git ssb


dinoworm 🐛 / campjs-viii-ludditejs

Michael Williams committed okayLatest: 4db53a5 on 8/6/2017, 12:21:47 AM

layout: true


class: center


<img src="./white-rabbit.jpg" />

<!-- image credit to -->


class: center

hey CampJS

i'm Mikey from Enspiral & Root Systems

<div class="row">
<a href="">
<img alt="Mikey's avatar" src="./avatar.png" width="200" />
<a href="">
<img alt="Enspiral logo" src="./enspiral.png" width="200" />
<a href="">
<img alt="Root Systems logo" src="./root-systems.jpg" width="200" />

slides are available at:


class: center, info



class: info

Douglas Engelbart

augment human intellect

<img src="./engelbart.jpg" height="350" class="center" />



class: center

let's adventure

to the silly wonderland of luddite.js

<img src="./rabbit-hole.jpg" height='380' class="center" />

<!-- image credit to Mary Blair at Disney -->


an ambiguous utopia

class: info


the Luddites was a political movement against centralized automated technology.

<img src="./luddite.jpg" height='300' class="center" />


class: info


luddite.js is a (made-up) meme for decentralized simple JavaScript.


class: center, info

decentralized userland ecosystems

class: info

what if i told you...

<img src="./morpheus-cat.png" height="400" />

that anyone can create a standard?


class: info

what is a standard?

a standard is an opinion about a pattern

example: "standard style"

npm install --global standard


class: info

what if i told you...

<img src="./morpheus-cat.png" height="400" />

that you only needed functions and objects?


class: info

what is a luddite.js standard?

a standard based on a function signature

example: Redux reducers

const reducer = (state, action) => nextState


class: info

why is this important?


class: center, info

simple patterns based on function signatures

class: success

just a function

function fn (options) { return value }
const fn = (...args) => ({ [key]: value })

class: info

sync function signals

with a sync function, there are two possible signals:

  1. value: return value
  2. error: throw error


function fn (...args) { throw error }
try {
} catch (const err) {
  // handle error

class: center, info


class: danger

es modules

import thing from 'module'

export default thing
import { thing as thingy } from 'module'

export const thing = thingy


class: success

node modules

also known as "CommonJS"

const thing = require('module')

module.exports = thing
const { thing: thingy } = require('module')

module.exports = { thing: thingy }


class: success


const module = {
  needs: {
    message: {
      layout: 'first',
      render: 'map',
      decorate: 'reduce'
  gives: {
    message: {
      view: true
  create: ({ message: { layout, render, decorate }) => {
    return { message: { view } }

    function view () {}



class: center, info

dom elements

class: danger


import React from 'react'
import classNames from 'classnames'

export default Todos

const Todos = ({ items }) => (
  <List>{ => (
    <Item item={item} />

const List = ({ children }) => (
  <div className='list'>{children}</div>

const Item = ({ item: { isActive, text } }) => {
  const className = classNames({
    item: true,
    active: isActive
  return <div className={className}>{text}</div>


class: success


const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const classNames = require('classnames')

module.exports = Todos

const Todos = ({ items }) => (
  h(List, =>
    h(Item, { item })

const List = ({ children }) => (
  h('div', { className: 'list' }, children)

const Item = ({ item: { isActive, text } }) => {
  const className = classNames({
    item: true,
    active: isActive
  return h('div', { className }, text)


see also:

class: success


const h = require('react').createElement
const classNames = require('classnames')

module.exports = Todos

const Todos = ({ items }) => (
  h(List, null, =>
    h(Item, { item })

const List = ({ children }) => (
  h('div', { className: 'list' }, children)

const Item = ({ item: { isActive, text } }) => {
  const className = classNames({
    item: true,
    active: isActive
  return h('div', { className }, text)


class: center, info

eventual value

class: danger

promise spec

const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  // do stuff...
  // oh no!
  .then(value => console.log(value))
  .catch(err => console.error(value))


TODO waterfall


module.exports = fetchCats

function fetchCats ({ cats }) {
  return Promise.all( => {
    return fetch(cat)

class: success


a "continuable" is a function that takes a single argument, a node-style error-first callback

const continuable = (callback) => {
  // do stuff...
  callback(null, value)
  // oh no!
continuable((err, value) => {
  if (err) console.error(err)
  else console.log(value)


a continuable is the callback version of a promise

can be passed around as an "eventual value", same as promises. but without the resolved, pending, rejected state machine complexity.

