{ "previous": "%LIFEGi+5MYRpOaYUn0L2DUi6dgQ4T0AyXcgJL0LsnBU=.sha256", "author": "@EMovhfIrFk4NihAKnRNhrfRaqIhBv1Wj8pTxJNgvCCY=.ed25519", "sequence": 3241, "timestamp": 1469173071193, "hash": "sha256", "content": { "type": "post", "root": "%Kd9BMzOkysBDZKPFT8u3qbowk4gG57OXSKsXm5i6IoA=.sha256", "branch": "%Kd9BMzOkysBDZKPFT8u3qbowk4gG57OXSKsXm5i6IoA=.sha256", "channel": "ipfs", "text": "It mainly differs in philosophy. secure-scuttlebutt avoids not just centralization, but also _global singletons_. So there is no DHT.\nBoth are built on the concepts of hashes as links and public keys as identity.\n\nThen the main structure in ssb is that each user's feed is an append-only signed chain. This structure is very simple, and optimized for efficient replication. To get all you latest updates, I just have to tell a mutual friend the latest sequence number I have received from you.\n(on ipfs, i'd have to work backwards from your latest ipns value)\nI think a forward replicating database is easier to reason about and build other things on top of.\n\nSince there is no global network, everything depends on your social network. That is the gamble here. But, I think it's a good one. Life has confusingly many options - but we have a simple solution, ask your friends. Spam filtration is the same thing from the other end, what do i _not_ want to see. Take things like the search on google play store - it's so fully of crap (and full of spam reviews) that you are better off asking on twitter. I call twitter _solicited spam_. since it's pull only, it just doesn't have the same spam problems as email (except for mentions/replies/favs)\n\nBy default, you replicate the feeds you directly follow, and the feeds they follow. this provides availability for the network, and also means you can see replies from someone you don't directly follow. it creates a soft boundry to your social network, so once we scale, you won't get spam in your mentions, etc.", "mentions": [] }, "signature": "8ownbcspgrDj7cU/9w2xfkwAwJlMqpRZona1pII9hHGfW+rFG+Vj8UuNaKXX3+7Fhi0v4l1l3QxMzkT/rU+ZDQ==.sig.ed25519" }
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