git ssb


  "previous": "%5fOkkgPgetCGt1e/EKSRNqBIG0UT/DT1vr0LAY+GpMI=.sha256",
  "author": "@z8aJVHJTc6MM8FwaNE2GIS3AYYt2HYFNWQUO8/iydNw=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 1252,
  "timestamp": 1502369246504,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "channel": "nomic",
    "text": "# Preliminary discussion for rule #302\n\nOK, whilst we wait for [@Soggypretzels](@3PGWnoMIY5ebs6sJjkwc7DKjxrgcrOeIUC2YegkMtIY=.ed25519) to start the vote, and since I'm next in line, I think I'll request some early feedback for #302.\n\nThe background context here is that I'm trying to precisely define \"player\" in order to quickly work around #105. If a \"player\" = \"active player\" then players can participate, or not, in a vote at any time, without adversely affecting the voting outcome. In other words, I'm trying to make \"quorum for a vote\" = \"players who explicitly participate in the voting for that turn\".\n\n\nThis my draft at the moment:\n\n# #302\n\n\nA player is defined as an individual that joined the game through the appropriate game-joining mechanisms and participates in a turn, where participation can be as a proponent, voter, Judge, or in any other capacity required or allowed by the game rules.\n\nIf a player fails to participate in any one turn, including failing to participate within the agreed time for that turn, then that player automatically ceases to be a player and becomes a reserve, and does not count towards the quorum of players for that turn or any subsequent turns in which he remains a reserve. \n\nA reserve can automatically re-join the game as a player by resuming participation as a voter at any turn, without giving advance notice or requiring permission from anyone. When doing so, the player counts towards the quorum for that turn.\n\nOnly players can become reserves.\n\nAny player state, such as score, is kept by the reserve and may be subjected to changes, even whilst the individual is a reserve. When re-joining as a player, the reserve's current state is also restored as his player's state.",
    "mentions": [
        "link": "@3PGWnoMIY5ebs6sJjkwc7DKjxrgcrOeIUC2YegkMtIY=.ed25519",
        "name": "Soggypretzels"
  "signature": "RB5z6EoEuleeL13sg0N3dZAn3pFcAp1pmnqsD3gxAlDexRgBI6M2yF0tYP+WkWzruDYzkXn+ts4F/l475drgCQ==.sig.ed25519"

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