git ssb


Matt McKegg / patchwork

Commit c9b9aaff45c41f7c8e37d7a7ae14f6f679ee9c54

i18n: consistent indenting

Matt McKegg committed on 4/6/2018, 12:10:45 PM
Parent: db94217cf4bd8764cf3cf05c55d475022ad65237

Files changed

@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
1616 "Write a private message": "Write a private message \n\n\n\nThis can only be read by yourself and people you have @mentioned.",
1717 "Edit Your Profile": "Edit Your Profile",
1818 "Public key for this profile": "Public key for this profile",
1919 "This person is blocked by %s of your friends.": {
20- "one": "This person is blocked by %s of your friends.",
21- "other": "This person is blocked by %s of your friends."
20+ "one": "This person is blocked by %s of your friends.",
21+ "other": "This person is blocked by %s of your friends."
2222 },
2323 "You don't follow anyone who follows this person": "You don't follow anyone who follows this person",
2424 "You might not be seeing their latest messages. You could try joining a pub that they are a member of.": "You might not be seeing their latest messages. You could try joining a pub that they are a member of.",
2525 "However, since they follow someone that follows you, they should be able to see your posts.": "However, since they follow someone that follows you, they should be able to see your posts.",
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@
2828 "They might not receive your private messages or replies. You could try joining a pub that they are a member of.": "They might not receive your private messages or replies. You could try joining a pub that they are a member of.",
2929 "However, since you follow someone that follows them, you should be able to see their latest posts.": "However, since you follow someone that follows them, you should be able to see their latest posts.",
3030 "Mutual Friends": "Mutual Friends",
3131 "You share %s mutual friends with this person.": {
32- "one": "You share %s mutual friend with this person.",
33- "other": "You share %s mutual friends with this person."
32+ "one": "You share %s mutual friend with this person.",
33+ "other": "You share %s mutual friends with this person."
3434 },
3535 "Followed by": "Followed by",
3636 "You follow %s people that follow this person.": {
37- "one": "You follow someone that follows this person.",
38- "other": "You follow %s people that follow this person."
37+ "one": "You follow someone that follows this person.",
38+ "other": "You follow %s people that follow this person."
3939 },
4040 "Send Private Message": "Send Private Message",
4141 "Friends": "Friends",
4242 "Followers": "Followers",
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@
9797 " others": " others",
9898 "Write a public message": "Write a public message",
9999 "New Message": "New Message",
100100 "%s people from your network replied to this message on ": {
101- "one": "%s person from your network replied to this message on ",
102- "other": "%s people from your network replied to this message on "
101+ "one": "%s person from your network replied to this message on ",
102+ "other": "%s people from your network replied to this message on "
103103 },
104104 "mentioned in your network": "mentioned in your network",
105105 "Channels": "Channels",
106106 "Browse All": "Browse All",
@@ -162,17 +162,17 @@
162162 "Close": "Close",
163163 " referenced this message:": " referenced this message:",
164164 "on ": "on ",
165165 "You follow %s people that subscribe to this channel.": {
166- "one": "You follow %s person that subscribes to this channel.",
167- "other": "You follow %s people that subscribe to this channel."
166+ "one": "You follow %s person that subscribes to this channel.",
167+ "other": "You follow %s people that subscribe to this channel."
168168 },
169169 "People you follow that subscribe to this channel": "People you follow that subscribe to this channel",
170170 " from your extended network": " from your extended network",
171171 "+ Add Gathering": "+ Add Gathering",
172172 "View %s more": {
173- "one": "View %s more",
174- "other": "View %s more"
173+ "one": "View %s more",
174+ "other": "View %s more"
175175 },
176176 "self identifies as ": "self identifies as ",
177177 "self assigned a description": "self assigned a description",
178178 "self assigned a display image": "self assigned a display image",
@@ -184,5 +184,5 @@
184184 "identified ": "identified ",
185185 "All Posts from Your ": "All Posts from Your ",
186186 "You have no followers": "You have no followers",
187187 "Nobody will be able to see your posts until you have a follower. The easiest way to get a follower is to use a pub invite as the pub will follow you back. If you have already redeemed a pub invite and you see it has not followed you back on your profile, try another pub.": "Nobody will be able to see your posts until you have a follower. The easiest way to get a follower is to use a pub invite as the pub will follow you back. If you have already redeemed a pub invite and you see it has not followed you back on your profile, try another pub."
188- }
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
1616 "Write a private message": "Napiši privatno sporočilo \n\n\n\nSporočilo bo vidno samo tebi in osebam, ki si jih označil_a z @.",
1717 "Edit Your Profile": "Uredi svoj profil",
