{ "previous": "%vxdBBElLpqRW/AX91zoYiI/qh6ujuBJz0U/SRLCGrD8=.sha256", "author": "@EMovhfIrFk4NihAKnRNhrfRaqIhBv1Wj8pTxJNgvCCY=.ed25519", "sequence": 9698, "timestamp": 1502232593428, "hash": "sha256", "content": { "type": "post", "root": "%3cWZHeN6k03XpvDBxrxP5bGLsNByFLTvr/rKYFV4f+c=.sha256", "branch": [ "%6X8diYZ9Kb71stVBqmBN8dR3AxfkNxyNlb08T6IM1X8=.sha256", "%xRRiYQhkHu6mk5Ed5kkprQgUQbCbh/ZPZZT7LIRDyiA=.sha256" ], "channel": "nomic", "text": "[@soggypretzels](@3PGWnoMIY5ebs6sJjkwc7DKjxrgcrOeIUC2YegkMtIY=.ed25519) I see your branch, but you need to create a PR in the webui or patchbay (similar flow to github)\n\nbtw, I think the rule change you currently propose is in voilation of 111:\n\n> If a rule-change as proposed is unclear, ambiguous, paradoxical, or destructive of play, or if it _arguably consists of two or more rule-changes compounded_\n\nand rule 103:\n\n> A rule-change is any of the following: (1) the enactment, repeal, **or** amendment of a mutable rule;\n\nI think we need to more urgently clarify the meaning of \"player\" but it's your turn (by rule 201)", "mentions": [ { "link": "@3PGWnoMIY5ebs6sJjkwc7DKjxrgcrOeIUC2YegkMtIY=.ed25519", "name": "soggypretzels" } ] }, "signature": "EmNgRk6ke3gq31qyGTYXI2Njf/1B0mOLmmU2voNQqg1o784hJzccm7/jcRec/KkB+NmQ2NVbfKEZCk/uJ31QAA==.sig.ed25519" }
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