git ssb


cel / git-ssb-web

add way to see list of dug repos

Closedwanderer🌟 opened this issue on 4/25/2016, 10:33:38 AM

on github I often use the stars as a way to bookmark a repos that I want to comeback to. It might be nice to have similar functionality with the digs here

%FN8MiJbsmsSZ9QQaObYIFUsbedQMxB3mO0cSFfNL9jk=.sha256 cel · 4/25/2016, 11:08:34 AM

Good idea, i'll look into adding that

cel mentioned this issue · 4/26/2016, 8:58:01 PM
Show list of repos user dug
cel mentioned this issue in Add per-user list of dug repos
cel closed this issue · 5/7/2016, 7:01:56 PM
Show list of repos user dug

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