TODO waterfall


const request = require('request')
const parallel = require('run-parallel')

module.exports = fetchCats

function fetchCats ({ cats }) {
  return callback => parallel( => {
    return callback => request(cat, callback)
  }), callback)

class: info

async errors

with a node-style error-first callback, there are three possible signals:

  1. value: callback(null, value)
  2. user error: callback(error)
  3. programmer error: throw error


i could talk about how to do pipe continuable as a waterfall, in parallel, etc, but...

both continuables and promises have their own place in hell, we need better abstractions.

class: center, info

reactive values

class: danger

es observables


too much detail to explain here

class: success


reactive values using only functions!


class: success

const { h, Struct, Value, when } = require('mutant')

const toggle = (state) => {

const Activity = ({ activity: { isActive, text }) => (
  h('div', {
    style: {
      color: when(isActive, 'green', 'red')
    events: {
      click: () => toggle(isActive)
  }, text)

var activity = Struct({
  text: Value('give a talk'),
  isActive: Value(true)
var element = Activity({ activity })



class: center, info

values over time

class: danger

node streams


class: danger

whatwg streams


class: success

pull streams

async streams using only functions!

pull(source, through, sink)


pull streams could be its own talk, going to be a quick intro

class: success


function createSource (...args) {
  // a source function accepts
  //   - abort: a boolean whether to signal end
  //   - callback: where to send next signal
  return (abort, callback) => {
    if (abort || done) callback(true)
    else callback(null, value)


function values (array) {
  var i = 0
  return (abort, callback) => {
    if (abort || i === array.length) {
    else {
      callback(null, array[i++]

class: success

source usage

const values = require('pull-stream/sources/values')

const source = values([0, 1, 2, 3])

source(null, (err, value) {
  console.log('first value:', value)
// first value: 0

class: info

pull stream errors

with a pull stream source callback, there are four possible signals:

  1. value: callback(null, value)
  2. user error: callback(error)
  3. programmer error: throw error
  4. complete: callback(true)


class: success

sink spec

function createSink (...args) {
  // a sink function accepts a source
  return (source) => {
    // reads a value from the source
    source(null, function next (err, value) {
      // handle the result
      if (err) return handleError(err)

      // recursively call source again!
      source(null, next)


function log (source) {
  source(null, function next (err, data) {
    if (err) return console.log(err)
    // recursively call source again!
    source(null, next)

with continuables:

function log (source) {
  return (callback) => {
    source(null, function next (err, data) {
      if (err) return callback(err)
      // recursively call source again!
      source(null, next)

class: success

sink usage

const values = require('pull-stream/sources/values')
const drain = require('pull-stream/sinks/drain')

const source = values([0, 1, 2, 3])
const log = drain(console.log)

// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3

class: success

through spec

function createThrough (...args) {
  // a sink function: accept a source
  return (source) => {
    // but return another source!
    return (abort, callback) {
      // ...


function map (mapper) {
  // a sink function: accept a source
  return function (source) {
    // but return another source!
    return function (abort, callback) {
      source(abort, function (err, data) {
        // if the stream has ended, pass that on.
        if (err) callback(err)
        // apply a mapping to that data
        else callback(null, mapper(data))

class: success

through usage

const values = require('pull-stream/sources/values')
const drain = require('pull-stream/sinks/drain')
const map = require('pull-stream/throughs/map')

const source = values([0, 1, 2, 3])
const log = drain(console.log)
const double = map(x => x * 2)

// 0
// 2
// 4
// 6

class: success

compose pull streams

pull(source, through, sink) === sink(through(source))

pull(source, through) // returns source

pull(through, sink) // returns sink

pull(source, sink) // runs to end

class: success

wild pull streams

ecosystem of modules:

// parse a csv file

function CSV () {
  return pull(
    Split(), // defaults to '\n' (line) {
      return line.split(',')


obviously you don't want to re-implement simple streams from scratch all the time

class: center, info

why should you be a JavaScript luddite?

class: success

better performance

software performance is

less about gaining muscle

more about losing weight


class: success

easier to describe

specification is a function signature,

not a complex state machine


class: success

path to mastery

learnable tools focused on power users

<img src="./training-wheels.jpg" height="350" class="center" />


class: center, info


class: warning

story: catstack

build a framework from scratch, alone

<img src="./catstack.jpg" height="350" class="center" />


reinvent every wheel possible! the entire web stack.

i did it, but it was unsustainable, unable to transfer context to team

class: warning


yay, reinventing wheels for fun and learning

boo, the world on your shoulders




class: info

revised: dogstack

choose your battles

<img src="./dogstack.jpg" height="350" class="center" />


focus on what you do best

delegates parts where you are only marginally better

class: success

story: patch ecosystem

bring-your-own-JavaScript potluck

<img src="./patchwork.png" height="350" class="center" />


build an app with others, bring your own JavaScript opinions


class: success, center

offline social media

<img src="./patchwork-screenshot.jpg" height="400" class="center" />

class: success, center

git projects

npm install -g git-ssb

<img src="./git-ssb-screenshot.png" height="400" class="center" />

class: success

learning: mad science works!

follow your passion

find others who share your passion


class: center, info


class: info

so what

everyone has opinions.

this one is mine. =^.^=


as my Mom always says:

it's not about being right, it's about being successful




class: info

all the "standards"

make up your own opinions!

your opinion about JavaScript is valid.


at the end of the day, standards are just somebody's opinion.

class: info


class: success


i appreciate the gift of your attention. ♥

<img src="./follow_your_dreams.png" height="300" class="center" />

<!-- image credit to @substack -->



luddite.js apps

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