git ssb


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Commit 1a52f5b6f40613828a19b87aeff2f81d60582584

add links to aboard, add to details to about

Gwen committed on 11/13/2016, 8:47:19 PM
Parent: 8f6a9574d41eff6a467faa99ed4b5203a298361d

Files changed

@@ -2,19 +2,25 @@
22 title: How it is Aboard an Append Only Log
33 layout: page.jade
44 ---
6-I've been writing documentation for [Secure Scuttlebot](/dt-interview).
6 +I've been writing [documentation]( for [sbot](/dt-interview). To see it in action on a micro-level (with my latest sbot status update), click [now](/now).
8-Here are three answers you might have about the project.
8 +Here are three questions you might have about the project I've been involved with since July 2016.
1010 1. What is sbot?
1111 1. How does sbot work?
1212 1. Why would you use sbot?
1414 ---
16-1. What is sbot? Sbot is secure scuttlebot, which is a distributed, append only log based on kappa database architecture. It's eventual (not immediate) in its consistency. A few things, including git-ssb-web (a distributed version of a site quite a few developers are familiar with, github), are built on it. It's immutable and append only, which makes it secure and interesting because once you've pushed something to the log, it's there. No take-backs, only regrets.
16 +1. What is sbot? Sbot is built on secure scuttlebutt (which handles unforgeable message feeds) and Scuttlebot (which handles the global replication, file sync and encryption). It's eventual, rather than immediate, in its consistency. A few things, including git-ssb-web (a distributed version of a site quite a few developers are familiar with, github), are built on it. It's immutable, which means it can't be changed, and append only so once you've pushed something to the log (and it's replicated to other pubs), it's there for good.
18-2. How does sbot work? Wait! Before I answer that. Why would you say yes to an append-only log? What, really, can you take back? Once said, you cannot unsay it. Once done, you cannot undo it. Once thought, you cannot unthink it. And if you are cool with yourself that's not a problem. The problems crop up when you're not living in contentment with **yourself** and that's a whole 'nother topic for discussion. Now, back to the topic at hand. How does it work? As mentioned, it's a log. It's stored on your machine. It's a cryptographically secure log. You put something in, you get it out again in the future and as of November 2016, there's no possibility of deleting it. Now, of course, you could write to that log and never sync up with the network, in which case, nobody will ever know you wrote it. Replication happens once you've synced up with pubs (more on that later).
18 +2. How does sbot work? Wait! Before I answer that. Why would you say yes to an append-only log? What, really, can you take back? Once said, you cannot unsay it. Once done, you cannot undo it. Once thought, you cannot unthink it. And if you are cool with yourself that's not a problem. The problems crop up when you're not living in contentment with **yourself** and that's a whole 'nother topic for discussion. Now, back to the topic at hand. How does it work? As mentioned, it's a log. It's stored on your machine. It's a cryptographically secure log. You put something in, you get it out again in the future. As of November 2016, there's no possibility of deleting it. Of course, you could write to that log and never sync up with the network (via a pub), in which case, nobody will ever know you wrote it. Replication happens once you've synced up with [pubs](/popuppub). The other thing you should know is it's unforgeable. So, don't lose your private key. If you do, someone else could pretend to be you on the network, and that is obviously not what you want to happen. There's no 'log in/log out' to this -- it's encryption, no logging in. Though it is itself **a log** there is no **logging in**.
20-3. Why would you use it? Places where internet connections are limited/too expensive -- those are some of the places where sbot makes the most sense. The person who started it, Dominic Tarr, lives on a boat in New Zealand. In New Zealand, access to the internet is expensive. But think about other use cases. If you want to participate in a shared database, one where you always have a copy of your own work on your own computer, rather than say a database that's controlled by a man or group of men in Silicon Valley. Those same men who can choose what you can and cannot post to the public web. Those days are over in the secure scuttlebutt world(s). So one other reason you might work this way is you want ownership over what you're producing, and you don't want anyone else to decide whether that word or sentence you used is going to get published or not.
