git ssb


  "previous": "%VHbThe0MIjG6j+OyXncm1BU+pyPEXRYHMu6VPbXN9h8=.sha256",
  "author": "@hxGxqPrplLjRG2vtjQL87abX4QKqeLgCwQpS730nNwE=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 2651,
  "timestamp": 1455636761173,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "text": "@dust thank you for writing up your thoughts.\n\nAny application you want to write has our blessing. SSB's ethical goal as a technology is to support pluralism and heterogeneity; these are moral rights, and they affirm our agency. By all means, employ your rights.\n\nOn consensus, I enjoy Locke's philosophy of social contract. We have to reach just enough consensus to interoperate, and no more. In Locke's world, the main \"feature\" of the social contract was property rights. For us, it'll be matters like message schemas. Remember, the goal is to secede from monarchies, not from society.\n\nPatchwork's default-public is a temporary technological limitation, as is our poor support for 3rd party applications. In some of the concerns you mention, we just have to ask for time and faith. We recognize our limitations and are taking steps to move more development out of the core org. Hang with us. It'll get better.",
    "mentions": [
        "link": "@/02iw6SFEPIHl8nMkYSwcCgRWxiG6VP547Wcp1NW8Bo=.ed25519",
        "name": "dust"
    "channel": "against-consensus"
  "signature": "Ove+6hGfs1zHxDtuEjI5cQA87r9hTi6rANSu+EfwsxWNwv4fw1Zf6UN4VBmeDr9G/VksRlhGwLVAI1ivoLftCw==.sig.ed25519"

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