git ssb


Matt McKegg / patchwork

Commit d245481b81b4075ba2a29823d0441ec941545a32

Add spanish json and some english translations

Marcos Gutierrez committed on 9/29/2017, 1:03:10 PM
Parent: e5ad753b8414d998113f9305e0826f4cf1035fe4

Files changed

@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
22 var appRoot = require('app-root-path');
44 var i18n = require("i18n")
55 i18n.configure({
6- locales:['en','ki'],
6+ locales:['en','ki','es'],
77 directory: appRoot + '/locales'
88 });
1212 exports.i18n = i18n;
@@ -30,6 +30,62 @@
3030 " subscribed to ": " subscribed to ",
3131 "likes": "likes",
3232 " others": " others",
3333 "Write a private reply": "Write a private reply",
34- "Write a public reply": "Write a public reply"
34+ "Write a public reply": "Write a public reply",
35+ "More Channels...": "More Channels...",
36+ "Cannot display message.": "Cannot display message.",
37+ "All Posts from Your ": "All Posts from Your ",
38+ "Click to unsubscribe": "Click to unsubscribe",
39+ "Subscribed": "Subscribed",
40+ "Write a message in this channel": "Write a message in this channel\n\n\n\nPeople who follow you or subscribe to this channel will also see this message in their main feed.\n\nTo create a new channel, type the channel name (preceded by a #) into the search box above. e.g #cat-pics",
41+ "liked this message": "liked this message",
42+ "replied to this message": "replied to this message",
43+ "added changes": "added changes",
44+ "mentioned you": "mentioned you",
45+ "mentioned this channel": "mentioned this channel",
46+ "Write a private message": "Write a private message \n\n\n\nThis can only be read by yourself and people you have @mentioned.",
47+ "Edit Your Profile": "Edit Your Profile",
48+ "Click to unfollow": "Click to unfollow",
49+ "Friends": "Friends",
50+ "Following": "Following",
51+ "Follow Back": "Follow Back",
52+ "Follow": "Follow",
53+ "Followers": "Followers",
54+ "More": "More",
55+ "Gatherings": "Gatherings",
56+ "Extended Network": "Extended Network",
57+ "Settings": "Settings",
58+ "Upgrading database": "Upgrading database",
59+ "Downloading new messages": "Downloading new messages",
60+ "Indexing database": "Indexing database",
61+ "Scuttling...": "Scuttling...",
62+ " has been released.": " has been released.",
63+ " Click here to download and view more info!": " Click here to download and view more info!",
64+ "Self Assigned": "Self Assigned",
65+ "Assigned By": "Assigned By",
66+ "self assigned a description": "self assigned a description",
67+ "in reply to ": "in reply to ",
68+ "subscribed to ": "subscribed to ",
69+ "followed ": "followed ",
70+ "identifies ": "identifies ",
71+ " as \"": " as \"",
72+ "paste invite code here": "paste invite code here",
73+ "By default, Patchwork will only see other users that are on the same local area network as you.": "By default, Patchwork will only see other users that are on the same local area network as you.",
74+ "In order to share with users on the internet, you need to be invited to a pub server.": "In order to share with users on the internet, you need to be invited to a pub server.",
75+ "Redeem Invite": "Redeem Invite",
76+ "Cancel": "Cancel",
77+ "Channels": "Channels",
78+ "Browse All": "Browse All",
79+ " from your extended network": " from your extended network",
80+ "+ Add Gathering": "+ Add Gathering",
81+ " referenced this message:": " referenced this message:",
82+ "Create": "Create",
83+ " Gathering": " Gathering",
84+ "Choose a title": "Choose a title",
85+ "Choose date and time": "Choose date and time",
86+ "Choose Banner Image...": "Choose Banner Image...",
87+ "Describe the gathering (if you want)": "Describe the gathering (if you want)",
88+ "Edit": "Edit",
89+ "identified ": "identified ",
90+ "self identifies as \"": "self identifies as \""
3591 }
@@ -1,0 +1,116 @@
2+ "Patchwork": "Patchwork",
3+ "Public": "Público",
4+ "Private": "Privado",
5+ "Write a public message": "Escribe un mensaje públio",
6+ "Active Channels": "Canales activos",
7+ "Loading": "Cargando",
8+ "Local": "Local",
9+ "Connected Pubs": "Pubs conectados",
10+ "Who to follow": "A quién seguir",
11+ "Unsubscribe": "Anular suscripción",
12+ "Subscribe": "Suscribir",
13+ "Publishing...": "Publicando...",
14+ "Publish": "Publicar",
15+ "Show ": "Mostrar ",
16+ "update": "actualización",
17+ "updates": "actualizaciones",
18+ "+ Join Pub": "+ Unirce a un Pub",
19+ "word, @key, #channel": "palabra, @key, #canal",
20+ "Profile": "Perfil",
21+ "Mentions": "Menciones",
22+ " liked this message": " le gustó este mensaje",
23+ "View full thread": "Ver hilo completo",
24+ " replied": " respondió",
25+ " replied to ": " respondió a ",
26+ "like": "Me gusta",
27+ "Liked by\n": "Les gusta a\n",
