conclude that she just doesn't get ssb fermenting enough and should stick to the web, or that patchwork is meant only for those devs that are all about ssb fermentations and she doesn't identify as such.\n\n> Now, I know that none of this is intentional. has been a faithful collector of our knowledge, but it's showing the need for an overhaul (and an overhaul is planned, specifically to make it more accessible). I am encouraged by what it will be. But that page is an accidental wall.\n\n> I plan to better articulate this, but my off-the-cuff recommendation for making empowering pages is to try to answer the immediate question as quickly and directly as possible, while inviting those interested to learn more.\n\n> Here might be a better way to think about it: Imagine you are bus driver, your docs are the bus, and every passenger is both new to your route and a potential bus enthusiast. If someone were to get on the bus and ask \"How do I get to the city centre\" your first answer should just be which stop iis theirs, and how long it'll take, using the language of someone whose never been on a bus before. Then, if the passenger lingers you can ask if they wanna know how these routes are planned, then happily share this knowledge too. Most docs answer with the latter first.\n\n> For this application page, I would not make it the path for getting onto scuttlebutt for the first time (and since it is linked on the first line of, it kinda unintentially implies that it is the path). Instead, I'd have quick step by step instructions for getting onboard with patchwork as it is the most accessible, and use the applications page to be a showcase for everything else on offer. This showcase would spotlight the distiinguishing features of the app, a RIYL(recommended if you like) section, and links to clear instructions for getting started with it. It'd also have the history and tech specs of the app (to twine the wonderful people who make the code with the wonderful intricacies of the code).",
    "mentions": [
        "link": "%kk+OtE67s1+s8Lv52p51rEWNY80hiNMV3QPjrLIa0Js=.sha256"
        "link": "%R+n0GDNnUSW0CGunrRxx1GI/zpxUqYDt96CrJblk00E=.sha256"
  "signature": "KP2g8cxwXPKJoxPPH2Qgyjv8FLm3E8b/AnNBFGtS6JKHCrwFLSu0D07jjYec3MuxH0OExNtf8Jc4k7Xtp9o2DA==.sig.ed25519"

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