git ssb


  "previous": "%rITVHuPJv011dokZN06MQvDfkuJSyDIQTy+BQ88YDbM=.sha256",
  "author": "@hxGxqPrplLjRG2vtjQL87abX4QKqeLgCwQpS730nNwE=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 3654,
  "timestamp": 1459967526048,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "text": "@keks I do think sbot userland plugins will trivialize this\n\nThe only real difference between IPFS blobs and SSB blobs is that Scuttlebot automatically downloads SSB blobs, and it doesnt do that for IPFS.\n\nBut that's just [8 lines of logic in the blobs plugin]( :smirk:\n\nSo an `ssb-ipfs-blobs` plugin would be simple to write, and it could follow the same logic, or do something more refined.\n\nIt gets a *little* more complex if we want to unify blob-lookup behind one API. If we want `sbot.blobs.get` to support many protocols, then we'll just need a way for plugins to register their schemes.",
    "root": "%YYGiCe48QUv4qLHxgtHA4yEh19ONyvB9QFoDyKDXcUM=.sha256",
    "branch": "%M6AjIs2jMgyMjVcU6OZjLM/xoCm7wkrcgPAHDMl+Ilo=.sha256",
    "mentions": [
        "link": "@YXkE3TikkY4GFMX3lzXUllRkNTbj5E+604AkaO1xbz8=.ed25519",
        "name": "keks"
    "channel": "patchwork-dev"
  "signature": "BmGMCG0O6JopCDDHeT0iDmVIL5SkRVZAuqPSQTbQlXjuLU++M2bgr3tXG0ndcUembxbanOuoiKZHhvNKJcNcCw==.sig.ed25519"

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