20 +3. Why would you use it? Places where internet connections are limited/too expensive -- those are some of the places where sbot makes the most sense. The person who started it, [Dominic Tarr](/dt-interview), lives on a boat in New Zealand (when he's not traveling). In New Zealand, access to the internet is expensive. Here's another reason one might use sbot: if you want to participate in a shared database, one where you always have a copy of your own work on your own computer, rather than say a database that's controlled by a group of mostly men in Silicon Valley who appear to love the color blue at the exclusion of all other colors. Those same men choose what you can and cannot post to the public web via their servers (right, they're not your servers so really, you're renting. And it's not even a rent-to-own situation. You'll never own those servers). Those days can be over in the sbot world(s). You might use sbot if you don't want anyone else to decide whether a word or sentence you used is going to get published or not.
21 +
22 +Read more on the way this works:
23 +
24 +1. [Scuttlebot](
25 +1. [Secure Scuttlebutt](
26 +1. [Docs](
@@ -2,14 +2,19 @@
22 title: About
33 layout: page.jade
44 ---
6-Hi, I'm Gwen. I work on the command line and code for, test and write documentation about how to use distributed social networks. Right now, at the end of 2016, I'm focused on secure scuttlebot (sbot, ssb, patchbay, 'bay). I live in _la ciudad de México_ where the weather is pretty gorgeous year-round, the food is plentiful and often arrives in a _tortilla_, where people I meet on the whole work hard and are willing to help as I master Spanish.
6 +Hi, I'm Gwen. I work on the command line (arch linux serverside and local) and code for, test and write documentation about how to use distributed social networks. Right now, at the end of 2016, I'm focused on secure scuttlebot (sbot, ssb, patchbay, 'bay). I live in _la ciudad de México_ where the weather is pretty gorgeous year-round, the food is plentiful and often arrives in a _tortilla_, where people I meet on the whole work hard and are willing to help as I master Spanish.
8-+ I travel with [@ev](
9-+ I started my first business in Japan. I started it after working for a year at my first job, teaching English in an elementary school in Gunma, Japan.
8 ++ I grew up on military bases all over the States and abroad. I got my first passport when I was two. I stuck out my tongue in the passport photo.
9 ++ I've lived a lot of my grown up years abroad, too. I moved to Mexico City in 2013. I stay because it's a good fit.
10 ++ Everything I own fits into my mission workshop bag and a side carpenter style bag.
11 ++ I travel with [@ev]( The two of us met at Yerba Buena park in San Francisco in December 2010. It was just supposed to be tea.
12 ++ I started my first business in Japan. I started it after working for a year at my first job, teaching English in an elementary school in Gunma, Japan. I sometimes say _jagaimo_ when the word I want is _camote_. Polyglots, I know you feel me.
1013 + I am a coder and yoga practitioner by trade. I'm certified to teach.
1114 + I've been a writer since elementary school.
1215 + I value pens with excellent ink (always black), thick paper for sketching, long conversations (best around a fire pit), quiet and learning.
1316 + I am unafraid of a karaoke stage.
17 ++ I've been off mainstream social since 2010 (left FB that year) and 2013 (left Tw that year). I deleted my Linkedin account years ago. I deleted all goog-related accounts in 2012. No, I do not miss any of them. Yes, it was socially isolating to leave, which was difficult. But now there's [sbot](/aboard) so, whew. And yay!
18 ++ I'm 6'3" in heels. Yes, the air is a little different up here.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
88 <img src="/scuttlepubhola.png" class="profile full">
1010 That is the inside of a pop-up pub called [Scuttlepub]( You'll need an invite to get in, as scuttlebean there on the left will tell you.
12-People to whom I send a Scuttlepub invite visit and we're able to have quiet conversations. It's cryptographically secure and, I think, pretty. It functions thanks to a distributed database built on secure scuttlebot.
12 +People to whom I send a Scuttlepub invite visit and we're able to have quiet conversations. It's cryptographically secure and, I think, pretty. It functions thanks to a distributed database called [sbot](/aboard).
1414 It runs an identical stack alongside, but not inside, [sbot](/aboard). The one I host at features a different network key than the main network. It's early days yet, even though I've been in this work daily since mid-July and following it [for years](/dt-interview) prior to that. Let me know if you have questions or want to pop in.

Built with git-ssb-web