git ssb


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  "author": "@ZqH7Mctu/7DNInxuwl12ECjfrAKUX2tBLq1rOldNhg0=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 1407,
  "timestamp": 1511135367139,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "text": "# Creating a Static Page Generator for Personalized Scuttlebutt Invites\n## Part One: Background and Context\n\nHey hey, all!\n\nOur recent conversations around pub invites and intentional community growing has shifted my thoughts around some of the non-dev-resources we should make.  \n\nInitially, I wanted to make it super easy for anyone who stumbled upon to download patchwork, join the 'verse, and start talking.  Currently, the primary way for someone to reach the broader scuttleverse is through pubs. So I thought it would be good to write a better guide on how to join a pub, and to have a few explicitly shared pub links.   \n\nThis presented a few problems, though: 1.) It's funneling too many new users into a few selected pubs, creating points of centralization and strain and 2.) it makes it easy for random people to join our corners of the scuttleverse, that we may not want, like hateful randos who found scuttlebutt through some free-speech misconception, and now want to flood the 'verse with terrible pepe memes. \n\nThis made me realize that I don't  want it to be easy for random strangers to join the 'verse right now.  I want it to be easy for my friends and y'all's friends to join.  Basically, until we have stronger moderation tools, I want the community to grow slowly and only with folks that were vetted by at least one of us.  From this perspective, then, one of the best resources I could make would be a tool that helps _us_ invite our friends and family.\n\n**My Idea:**  A way to generate personalized invite pages for our peeps, that helps them find us specifically on this vast network, and gives helpful tips on getting started.\n\n**Example Use Case**\n\nI would love for my partner's dad to be on Scuttlebutt, as I think he'd love the conversations we have here and be able to add some awesomeness ot them.  But he is across the United States from us, and so we would never be able to locally onboard him.  I can send him a couple of guides, but they are overwhelming in presentation and a bit too broad.  So the current solution is to try to organize some screenshare session where we try to install, join a pub, and talk to one another.  An event like this is easy to get delayed, and it doesn't persuade him to want to join since getting started is literally an event.  \n\n What my partner would prefer is to send her dad a link to a webpage which includes an easy to follow guide, that's been personalized to ensure the she and him are on the same scuttlepelago once he's onboarded (so details an invite to a pub she follows, her username so he can find her quickly, and the channels she thinks he'd like).\n\nAnd thus: a static page generator for a specific type of static page.\n\n**Broader Considerations**\n\nI would want any solution to this to fit the larger values of Scuttlebutt: decentralization, subjectivity, and individual autonomy leading to personal and community empowerment.  How this shows itself to me is:\n\n- I would not want to have a website where you have to request a new invite, and get something made for you.  You should be able to host your static pages yourself, if you'd like.\n- I would want to keep the pubs diverse and improvisational.  Instead of having some set method for getting an invite link from some small pool of pubs, you instead talk to a pub owner about an invite, using whatever method they prefer.  Or, you run your own pub if that's yr fancy and give out invites as you please.  \n- I would want the tool to lead to personal empowerment.  The tool would be accessible to \"non-technical\" people, but introduces some useful technical skills they could use other places.\n- And lastly, I would want something we could start to use now, working within the features that exist currently. \n\n**And So!**\n\nWith this use case, and these considerations, in mind I spun up a prototype of a tool I think we could use!  I think I'm near the bytes limit, so I'll share the prototype in a reply to this thread!",
    "channel": "non-dev-resources"
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