git ssb


mixmix / scuttlebutt-mars-workshop

Commit 104751ac7de7c87b282c955a4e57db4f8af83d3b


mix irving committed on 2/7/2018, 10:56:51 PM

Files changed

@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
1 +# Building internet for Mars
2 +
3 +![red mars](
4 +
5 +## Runsheet
6 +
7 +- Preflight checklist
8 + - 2 phones, both with hotspots on, no security. 3G off.
9 + - Tape the SSID and password to the phone. One 'EARTH' one 'MARS'
10 + - Set up 2 new friended identities
11 + - `mv ~/.ssb ~/.ssb_mars_backup`
12 + - do test startup,
13 + - add your names + avatars (Mission Control, Mars Commander 1)
14 + - mutual follow
15 + - usb disks with all installers
16 + - everyone has internet turned off.
17 + - projector checked working
18 +
19 +- set up for participants
20 + - check no existing ssb users
21 + - if yes, do backup of .ssb folder or sit out.
22 + - sort into groups, connect to correct hotspot.
23 + - ask people not to connect to the internet during the workshop.
24 +
25 +
26 +- Role play
27 + 1. establish Earth / Mars bases
28 + 2. do some internal dialogue
29 + - follow each other
30 + - messages
31 + - images
32 + - demonstrate subjectivity somehow?
33 + 3. have a person come from Mars to Earth (and return)
34 + 4. stimulate divergence:
35 + - come up with Mars nicknames
36 + - instate President of the Earth / change mission control
37 + - stage a revolt (be coercive from Earth)
38 +
39 + - Notice / diff
40 + - where's the DB
41 + - how the identity
42 + - public / private keys
43 + - content addressable storage
44 + - no API
45 + - resilient to disasters (politics, envionmental)
46 + - cli dump of your feed on projector
47 + - roll your own interface / messages
48 + -
49 +
50 +- Internet for Mars
51 + - stay in touch with Earth (high latency)
52 + - must work with low infrastructure
53 +- Role play
54 + - Terrans
55 + - Martians
56 +
57 +
58 +- Hey we've built a prototype for the Mars colony.
59 +- Role play
60 + - What are the locations?
61 + - Earth, Mars, Ship?
62 + - Colony, Outpost, Earth?
63 +

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