{ "previous": "%NzwQWwonNDIq8nzACEaAGX+vChO6vHRZYpGqPAmK4L4=.sha256", "sequence": 9650, "author": "@f/6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulDxDCwYD7DzFzPNr7u5AU=.ed25519", "timestamp": 1526495721903, "hash": "sha256", "content": { "type": "post", "text": "@kas @noffle @arj `ssb-private` indexes messages only by received timestamp and (author + type + received timestamp). The `/private` page in patchfoo uses `ssb-private` so cannot sort by claimed timestamp currently. However, the `/mentions` page uses `ssb-backlinks` which also indexes messages by claimed timestamp. Private messages are supposed to mention the feed ids of their recipients, so we should be able to use `/mentions?sort=claimed` to find your private messages sorted by claimed timestamp. In %h2k++AnOnC+2CJuKTUt5jo73usWbNu+eYR1bHab+Xzo=.sha256 it looks like there is some bug in the pagination. I reproduced buggy behavior and attempted a fix in %NzwQWwonNDIq8nzACEaAGX+vChO6vHRZYpGqPAmK4L4=.sha256. Unfortunately I could not get claimed timestamp sorting to work for `/mentions` with latest `ssb-backlinks`. `ssb-backlinks` in `v0.6.2` removed the forked `flumeview-query` which had allowed manually setting the index to use with a `index` query property (added by @mmckegg: %CoRaVRWYmwF/ywtUqqBBb4P9N8zDn+JltO9t1FQJaHE=.sha256). Failing test for `flumeview-query` in %/MhNMCN4r6NxNK3UnscDF/i63WusSD9UWABzzd/jRuQ=.sha256 applies cleanly on `v6.1.2`. I tried merging `ssb-backlinks` old fix PR %Yt9KsaLudutODj8jP3lwQpiAWBPW2ObzH3d+BxMVYjM=.sha256 but it did not help.", "mentions": [ { "link": "@dBQlwh9Gtr3i5YMOGtIOKtGNVepeu+nyb6KGl1vtOcM=.ed25519", "name": "kas" }, { "link": "@C3iYh/12sO1uvKq1KcZXLFxSySzxOkHxXN8rtNB5MGA=.ed25519", "name": "noffle" }, { "link": "@6CAxOI3f+LUOVrbAl0IemqiS7ATpQvr9Mdw9LC4+Uv0=.ed25519", "name": "arj" }, { "link": "%h2k++AnOnC+2CJuKTUt5jo73usWbNu+eYR1bHab+Xzo=.sha256" }, { "link": "%NzwQWwonNDIq8nzACEaAGX+vChO6vHRZYpGqPAmK4L4=.sha256" }, { "link": "@FbGoHeEcePDG3Evemrc+hm+S77cXKf8BRQgkYinJggg=.ed25519", "name": "mmckegg" }, { "link": "%CoRaVRWYmwF/ywtUqqBBb4P9N8zDn+JltO9t1FQJaHE=.sha256" }, { "link": "%/MhNMCN4r6NxNK3UnscDF/i63WusSD9UWABzzd/jRuQ=.sha256" }, { "link": "%Yt9KsaLudutODj8jP3lwQpiAWBPW2ObzH3d+BxMVYjM=.sha256" } ], "root": "%pTC3rThGQuz2jxMwKdLjKCnrMK67sgDZnkBUUjaj4hA=.sha256", "branch": "%h2k++AnOnC+2CJuKTUt5jo73usWbNu+eYR1bHab+Xzo=.sha256", "channel": "patchfoo" }, "signature": "PL9n6zKB5lRJAj3Gaur4ZRj2rT9yjy20zn/OUIpjfTW1W8Or9LaTyA9l93Z9Cc/GFjyoJrTQ9wu0Qcvo3EV6AA==.sig.ed25519" }
Built with git-ssb-web