git ssb


cel / git-ssb-web

Line-counter is incorrect in code view

Closedev opened this issue on 11/11/2016, 1:48:31 AM

Line-counter is incorrect in code view

I just noticed that the line counter isn't correct when viewing code in git-ssb-web. If you see the attached screenshot, you'll see that the numbers are all out of order.

Also, I noticed there are occasional lines of empty text that do not occur in the raw documents.


cel closed this issue · 11/12/2016, 1:33:06 AM
Fix line number wrapping
%w3vV0UfCvATn6EIJt02njG8DlpzG4RNnbgp86fzoryo=.sha256 cel · 11/12/2016, 1:35:11 AM

The line numbers were wrapping to one character wide, two lines long. Fixed in v2.3.7.

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