git ssb


ev / mvd

Commit c91a1a15a2e7d5e9fa9d9871faa299ff97bc8b4c

point about at

Ev Bogue committed on 2/21/2019, 4:42:52 PM
Parent: ed36da04fb161112f1cad169cc8460e5b988937e

Files changed

@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
5353 h('li', h('a', {href: '#friends/' + id }, 'Friends')),
5454 h('li', h('a', {href: '#wall/' + id }, 'Wall')),
5555 h('li', h('a', {href: '#queue'}, 'Queue')),
5656 h('li', h('a', {href: '#key' }, 'Key')),
57- h('li.right', h('a', {href: '#about'}, '?')),
57 + h('li.right', h('a', {href: ''}, '?')),
5858 h('', {
5959 onsubmit: function (e) {
6060 if (search.value[0] == '#')
6161 window.location.hash = '#' + search.value
@@ -9,33 +9,18 @@
99 var h = require('hyperscript')
1010 var render = require('./render')
1111 var ref = require('ssb-ref')
1212 var client = require('ssb-client')
1413 var Next = require('pull-next-query')
1614 var config = require('./config')()
1815 var tools = require('./tools')
1916 var avatar = require('./avatar')
2017 var id = require('./keys').id
2218 var ssbKeys = require('ssb-keys')
2319 var keys = require('./keys')
2620 var compose = require('./compose')
28-var about = function () {
29- var screen = document.getElementById('screen')
31- var about = require('./about')
33- var content = h('div.content', about)
35- screen.appendChild(hyperscroll(content))
3823 var labelStream = function (label){
3924 var content = h('div.content')
4025 var screen = document.getElementById('screen')
4126 screen.appendChild(hyperscroll(content))
@@ -752,10 +737,8 @@
752737 } else if (src.substring(0, 6) === 'label/') {
753738 labelStream(src.substring(6))
754739 } else if (src == 'queue') {
755740 queueStream()
756- } else if (src == 'about') {
757- about()
758741 } else if (src == 'backchannel') {
759742 backchannel()
760743 } else if (src == 'private') {
761744 privateStream()
@@ -1,37 +1,0 @@
1-var h = require('hyperscript')
3-module.exports = function () {
4- var content = h('div.message',
5- h('p', 'Hi! Welcome to Decent.'),
6- h('p', h('strong', 'Decent'), ' is a decent(ralized) social network for business and development, built on ', h('a', {href: ''}, 'secure-scuttlebutt' ), '. Decent is maintained by ', h('a', {href: ''}, 'Everett Bogue'), '.'),
7- h('p', h('strong', 'The code is open source:')),
8- h('ul',
9- h('li', h('a', {href: ''}, 'Decent'), ' [Github]'),
10- h('li', h('a', {href: ''}, 'mvd'), ' [Github]')
11- ),
12- h('p', h('strong', 'secure-scuttlebutt'), ' (ssb) is a protocol for creating off-grid social networks using a gossip network to sync signed secure data from your friends (and their friends) to your local machine. ssb was invented by ', h('a', {href: ''}, 'Dominic Tarr'), ' and is maintained by the ', h('a', {href: ''}, 'secure-scuttlebutt consortium (ssbc)'), '.'),
13- h('p', h('strong', 'Press for ssb:')),
14- h('ul',
15- h('li', h('a', {href: ''}, 'An Off-Grid Social Network'), ' [Andre Staltz]'),
16- h('li', h('a', {href: ''}, '...Exploding the Internet into Pieces'), ' [The Atlantic]'),
17- h('li', 'Ev presents Decent at Chicago Node.js: ',
18- h('a', {href: ''}, 'Part 1'), ' ',
19- h('a', {href: ''}, 'Part 2'), ' ',
20- h('a', {href: ''}, 'Part 3'), ' ',
21- h('a', {href: ''}, 'Part 4'), ' '
22- )
23- ),
24- h('p', h('strong', 'Use Decent'), ' on your local machine by cloning the repository and building the software. Or, use a public Decent Pub to try Decent over websockets.'),
25- h('p', h('strong', 'Save your ', h('a', {href:'#key'} , 'key')), ' somewhere safe(!) to write to your append-only log. Decent will share your log with your friends (and their friends) using the gossip network. While you can edit messages by appending new messages to your log, any message you post will always exist on your secure log. Only use your key on one Decent instance at a time to avoid forking your log.'),
26- h('p', 'Decent Pubs:'),
27- h('ul',
28- h('li', h('a', {href: ''}, '')),
29- h('li', h('a', {href: ''}, '')),
30- h('li', 'Add your Decent ', h('a', {href: ''}, 'here'))
31- ),
32- h('p', 'The best way to use Decent is on your local machine, because you can read and write to your Decent without an Internet connection. Your messages will sync when you come online! Contact a Decent pub owner to request an invite to connect from your local machine.'),
33- h('p', 'glhf and remember the first rule of Decent: be decent. -Ev')
34- )
36- return content

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