git ssb


  "previous": "%jf0SRknkhNS2qko/qWqgTwQwWfm+MWZhNYV6V1lMWG4=.sha256",
  "author": "@EMovhfIrFk4NihAKnRNhrfRaqIhBv1Wj8pTxJNgvCCY=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 931,
  "timestamp": 1455598635986,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "text": "I am really thrilled that you are bringing this perspective to ssb/patchwork so early in the development (and are articulating it so well)\n\nI certainly agree that every technology entails a political \"deal\", and patchwork/ssb is no different.\n\nI'm not sure it can give us a silent veto, but maybe it can give us some sort of opt-out. Certainly, it offers us an escape from a single perscribed view of everything. ssb is intrinsicially subjective, and that subjectivity can be shared with as many or few as you may persuade to engage (you can't force them).\n\nPatchwork is one particular interpretation of the ssb protocol. using patchwork you click buttons and type into fields and patchwork creates cryptographic messages which are replicated over ssb. These interpretations are _subjective_, currently, when I clicked \"follow\" on your account patchwork created a message that looked like `{type: 'contact', contact: @dust , following: true}`. currently, ssb reacts to that, and if someone I \"follow\" follows someone else, I replicate that someone else too, making their data more available. This is considered a favor to that feed, and the friend who followed.\nYou can change this sort of behavior without changing the wire protocol. Clients could publish whatever they want, and interpret another message however they want. The meaning is created when two peers have the same interpretation. You don't get to choose how someone interprets you, but you may choose how you interpret them. Lets call this \"freedom of interpretation\"?\n\nCurrently, the ability to express this freedom is limited because patchwork is the only client UI. There is nothing stopping anyone from developing a new UI from scratch though! Things will certainly get more interesting once there is another UI.",
    "root": "%hiYiIWluwlGJWvyEh9Ia3LHX/TQagtUvKaaXCTs/u6Q=.sha256",
    "branch": "%hiYiIWluwlGJWvyEh9Ia3LHX/TQagtUvKaaXCTs/u6Q=.sha256",
    "mentions": [
        "link": "@/02iw6SFEPIHl8nMkYSwcCgRWxiG6VP547Wcp1NW8Bo=.ed25519",
        "name": "dust"
    "channel": "against-consensus"
  "signature": "scUr4i4vPfStksJyB/S2sFrr/3EZNLfOzU+eBytO61g+g5KqZbnF1nCEYtwQiQmgWTL98G5lo1ubWRs/KcmyCA==.sig.ed25519"

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