git ssb


Grey the earthling /

Commit a69243673b022c68aae9ed62d69c212758bcce23

Rename blocks

The new names are:
* simpler
* more descriptive of purpose
* not tied to their position in the page structure
Greg K Nicholson committed on 2/4/2018, 4:59:42 PM
Parent: 9580ea2c1599f615b0cb08aceb855c4aa016cf97

Files changed

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
11 {% extends "base.html" %}
22 {%- block title -%}{{- ARCHIVES_TITLE -}}{%- endblock -%}
3-{%- block body_main_header_details_main -%}
3 +{%- block pagedetails -%}
44 {{- super() -}}
55 <section class="smalllinks">
66 <h1>Years:</h1>
77 <ul>
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
1212 title="{{ SITENAME }} - {{ tag }}">
1313 {%- endfor -%}
1414 {%- endfor -%}
1515 {% endblock %}
16-{%- block body_main_header_details_main -%}
16 +{%- block pagedetails -%}
1717 {%- for author in article.authors -%}
1818 <address>
1919 <span>by </span>
2020 <a href="/{{- -}}" rel="author">
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
4444 <i>{{- article.small | trim -}}</i>
4545 {%- endif -%}
4646 {# <!--XXX skip links --> #}
4747 {%- endblock -%}
48-{%- block body_main_header_footer_x -%}
48 +{%- block maincontentintro -%}
4949 {%- if article.image -%}
5050 <footer class="image" style="
5151 background-image: url('{{- article.image.filename -}}');
5252 {%- if article.image.position -%}
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@
6464 ">
6565 </footer>
6666 {%- endif -%}
6767 {%- endblock -%}
68-{%- block body_main_main -%}
68 +{%- block maincontent -%}
6969 {{- article.content | trim -}}
7070 {%- endblock -%}
71-{%- block body_main -%}
71 +{%- block main -%}
7272 <article>
7373 {{- super() -}}
7474 {%- if article.links or article.related_posts -%}
7575 {#- <!-- article.related_posts implies that
@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@
121121 </footer>
122122 {%- endif -%}
123123 </article>
124124 {%- endblock -%}
125-{%- block body_footer -%}
125 +{%- block bottomnav -%}
126126 {%- if article.related_posts -%}
127127 <ul class="biglinks">
128128 {%- for article in article.related_posts -%}
129129 <li>
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
3333 {%- endblock -%}
3434 </head>
3535 <body>
3636 <header>
37- {%- block body_header -%}
37 + {%- block topnav -%}
3838 <nav>
3939 {%- block logo -%}
4040 <a class="logo" href="/">
4141 {%- include "logo.svg" -%}
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
4545 </nav>
4646 {%- endblock -%}
4747 </header>
4848 <main>
49- {%- block body_main -%}
49 + {%- block main -%}
5050 <header>
51- {%- block body_main_header -%}
51 + {%- block pagetitle -%}
5252 <details>
5353 <summary>
5454 <header>
5555 <h1 class="pagetitle">
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
5757 </h1>
5858 </header>
5959 </summary>
6060 <main>
61- {%- block body_main_header_details_main -%}
61 + {%- block pagedetails -%}
6262 <address>
6363 <span>by </span>
6464 <a href="/{{- AUTHOR_URL -}}"
6565 rel="author">
@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@
6868 </address>
6969 {%- endblock -%}
7070 </main>
7171 </details>
72- {%- block body_main_header_footer_x -%}
72 + {%- block maincontentintro -%}
7373 {%- endblock -%}
7474 {%- endblock -%}
7575 </header>
7676 <main>
77- {%- block body_main_main -%}
77 + {%- block maincontent -%}
7878 <ol class="biglinks">
7979 {%- for article in dates -%}
8080 {{- entry_link(article) -}}
8181 {%- endfor -%}
@@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
8484 </main>
8585 {%- endblock -%}
8686 </main>
8787 <footer>
88- {%- block body_footer -%}
88 + {%- block bottomnav -%}
8989 <nav>
9090 {{- self.logo() -}}
9191 </nav>
9292 {%- endblock -%}
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
11 {% extends "base.html" %}
2-{%- block body_header -%}
2 +{%- block topnav -%}
33 {%- include "logo.svg" -%}
44 {%- endblock -%}
5-{%- block body_main_header -%}
5 +{%- block pagetitle -%}
66 <h1 class="pagetitle">
77 {{- self.title() -}}
88 </h1>
99 {%- endblock -%}
10-{%- block body_main_main -%}
10 +{%- block maincontent -%}
1111 <ul class="biglinks">
1212 {%- for article in dates -%}
1313 {%- if loop.index <= 3 or article.slug == AUTHOR_URL -%}
1414 {{- entry_link(article) -}}
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
2020 </a>
2121 </li>
2222 </ul>
2323 {%- endblock -%}
24-{%- block body_footer -%}
24 +{%- block bottomnav -%}
2525 {%- include "logo.svg" -%}
2626 {%- endblock -%}
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
11 {% extends "base.html" %}
22 {%- block title -%}{{- page.title | trim -}}{%- endblock -%}
3-{%- block body_main_header -%}
3 +{%- block pagetitle -%}
44 <h1 class="pagetitle">
55 {{- self.title() -}}
66 </h1>
77 {%- endblock -%}
8-{%- block body_main_main -%}
8 +{%- block maincontent -%}
99 {{- page.content | trim -}}
1010 {%- endblock -%}
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
88 {%- else -%}
99 {{- dates[0].date | strftime(DATE_FORMAT_DAY) -}}
1010 {%- endif -%}
1111 {%- endblock -%}
12-{%- block body_main_header_details_main -%}
12 +{%- block pagedetails -%}
1313 {{- super() -}}
1414 {%- if period | length == 1 and
1515 dates | unique(attribute="date.month") | list | length > 1 -%}
1616 <section class="smalllinks">
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
5454 </ul>
5555 </section>
5656 {%- endif -%}
5757 {%- endblock -%}
58-{%- block body_main_main -%}
58 +{%- block maincontent -%}
5959 <nav class="nearby">
6060 {%- if period | length == 1 -%}
6161 <a href="/entries" rel="up">
6262 <span></span>
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
66 rel="alternate"
77 type="application/atom+xml"
88 title="{{ SITENAME }} - {{ tag }}">
99 {% endblock %}
10-{% block body_main_main %}
10 +{% block maincontent %}
1111 <nav class="nearby">
1212 <a href="/entries" rel="up">
1313 <span></span>
1414 {{- ARCHIVES_TITLE -}}

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