1818 "Public key for this profile": "Javni ključ za ta profil",
1919 "This person is blocked by %s of your friends.": {
20- "one": "To osebo je blokiralo %s tvojih prijateljev.",
21- "other": "To osebo je blokiralo %s tvojih prijateljev."
20+ "one": "To osebo je blokiralo %s tvojih prijateljev.",
21+ "other": "To osebo je blokiralo %s tvojih prijateljev."
2222 },
2323 "You don't follow anyone who follows this person": "Trenutno ne spremljaš nikogar, ki bi spremljal to osebo",
2424 "You might not be seeing their latest messages. You could try joining a pub that they are a member of.": "Verjetno ne boš mogel_a dostopati do njihovih sporočil. Poskusi se včlaniti v pub, katerega člani so.",
2525 "However, since they follow someone that follows you, they should be able to see your posts.": "Ker pa spremljajo nekoga, ki spremlja tebe, boš lahko dostopal_a do njihovih objav.",
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@
2828 "They might not receive your private messages or replies. You could try joining a pub that they are a member of.": "Verjetno ne bodo mogli sprejeti tvojih privatnih sporočil ali odgovorov. Poskusi se včlaniti v pub, katerega člani so.",
2929 "However, since you follow someone that follows them, you should be able to see their latest posts.": "Ker pa spremljaš nekoga, ki spremlja njih, boš lahko dostopal_a do njihovih objav.",
3030 "Mutual Friends": "Skupni prijatelji",
3131 "You share %s mutual friends with this person.": {
32- "one": "S to osebo imaš %s skupnih prijateljev.",
33- "other": "S to osebo imaš %s skupnih prijateljev."
32+ "one": "S to osebo imaš %s skupnih prijateljev.",
33+ "other": "S to osebo imaš %s skupnih prijateljev."
3434 },
3535 "Followed by": "Spremljajo ga/jo",
3636 "You follow %s people that follow this person.": {
37- "one": "Spremljaš nekoga, ki spremlja to osebo.",
38- "other": "Spremljaš %s oseb, ki spremljajo to osebo."
37+ "one": "Spremljaš nekoga, ki spremlja to osebo.",
38+ "other": "Spremljaš %s oseb, ki spremljajo to osebo."
3939 },
4040 "Send Private Message": "Pošlji zasebno sporočilo",
4141 "Friends": "Prijatelji",
4242 "Followers": "Spremljevalci",
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@
9797 " others": " ostali",
9898 "Write a public message": "Napiši javno sporočilo",
9999 "New Message": "Novo sporočilo",
100100 "%s people from your network replied to this message on ": {
101- "one": "%s oseb iz tvojega omrežja je odgovorilo na to sporočilo o ",
102- "other": "%s oseb iz tvojega omrežja je odgovorilo na to sporočilo o "
101+ "one": "%s oseb iz tvojega omrežja je odgovorilo na to sporočilo o ",
102+ "other": "%s oseb iz tvojega omrežja je odgovorilo na to sporočilo o "
103103 },
104104 "mentioned in your network": "omenjeno v tvojem omrežju",
105105 "Channels": "Kanali",
106106 "Browse All": "Preglej vse",
@@ -161,17 +161,17 @@
161161 "Close": "Zapri",
162162 " referenced this message:": " je omenil to sporočilo:",
163163 "on ": "na ",
164164 "You follow %s people that subscribe to this channel.": {
165- "one": "Spemljaš %s oseb, prijavljenih na ta kanal.",
166- "other": "Spemljaš %s oseb, prijavljenih na ta kanal."
165+ "one": "Spemljaš %s oseb, prijavljenih na ta kanal.",
166+ "other": "Spemljaš %s oseb, prijavljenih na ta kanal."
167167 },
168168 "People you follow that subscribe to this channel": "Osebe, ki ji spremljaš in so prijavljene na ta kanal",
169169 " from your extended network": " iz tvojega razširjenega omrežja",
170170 "+ Add Gathering": "+ Dodaj druženje",
171171 "View %s more": {
172- "one": "Poglej %s več",
173- "other": "Poglej %s več"
172+ "one": "Poglej %s več",
173+ "other": "Poglej %s več"
174174 },
175175 "self identifies as ": "se identificira kot ",
176176 "self assigned a description": "si je dodal_a opis",
177177 "self assigned a display image": "si je dodal_a pojavno podobo",
@@ -182,6 +182,8 @@
182182 "unblocked ": "odblokiran_a ",
183183 "identified ": "identificiran_a ",
184184 "All Posts from Your ": "Vsa sporočila iz tvojega ",
185185 "You have no followers": "Nimaš nobenih spremljavalcev",
186- "Nobody will be able to see your posts until you have a follower. The easiest way to get a follower is to use a pub invite as the pub will follow you back. If you have already redeemed a pub invite and you see it has not followed you back on your profile, try another pub.": "Dokler nimaš vsaj enega spremljevalca, nihče ne bo mogel videti tvojih objav. Najlažje je, da obiščeš vsaj en pub in ta pub bo nato postal tvoj privi spremljavalec. Če si že iskoristil_a povabilo v pub in te ta pub ne spremlja nazaj, potem predlagamo, da poskusiš obiskati nov pub."
187- }
186+ "Nobody will be able to see your posts until you have a follower. The easiest way to get a follower is to use a pub invite as the pub will follow you back. If you have already redeemed a pub invite and you see it has not followed you back on your profile, try another pub.": "Dokler nimaš vsaj enega spremljevalca, nihče ne bo mogel videti tvojih objav. Najlažje je, da obiščeš vsaj en pub in ta pub bo nato postal tvoj privi spremljavalec. Če si že iskoristil_a povabilo v pub in te ta pub ne spremlja nazaj, potem predlagamo, da poskusiš obiskati nov pub.",
187+ "si": "si",
188+ "ur": "ur"

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