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Zach! / kriya-helper

Commit 78dba966c7a817e9f2bc27770d55dd9d8a7f8d26

Updated the Readme

Added better usage instructions and clarified the future section (since
I already accomplished one elmeent of that past future! the future is
the past now so i had to write a new future!)
Zach committed on 10/7/2017, 6:07:57 AM
Parent: 552ea90bc6ad550db1490b43e4db3d9a19075fb0

Files changed

@@ -1,27 +1,41 @@
11 # kriya-helper
22 This is a program to help guide you through Kundalini Kriyas
3-This Readme is aspirational right now, put here mostly to gather my thoughts on what it is I'd like to make!
3 +This readme is mostly aspirational right now, written mainly for me to gather my thoughts on what I'd like this to be.
55 # Context
7-In Kundalini Yoga, you practice a regular kriya. This is a series of chants and movements that help unloack something in you or provide something for you or the universe around you. The order of movements, and the time you spend doing them, is important and exact.
7 +In Kundalini Yoga, you practice a regular kriya. This is a series of asanas(movements and/or chnts) that help unlock something in you or provide something for you or the universe around you. The order of movements, and the time you spend doing them, is important and exact.
9-When practicing the kriya, you want to ideally move from section to section quickly and without thought. This way you can stay in the moment and intention. But if you are new to Kundalini (like I am!) then you often have to check the scribbled piece of paper where you wrote this procession down in between movements and you just set a timer on your phone. This def breaks the flow, when you are trying to unlock and reset your phone's timer every 1-3 minutes.
9 +When practicing the kriya, you want to ideally move from section to section quickly and without thought. This way you can stay in the moment and intention. But if you are new to Kundalini (like I am!) then you often have to break the session to check the scribbled piece of paper where you wrote the kriya down, or you continually have to reset your timer between asanas. This def breaks the flow.
1111 So what is needed is a program that tells me what movement i'm at right now, and has a timer set automatically for each movement. This way I can just look up and check the computer screen to know what i should be doing next, and not have to worry about any phone timer or setting up 15 multiple egg timers each morning.
1313 # Usage
15-The first stage of this helper will be for a single kriya (the one i'm practicing now). In the terminal, i'll just type the name of the kriya I'm about to do and confirm that I want to start it.
15 +You can use the helper right now, it works! At the moment it is written only for a single kriya. So if you wanna do my morning routine, then just run this program!
17-Then, there will be a full screen that displays, in large font, the name of the movement I should be practicing now, and in smaller font a description of what it is I should be doing. The helper knows how many minutes I've set to practice each movement, and will sound a clear (but not annoying) chime at the end of the movement.
17 +**Dependencies**
18 +This program is written in Python, and so you would need python (at least 2.7.10) to run it. Additionally, it uses the third-party module pyglet, which would need to be installed separately.
19-When the timer chimes, the screen automatically switches to the next movement in the procession (changing the title and description shown on the screen) and sets a new timer specific to that movement.
20 +**Installation**
21 +Clone this repo onto your computer through git-ssb:
22 +`git clone ssb://%bs+LbzBBxSK7ttCmf6ysfl0/8FTt4NYB+X6O8K0dbqE=.sha256 kriya-helper`
21-When all movements are done, there is a "finished!" message shown on the screen and the user can then exit the helper program.
24 +**Using It**
25 +move into the kriya-helper repo:
26 +`cd kriya-helper`
28 +Initialize it with python:
29 +`python`
30 +
31 +If successful, you will see a big ascii "kriya helper" and can press enter to begin!
32 +
2333 # Future
25-There are two big goals for the future: being able to choose from a list of kriyas the one you want to practice, and being able to adjust the times per movement. (the times are strict, but for your experience level. So a beginner may do 1 minute dragon's breath, then 3 minutes cat-cow, then 3 minutes of Sa Ta Na Ma while an experienced practictioner may do the same movements but at 7 minutes, 11 minutes, and 11 minutes respectively.)
35 +I want to make this code more elegant and modular. Then, I want to be able to write up new kriyas that list asanas in a particular order and the duration you spend on each. And I want to be able to call this kriya at the start. In this way I could rewrite the current program to just be called "Morning Kriya", but also have a variation called "Weekend Kriya" that has the same asanas, but in a different order or for a different amount of time. Then, when I start up the helper I just declare in some way which kriya I want to be guided through.
27-Further on, I'd like for someone to be able to add their own kriya's through a simple editor and adjust the descriptions and time--or have people be able to send someone a kriya that can be opened up through this program. These are bigger dreams. Right now I just wanna not have to look at my phone so much and practice coding loops.
37 +Additionally, I want to write up short help docs for each asana and kriya, explaining their intent and a text description on how to perform them. With these, I then want to make it easy for other people to write up their own kriyas--something that utilizes the command line but doesn't require heavy coding skills.
38 +
39 +# Contributing
40 +
41 +If yr keen on this program, I'd love your feedback! The helper is ultimately a way for me to learn python, and so it is rudimentary and maybe ugly right now. But if you have feedback on how to better style the code and interactions, please let me know! Also, if you have opininos on kriyas and asanas to add, also let me know!

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