git ssb


  "previous": "%0i0JJk/1Hsh1sda3XGXMdFUbnBzCzdYgJLespgK4PUM=.sha256",
  "author": "@EMovhfIrFk4NihAKnRNhrfRaqIhBv1Wj8pTxJNgvCCY=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 2518,
  "timestamp": 1465346186703,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "text": "I've just skimmed this so far, but I think you should also focus on how _metadata_ is encrypted. Granted, this is fairly difficult, and ssb only goes halfway there, but arguably using gpg is worse than no encryption, metadata wise, because now you have know two people are communicating _secretly_.\n\nEncrypting the content is easy (usability of key management aside) so the biggest technical question is who knows who is talking to who?",
    "root": "%1XZ6SBLB/nYE4frOyfcufYL+Jgy3Ir6VQvo52S1CroU=.sha256",
    "branch": "%MB/KTXp1r/nizmOmpWVCuLR1Bi89cYsASPu95Rq3n9E=.sha256",
    "channel": "decentralize"
  "signature": "FUmFuZPz1v/1fJ72OWdl3JlILqBQRWFRVZ3qvvsE7YwKB8XO1kgUGdRN5rX3FEfhHIXRkDqFTGhLCRrx0mczAQ==.sig.ed25519"

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