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Kira / lisp_hello_opengl

noffle committed use a user-supplied render *symbol*Latest: 3f77a55 on 9/9/2018, 7:57:54 PM

Common Lisp + OpenGL: Hello World

A simple lisp file that runs a tiny OpenGL program that you can make live edits to using Emacs and SLIME.


  1. SDL2
  2. Emacs
  3. SBCL
  4. SLIME (M-x package-install<RET>slime<RET>)
  5. Add (setq inferior-lisp-program "/run/current-system/sw/bin/sbcl") to your ~/.emacs. (or whatever the path to sbcl is)
  6. Quicklisp (Common Lisp package manager)


  1. Open hello.lisp in emacs
  2. Run slime in emacs
  3. Run (ql:quickload "sdl2") and (ql:quickload "cl-opengl") in the newly created CL-USER repl. They'll be loaded if on your computer already, or downloaded if not.
  4. C-c C-k to compile + load the file
  5. run (main) in the REPL to begin
  6. make changes to the source file (like vertex colours) and type C-c C-k
    again to live reload

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