thurloat@iYnfZ3fJD6tqmHwjkwoOAZgf+kBYX0k+77l1wKHJfoM=.ed25519ActivityReposRepos dugthurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat opened issue Issue title "quoting" not unquoting h… on git-ssb-web 6 years agothurloat opened issue ## Obey the "no-cache" Cache control dir… on dough 6 years agothurloat opened issue ## Allow for a pool of DNS servers to be… on dough 6 years agothurloat opened issue Add a local DNS server that will pipe th… on dough 6 years agothurloat closed issue create binary release with distillery, and find somewhere appropriate to host them. 6 years agodone! thurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat opened issue create binary release with distillery, a… on dough 6 years agothurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat pushed to dough 6 years agothurloat created repo dough 6 years agoPreviousBuilt with git-ssb-web