git ssb


Dominic / ssb-peer-invites

Commit 8e7955b783feade5fcafd93d16fc8b1c48886bd2

tests for happy path, next tests for every sort of error

Dominic Tarr committed on 3/14/2018, 7:07:10 AM
Parent: e4c9694774d7040428d77bed3147f51edbeb15ea

Files changed

@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
1 +
2 +var tape = require('tape')
3 +var ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys')
4 +var v = require('ssb-validate')
5 +var i = require('../')
6 +
7 +var crypto = require('crypto')
8 +
9 +function hash (s) {
10 + return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(s).digest()
11 +}
12 +
13 +var alice = ssbKeys.generate(null, hash('ALICE'))
14 +var bob = ssbKeys.generate(null, hash('BOB'))
15 +
16 +tape('happy', function (t) {
17 +
18 + var seed = hash('seed')
19 +
20 + var invite_content = i.createInvite(seed,, {name: 'bob'}, {text: 'welcome to ssb!'})
21 +
22 + console.log(invite_content)
23 +
24 + var msg = v.create(null, alice, null, invite_content, new Date('2018-03-14T06:14:18.377Z'))
25 +
26 + var message = i.verifyInvitePrivate(msg, seed)
27 +
28 + t.deepEqual({
29 + reveal: {name: 'bob'},
30 + private: {text: 'welcome to ssb!'}
31 + }, message)
32 +
33 + var accept_content = i.createAccept(msg, seed,
34 +
35 + console.log('accept:', accept_content)
36 +
37 + var msg2 = v.create(null, bob, null, accept_content, new Date('2018-03-14T06:32:18.377Z'))
38 +
39 + var revealed = i.verifyAccept(msg2, msg)
40 +
41 + t.deepEqual(revealed, {name: 'bob'})
42 +
43 + t.end()
44 +})
45 +

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