git ssb


Dominic / ssb-peer-invites


e78f3103aca1ae4bdbffcd9ed957553ccb2b394a Tree
Dominic Tarr · 4/26/2018, 9:59:23 PM
update cap to be clear it is not intended this to be the final cap when this is actually deployed!
1936a257b6607b94f9cf0a8a6750c0776bc48236 Tree
Dominic Tarr · 4/26/2018, 9:49:22 PM
better documentation
972b3489f98dc081f6177e8c5097c7d4e1dcff46 Tree
Dominic Tarr · 4/26/2018, 9:48:45 PM
passing test/accept
18ae3bdb8c2ea0a3458b43457261dccaf129ef56 Tree
Dominic Tarr · 4/3/2018, 10:41:29 PM
8299fab7cda81af8f07aacbeb7374249c6e8d848 Tree
Dominic Tarr · 4/3/2018, 10:41:16 PM
test basics of creating and confirming an invite
ba09ec8be5ac85db01fece936a6131b86e5c723a Tree
Dominic Tarr · 4/3/2018, 10:40:52 PM
20b51aaa1b5233eec015a9a8bb8d391dc58b207e Tree
Dominic Tarr · 4/3/2018, 5:16:45 AM
1dab25ead4d59d2437b39d9602d78ebf2b320514 Tree
Dominic Tarr · 4/3/2018, 5:16:39 AM
tests require('../valid')
6afc52277353751bfb6e030a550e931107cdd93b Tree
Dominic Tarr · 4/3/2018, 5:16:31 AM
implement flumeview and methods to accept an invite
6982758b9d958f06b1b22dec3bc4dd2017f90441 Tree
Dominic Tarr · 4/3/2018, 4:50:19 AM
every error should have a code, so that all error states can be tested (including that they give the correct error!)
e52b3cbbebf89e82592eb4630f1327db640bed53 Tree
Dominic Tarr · 3/26/2018, 4:26:59 AM
much more tests for various error cases
81202b9f139b941aa38f6d73effefc40e2a7c378 Tree
Dominic Tarr · 3/26/2018, 4:26:28 AM
give all errors an error code, so that specific types of errors can be tested
4b01dccf7446ceaacbb44af829f67f0739b9c46d Tree
Dominic Tarr · 3/26/2018, 3:41:33 AM
7a00681467473dd6067142d7e5d39cad1bb89022 Tree
Dominic Tarr · 3/26/2018, 3:41:10 AM
separate cap, so easy to reference in code and tests
999de37f163f57a7d9c3dd5d1b311434d7bc199b Tree
Dominic Tarr · 3/26/2018, 3:39:55 AM
split up tests so that happy tests are easy, and invalid tests can be througher
e106db19b5757a1b96390c4ef9bc5603e3075aa1 Tree
Dominic Tarr · 3/26/2018, 3:39:23 AM
move crypto helpers out into util, so that tests can use them without copypasting
ec3e8d2e2ef215491071a80801e6a0e2887abf2d Tree
Dominic Tarr · 3/26/2018, 2:07:46 AM
additional checks, and let reveal and private fields to be optional
39b9c70c0e6cbb27bccacdc189c8a2f197e9959d Tree
Dominic Tarr · 3/26/2018, 1:20:23 AM
accept message needs type
c7bf4c2176c6338372080b861d88304cfe39b10a Tree
Dominic Tarr · 3/26/2018, 12:53:52 AM
more notes
478a1872ed9ecb972d3be8785bb5694341e22b2e Tree
Dominic Tarr · 3/14/2018, 7:07:38 AM

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