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Dominic / flumeview-bloom

Commit f428d5070f3dc01fb29d716b2c4fdf1722204de6


Dominic Tarr committed on 11/29/2016, 2:10:55 PM
Parent: 2c2005a0ab6c3b6a9d80225999d269debe9a0ec5

Files changed

@@ -2,8 +2,69 @@
33 A flumeview into a reduce function.
44 Stream append-only log data into a reduce function to calculate a state.
6 +## Example
7 +
8 +``` js
9 +var FlumeLog = require('flumelog-offset')
10 +var codec = require('flumecodec')
11 +var Flume = require('flumedb')
12 +var Reduce = require('flumeview-reduce')
13 +
14 +//statistics exports a reduce function that calculates
15 +//mean, stdev, etc!
16 +var statistics = require('statistics')
17 +
18 +//initialize a flumelog with a codec.
19 +//this example uses flumelog-offset, but any flumelog is valid.
20 +var log = FlumeLog(file, 1024*16, codec.json) //use any flume log
21 +
22 +//attach the reduce function.
23 +var db = Flume(log).use('stats',
24 + Reduce(1, statistics, function (data) {
25 + return data.value
26 + })
27 +
28 +db.append({value: 1}, function (err) {
29 +
30 + db.stats.get(function (err, stats) {
31 + console.log(stats) // => {mean: 1, stdev: 0, count: 1, sum: 1, ...}
32 + })
33 +})
34 +```
35 +
36 +## FlumeViewReduce(version, reduce, map?) => FlumeView
37 +
38 +construct a flumeview from this reduce function. `version` should be a number,
39 +and must be provided. If you make a breaking change to either `reduce` or `map`
40 +then increment `version` and the view will be rebuilt.
41 +
42 +`map` is optional. If map is applied, then each item in the log is passed to `map`
43 +and then if the returned value is not null, it is passed to reduce.
44 +
45 +``` js
46 +var _data = map(data)
47 +if(_data != null)
48 + state = reduce(state, map(data))
49 +```
50 +
51 +using a `map` function is useful, because it enables efficiently streaming the realtime
52 +changes in the state to a remote client.
53 +
54 +then, pass the flumeview to `db.use(name, flumeview)`
55 +and you'll have access to the flumeview methods on `db[name]...`
56 +
57 +## db[name].get(cb)
58 +
59 +get the current state of the reduce. This will wait until the view is up to date, if necessary.
60 +
61 +## db[name].stream({live: boolean}) => PullSource
62 +
63 +Stream the changing reduce state. for this to work, a map function must be provided.
64 +
65 +If so, the same reduce function can be used to process the output.
66 +
667 ## License
869 MIT

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