av8ta committed remove lenient listLatest: dd7dc57 on 7/28/2021, 12:51:43 PM | |
📄 | .gitignore |
📄 | .prettierrc |
📄 | README.md |
📄 | index.js |
📄 | package-lock.json |
📄 | package.json |
List of standard ssb plugins loaded by ssb-server. Used with shipyard to start a server configured the same as ssb-server.
Pass the list of standard ssb plugins to shipyard to load.
const shipyard = require('@metacentre/shipyard')
const ssbPlugins = require('@metacentre/shipyard-ssb')
const sbot = shipyard({}, { plugins: ssbPlugins })
Now you have a standard ssb-server running. You can add other plugins too; see @metacentre/shipyard for details.
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