28+ " and ": " y ",
29+ " followed ": " siguie a ",
30+ "subscribed to ": "se suscribió a ",
31+ "likes": "Me gusta",
32+ " others": " más",
33+ "Write a private reply": "Escriba una respuesta privada",
34+ "Write a public reply": "Escriba una respuesta pública",
35+ "Cannot display message": "No se puede mostrar el mensaje",
36+ "More Channels...": "Más canales...",
37+ "Click to unsubscribe": "Click para anular suscripción",
38+ "Subscribed": "Suscrito",
39+ "Write a message in this channel": "Escriba un mensaje en este canal \n\n\n\nLas personas que te siguen o esten suscritas a este canal también verán este mensaje en su feed principal.\n\nPara crear un nuevo canal, escribe el nombre del canal (precedido por un #) en el cuadro de búsqueda de arriba, por ejemplo #cat-pics",
40+ "Gatherings": "Reuniones",
41+ " from your extended network": " de su red extendida",
42+ "+ Add Gathering": "+ Agregar Reunión",
43+ "Write a private message": "Write a private message \n\n\n\nThis can only be read by yourself and people you have @mentioned.",
44+ "Edit Your Profile": "Edite su perfil",
45+ "Click to unfollow": "Click para dejar de seguir",
46+ "Friends": "Amigos",
47+ "Following": "Siguiendo",
48+ "Follow Back": "Seguir de vuelta",
49+ "Follow": "Seguir",
50+ "Followers": "Seguidores",
51+ "Self Assigned": "Auto asignado",
52+ "Assigned By": "Asignado por",
53+ "Search Results:": "Resultados de busqueda:",
54+ "Search completed.": "Busqueda completada.",
55+ "result found": "resultado encontrado",
56+ "results found": "resultados encontrados",
57+ "Settings": "Configuraciones",
58+ "Theme": "Diseño",
59+ "Filters": "Filtros",
60+ " Hide following messages": " Ocultar mensajes de seguidores",
61+ "Upgrading database": "Upgrading database",
62+ "Downloading new messages": "Downloading new messages",
63+ "Indexing database": "Indexing database",
64+ "Scuttling...": "Scuttling...",
65+ "Create": "Crear",
66+ " Gathering": " Reunión",
67+ "Choose a title": "Elige un título",
68+ "Choose date and time": "Elige una fecha y hora",
69+ "Choose Banner Image...": "Elige una imagen destacada...",
70+ "Describe the gathering (if you want)": "Describa la reunión (si lo desea)",
71+ "Cancel": "Cancelar",
72+ "paste invite code here": "pegar el código de invitación",
73+ "By default, Patchwork will only see other users that are on the same local area network as you.": "Por defecto Patchwork sólo verá a otros usuarios que estén en la misma red de área local que usted.",
74+ "In order to share with users on the internet, you need to be invited to a pub server.": "Para compartir con los usuarios en Internet, es necesario ser invitado a un servidor de pub.",
75+ "Redeem Invite": "Validar invitación",
76+ " forked this discussion:": " bifurcó esta discucion:",
77+ "All Posts from Your ": "Todos los mensajes de su ",
78+ " referenced this message:": " hizo referencia a este mensaje:",
79+ "Your Profile": "Su perfil",
80+ "Choose Profile Image...": "Elegir imagen de visualización...",
81+ "Choose a name": "Elige un nombre",
82+ "Describe yourself (if you want)": "Descríbase (si quiere)",
83+ "in reply to ": "en respuesta a ",
84+ "self assigned a description": "se asignó una descripción",
85+ "identifies ": "identificó a ",
86+ "What whould you like to call ": "Cómo te gustaría llamar a ",
87+ "Confirm": "Confirmar",
88+ "self assigned a display image": "se asignó una imagen de visualización",
89+ "self identifies as \"": "autoidentificado como \"",
90+ "Like": "Me gusta",
91+ "Reply": "Comentar",
92+ "followed ": "sigue a ",
93+ "identified ": "se denominó ",
94+ "unfollowed ": "unfollowed ",
95+ " as \"": " como \"",
96+ "assigned a display image to ": "asignó una imagen de visualización a ",
97+ "liked this message": "le gusto este mensaje",
98+ "replied to this message": "comentó en este mensaje",
99+ "added changes": "agregó cambios",
100+ "mentioned you": "te mencionó",
101+ "mentioned this channel": "mencionó este canal",
102+ "Extended Network": "Red extendida",
103+ " has been released.": " a sido publicada.",
104+ " Click here to download and view more info!": " Haga clic aquí para descargar y ver más información!",
105+ "Channels": "Canales",
106+ "Browse All": "Ver todos",
107+ "More": "Más",
108+ "Edit": "Editar",
109+ "Untitled Gathering": "Reunión sin título",
110+ "Error": "Error",
111+ "An error occurred while attempting to publish gathering." : "Se ha producido un error al intentar publicar la reunión",
112+ "An error occurred while attempting to redeem invite.": "Se ha producido un error al intentar validar la invitación.",
113+ "OK": "OK",
114+ "Close": "Cerrar",
115+ "New Message": "Nuevo mensaje"

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