# mini-go-sbot A stripped down version of `cmd/go-sbot/main.go` from `go-ssb` for testing purposes. Works well with a local Patchwork for testing replication, messages, etc. as well as prototyping scripts and client building with Go. Easy to hack on. * Local discovery is enabled by default * Live replication is enabled by default * Listening on non-default ports (`:8009`/`:8988`) to support local Patch* client testing * EBT replication is disabled (not so reliable atm, `scuttlego` will fix this soon, we hope) * Hops is set to 3 * UNIX socket enabled for local `sbotcli` testing `go run mgsbot.go` Then you can e.g. `./sbotcli --addr localhost:8009 whoami`. You can generate an invite and then from a fresh Patchwork identity, accept it. You should see messages replicate both ways, including replies & likes. `./sbotcli --addr localhost:8009 log | grep ` is a handy way to check if text is being replicated.