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cel / patchfoo

'threads' navpage

Closed Kira wants to merge commits into master from threads-nav
Kira · 3/5/2020, 7:15:47 AM

'threads' navpage

This was a quick hack that I found helpful in keeping myself from getting overloaded with content. The 'threads' view is just like /public but only thread roots are shown.

%UY3xTWPSsD0xbpmlJYZTrY3+2jRGeZbNWQYKAgWYq2M=.sha256 Kira · 3/5/2020, 5:09:19 PM

I bet there's a more efficient way to do this query, since it's just doing a createLogStream and discarding the majority of the entries. I tried .messagesByType but that API doesn't seem to be exposed?

cel deleted the threads-nav branch · 3/5/2020, 6:14:36 PM
%0u6d683Hwq3LahcC8BonY42DjjQlpFY4MGTHZVT/nTU=.sha256 cel · 3/5/2020, 6:16:21 PM

@kira Nice. I updated it to use messagesByType, and also to allow ?sort=claimed, via ssb-query. %Ca25qYA0+d5r7nLy+OqMC9nxch9CzXErYl6h22bPvMo=.sha256

%X1RKpxQiWU7u8NUsF3gWWLwFx0k2PwGeC6Sgza898a8=.sha256 Kira · 3/5/2020, 6:53:42 PM

Awesome, thanks @cel!

Christian Bundy mentioned this pull request in [@cel-desktop](@lOUVT+Phkvai9a/cCS/RKo+S9hnPAQdVixms/7ldpPA=.ed25519) > For example, in git-ssb if you mention someone’s id in a pull req

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