git ssb


  "previous": "%Wv/2CUzGHYLfCa+b0IA9D0+da/BvZ5Jzj7NKBWq5Abg=.sha256",
  "author": "@p13zSAiOpguI9nsawkGijsnMfWmFd5rlUNpzekEE+vI=.ed25519",
  "sequence": 3456,
  "timestamp": 1483574273617,
  "hash": "sha256",
  "content": {
    "type": "post",
    "root": "%UOS8EJchITbdYTjBCvEjm0pwMcdmkHANxyVf/UAnDjU=.sha256",
    "branch": "%VrLBC05vAAFiYDBGEjJjbCtsHS+Za5mMyiY/C5MMiJ0=.sha256",
    "text": "## preshow\n\n[vimb]( !!! noffle wrote about it \ni3, tiling window managers\npull requests\nprios\n\n## from the orga thread\n\n* [x] your thoughts on introducing [some new users](%ydOh+39yEM8n+zEpr0WpEvay/EaHyiGjS54KmNImdbo=.sha256) _- cryptix_\n* [ ] [old feature request bump](%DK+utenCEzG6oT8149oo0Y3lRjPLYpEUpNG3mb9+0/Q=.sha256) onto [%ssb-graphviz](%hNm67sfnZFtWkD/+1qxH3UfzhXykfpKtOL1C/XbLANA=.sha256)\n* [ ] using yarn to install `node_modules` over ssb\n* [x] running ssb full client in the browser (!!!) _- dominic_\n* [x] has anyone tested the flume branch of sbot? _- dominic_\n* [x] porting the ferment self-description on profiles to patchbay\n* [ ] general edits or introducing a mark as deleted thing to give authors the option to hide mistake msgs\n* [ ] As the project becomes more popular/more  people get involved, what are the current development priorities for Bay?\n* [x] Are there any pull requests that can be cleared from the 'bottleneck' mentioned 2 weeks ago -- by saying 'no' to them flat out?\n* [x] reporting back on the new modular css\n\nnote: [x] means _let's do these in a quick status/feeback style_, rest for later\n\n## checkin\n\n* cryptix: survived 33c3 and nye. ohai 2017\n* dominic: back in new zealand\n* ev: tried yarn (alt-npm)\n* gb: #engineeryear\n* matt: not much ssb lately, nye gig (recording?), maybe more ferment soon\n* mix: _certain event_ preperation ;)\n\n## agenda\n\nquick status/feedback first\n\n- talebay  (250 keys) - are we ok with flooding the onto here. GO FOR IT\n- sbot in the browser: looks viable, maybe refitting ssb-query -links2 maybe\n- flume pr: %JBJRvToYTG/9c8L5SNQjuU/GeuAr1azPdqagWqoOgkQ=.sha256\n- go for about/description into patchbay\n- modular css: about_refactor is on master, try it out! easy overwriting wanted (themes basically)\n\n## actions\n\n- dominic :  will be watching for flume feedback\n- mix : have a go  at adding a theming css file\n- ev : if bored  will have a look over ssbc repos / issues\n\n\n## discussing git-ssb vs github\n\npull request review to hard in git-ssb-web right now\nMix uses : pull-requests in github for easy review features, and treats git-ssb as master\n\nmodularising code (re)view stuff from git-ssb so we can look it in patchbay\n\n## conversation about *bay  modules\n\n'essential' /  'core' modules\nfolders vs prefixes?\n\n## pr bottlenecks\n\nstale pull-requests, status tags like (wip)\n\n## dev priorities \n\ndominic:\n* encrypted group messages\n* gossip refactor\n\nmix: \n* modular modules :P\n* longer term - git-bay / patch-git \n* more storytelling \n    * practicing different stories\n    * writing down stories (so shareable)\n\ngb:\n* world domination\n\ncryptix:\n* some meta stuff like (about descrion, external confirm)\n\nmatt:\n* ferment: dead blobs(/torrents)\n    * cryptix collaboration",
    "mentions": [
        "link": "%ydOh+39yEM8n+zEpr0WpEvay/EaHyiGjS54KmNImdbo=.sha256",
        "name": "some new users"
        "link": "%DK+utenCEzG6oT8149oo0Y3lRjPLYpEUpNG3mb9+0/Q=.sha256",
        "name": "old feature request bump"
        "link": "%hNm67sfnZFtWkD/+1qxH3UfzhXykfpKtOL1C/XbLANA=.sha256",
        "name": "%ssb-graphviz"
        "link": "%JBJRvToYTG/9c8L5SNQjuU/GeuAr1azPdqagWqoOgkQ=.sha256"
  "signature": "0BR9ZSJocF+gHwoTyVaoH4BksNo7oNDCpZeJIvq9E17/gAmFgs3TGyXFi7NgMRNcrhgkcfcsOpIypaxcdAuYDg==.sig.ed25519"

Built with git-ssb-web