git ssb


Zach! / kriya-helper

Commit d40d4eb7917990aa2e886b6827155eef378f567d

more reps and better readme

Zach committed on 12/5/2017, 5:59:22 AM
Parent: 85ac299f5e4fd1ab34c426ea9a93c6918536a160

Files changed

@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
1414 # Usage
1616 You can use the helper right now, it works! But it's definitely rough, and the amount of poses (and kriyas) are small.
18-The way you would use it is to navigate to the kriyas folder and read the different ones there. Each one would explain the poses, and the reasons for them. Find the one you want to practice. Then call it with the kriya-helper. The helper will automatically bring in this specific kriya and guide you through it at the right times.
18 +You can start up the helper, and choose from a list of kriyas to do. It will give a summary of the kriya and ask you to proceed. You can also write your own, remixing the poses you see in other kriyas. You'd write them and store them in the kriyas folder.
2020 **Dependencies**
2121 This program is written in Python 3, and so you would need Python 3.5+ to run it.
2222 Additionally, it uses the third-party module pyglet, which would need to be installed separately.
@@ -43,24 +43,21 @@
4343 **Using It**
4444 move into the kriya-helper repo:
4545 `cd kriya-helper`
47-Browse through the current kriya's by navigating to the kriya folder
49-cd kriyas/
51-cat kriya of your choice!
47 +Start up the helper with this command:
48 +`./`
54-When you find the kriya you want to do, change directories back to the home kriya-helper, and then Initialize the app and kriya together with python3. This is how I would do the morning kriya:
50 +From here, choose in the menu the kriya you'd like to do.
57-#in /kriya-helper
58-python3 kriyas/morning-kriya.ini
60-If successful, you will see a big ascii "kriya helper" and can press enter to begin!
52 +If you want to read through the kriyas, or write a new one, navigate to the kriyas folder
62-If you want to write up your own kriya. It is simple to do! you just want to save it as an ini file that follows this general format:
54 +`cd kriyas`
55 +
56 +Then use yr favorite text editor to read, edit, or write a new kriya. I prefer vim:
57 +`vim morning-kriya.ini`
58 +
59 +f you want to write up your own kriya. It is simple to do! you just want to save it as an ini file that follows this general format:
6360 ```
6461 #file name in this case is you-are-great.ini
6663 [You Are Great]
@@ -120,5 +120,161 @@
120120 |_|
123123 """
124 +"11" : """
125 +
126 +
127 + __ __ ______
128 +/ | / | | ___ \
129 +`| | `| | | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
130 + | | | | | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
131 +_| |__| |_ | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
132 +\___/\___/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
133 + | |
134 + |_|
135 +
136 +""",
137 +"12" : """
138 +
139 +
140 + __ _____ ______
141 +/ | / __ \ | ___ \
142 +`| | `' / /' | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
143 + | | / / | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
144 +_| |_./ /___ | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
145 +\___/\_____/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
146 + | |
147 + |_|
148 +
149 +""",
150 +"13" : """
151 +
152 +
153 + __ _____ ______
154 +/ | |____ | | ___ \
155 +`| | / / | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
156 + | | \ \ | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
157 +_| |_.___/ / | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
158 +\___/\____/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
159 + | |
160 + |_|
161 +
162 +""",
163 +"14" : """
164 +
165 +
166 + __ ___ ______
167 +/ | / | | ___ \
168 +`| | / /| | | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
169 + | |/ /_| | | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
170 +_| |\___ | | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
171 +\___/ |_/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
172 + | |
173 + |_|
174 +
175 +""",
176 +"15" : """
177 +
178 +
179 + __ _____ ______
180 +/ | | ___| | ___ \
181 +`| | |___ \ | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
182 + | | \ \ | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
183 +_| |_/\__/ / | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
184 +\___/\____/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
185 + | |
186 + |_|
187 +
188 +""",
189 +"16" : """
190 +
191 +
192 + __ ____ ______
193 +/ | / ___| | ___ \
194 +`| | / /___ | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
195 + | | | ___ \ | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
196 +_| |_| \_/ | | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
197 +\___/\_____/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
198 + | |
199 + |_|
200 +
201 +""",
202 +"17" : """
203 +
204 +
205 + __ ______ ______
206 +/ | |___ / | ___ \
207 +`| | / / | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
208 + | | / / | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
209 +_| |_./ / | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \
210 +\___/\_/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
211 + | |
212 + |_|
213 +
214 +""",
215 +"18" : """
216 +
217 +
218 + __ _____ ______
219 +/ | | _ | | ___ \
220 +`| | \ V / | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
221 + | | / _ \ | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
222 +_| |_| |_| | | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
223 +\___/\_____/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
224 + | |
225 + |_|
226 +
227 +""",
228 +"19" : """
229 +
230 +
231 + __ _____ ______
232 +/ | | _ | | ___ \
233 +`| | | |_| | | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
234 + | | \____ | | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
235 +_| |_.___/ / | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
236 +\___/\____/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
237 + | |
238 + |_|
239 +
240 +""",
241 +"20" : """
242 +
243 +
244 + _____ _____ ______
245 +/ __ \| _ | | ___ \
246 +`' / /'| |/' | | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
247 + / / | /| | | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
248 +./ /___\ |_/ / | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
249 +\_____/ \___/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
250 + | |
251 + |_|
252 +
253 +""",
254 +"21" : """
255 +
256 +
257 + _____ __ ______
258 +/ __ \/ | | ___ \
259 +`' / /'`| | | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
260 + / / | | | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
261 +./ /____| |_ | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
262 +\_____/\___/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
263 + | |
264 + |_|
265 +
266 +""",
267 +"22" : """
268 +
269 +
270 + _____ _____ ______
271 +/ __ \/ __ \ | ___ \
272 +`' / /'`' / /' | |_/ /___ _ __ ___
273 + / / / / | // _ \ '_ \/ __|
274 +./ /___./ /___ | |\ \ __/ |_) \__ \\
275 +\_____/\_____/ \_| \_\___| .__/|___/
276 + | |
277 + |_|
278 +
279 +"""
124280 }

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