git ssb


Luandro Pàtwy / open-app-seed

luandro committed ...Latest: fecb6b4 on 4/13/2018, 11:01:08 AM

P2P Boilerplate

An as easy as possible to use boilerplate for creating peer-to-peer React Native applications using Secure Scuttlebot and Dat protocols behind a GraphQL layer.

Based on MMMMM, dat-installer and ssb-graphql.

Install dependencies

Use node v8.9.x and npm v5.6.x.

Mac OS note: You might need realpath, install it through coreutils:

brew update
brew install coreutils


Doesn't work well on emulators, so make sure you have react-native setup and your device ready.

Clone and install:

git clone
cd p2pboilerplate
npm i

We also need to run npm run prepare in order to patch the necessary packages. We should fork these instead of using the hack.

Now run npm run build which takes care of building back-end and front-end, will also run react-native run-android to start emulation and logging.

In case you want to play with the back-end, run npm run node which will concurrently run Babel watch and nodemon for the application. You can check the GraphQL playground at http://localhost:4000/playground.


  1. Check Android files for duplicate declarations:
  1. Use adb logcat *:S nodejs:V ReactNative:V ReactNati veJS:V to log NodeJS applications.

  2. Use adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 to reconnect to the server

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