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clemo / helperjs

Tree: fbad0279dd4439c8eb8da96d385e27acd5755c74

Files: fbad0279dd4439c8eb8da96d385e27acd5755c74 / lib / math.js

986 bytesRaw
1import crypto from 'crypto';
2export class Math {
3 constructor() {}
4 uuid() {
5 return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
6 .replace(/[xy]/g,
7 (c) => {
8 let r = global.Math.random() * 16 | 0,
9 v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
10 return v.toString(16);
11 })
12 .toUpperCase();
13 }
14 checkUuid(uuid) {
15 return
16 /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i) !==
17 -1
18 }
19 random(min, max) {
20 return global.Math.floor(min + (global.Math.random() * (max + 1 - min)));
21 // return min + offset;
22 }
23 uniqueRandomArray(amount, from, to) {
24 if (amount > to - from) {
25 return [];
26 }
27 let found = [];
28 while (found.length < amount) {
29 let r = this.random(from, to);
30 if (found.indexOf(r) === -1) {
31 found.push(r);
32 }
33 }
34 return found;
35 }
37exports.default = Math;

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